You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 160 The Leader Of The Shen Clan!

Everyone froze in place, looking at this scene with astonishment on their faces. At this moment, the world was very quiet, and only the faint sound of wind could be heard.

"A...a nine-star...great...great emperor is just gone?" someone said with a trembling voice.

Everyone swallowed and looked at Su Chen with disbelief.

This is a boss!

This is a fucking boss!

The Nine-Star Emperor can actually do it in seconds!

Damn it!

How strong must one be to become the Nine-Star Emperor in seconds?

False fairy?

The expressions of everyone who reacted suddenly changed and became unbelievable.

False fairy!

He is definitely a fake fairy!

Everyone looked at Su Chen tremblingly, the fear in their hearts almost filling their hearts.

Shen Lang looked at Su Chen with awe on his face, and felt relieved in his heart. He whispered: "Fortunately, I'm smart and didn't seek death."

Lin Fan said excitedly: "Master is awesome!"


Upon hearing these two words, the expressions of everyone present changed again, with deep fear in their eyes.

This man is actually Lin Fan's master!

Lin Fan's master turned out to be a fake immortal!

It’s over!

Everyone's face was pale, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, and their whole bodies were trembling.

Lin Fan looked at them with a smile on his face, "Come on, I'm right here, come and kill me!"

Hearing this, everyone in the room twitched their mouths, but they ignored Lin Fan and were thinking about what to do next.

False fairy!

What a fake fairy!

They can't afford to mess with you!

"Shen Lang, what are you doing?" At this time, a voice sounded.

Everyone frowned and turned to look. I saw thousands of people walking slowly in the distance, led by a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man had a majestic face, wore a black robe, and exuded a terrifying power.

Behind the middle-aged man, there were thousands of people, and none of them had the aura lower than that of the Seven-Star Emperor!

"Clan leader Shen Wanwan!" Someone recognized the middle-aged man's identity.

Everyone looked at Shen Wanwan with a glint in their eyes, not knowing what they were thinking.

Shen Lang looked at Shen Wanwan, then clasped his fists and saluted, "Nothing done."

Shen Wanwan narrowed his eyes, "Didn't you do anything?"

As he spoke, an invisible aura of terror spread from his body.

One of the elders behind Shen Wanwan looked at Shen Lang and said, "Sixth Elder, during this time we heard that you have been calling on the strong men of the family to hunt down a man named Lin Fan, right?"

Shen Lang looked at the elder, nodded and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

The elder said: "As an elder of the Shen clan, don't you know that the strong men of the Shen clan cannot be mobilized at will? You just transferred them, but you actually let so many strong men die!"

Shen Lang stared at the elder and said nothing.

The elder continued: "Furthermore, according to my investigation, the Shen clan in the pseudo-immortal world had been massacred a few years ago, but when you came back from the pseudo-immortal world, you told us that the Shen clan in the pseudo-immortal world Everything is fine with the clan, please tell me, Sixth Elder, what do you mean?"

Shen Lang looked calm and still did not speak.

Shen Wanwan's eyes narrowed, a little cold, "Sixth Elder, won't you give us an explanation?"

Shen Lang said: "There is nothing to explain."


Shen Wanwan was immediately furious, and terrible power swept away from him instantly. The elder who was close to him was immediately thrown away by this terrifying force. Obviously, Shen Wanwan was really angry at this moment.

Shen Lang stood behind Su Chen without panicking at all.

Seeing this scene, Shen Wanwan frowned and stared at Su Chen.

"Clan Chief Shen, this person is a fake immortal!" someone warned.

Hearing this, the strong man from the Shen clan was stunned for a moment, and then his expression gradually became serious.

Shen Wanwan looked at Su Chen with a flash of surprise in his eyes, but he was just surprised and not panicked.

He looked at Shen Lang behind Su Chen, "Let me tell you why you are not afraid. It turns out you have found a fake immortal as your backer, but..."

As he spoke, he changed his tone and said, "But, do you think a fake immortal can protect you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the aura that could only be released in the pseudo-fairyland actually filled his body!

"Fake fairy!"

"He is actually a fake immortal too!"

"However, it is rumored that the leader of the Shen clan is only the Nine-Star Emperor. How can he break through and become a pseudo-immortal?"

"Fake Immortal, then the Shen Clan can become one of the most terrifying forces in the Lower Immortal Realm."


Feeling this aura, everyone in the venue was filled with shock. Even the strong men of the Shen clan looked excited at this moment.

Because they don’t know that Shen Wanwan has broken through and become a pseudo-immortal!

At this moment, they were really excited.

You know, if you want to become the most terrifying force in the Lower Immortal Realm, you must have a pseudo-immortal. At this moment, Shen Wan Wan has become a pseudo-immortal, and then the Shen clan will stand at the pinnacle of the Lower Immortal Realm!

How could they not be excited?

Shen Lang's pupils shrank suddenly and he said in disbelief: "How could you break through the pseudo-immortal!"

Shen Wanwan raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "Of course I have extraordinary talent."


Shen Lang immediately spat, "You can break through the pseudo-immortal with your talent? No dog will believe it! If you really break through and become the pseudo-immortal with your cultivation talent, I will stand on my head and eat shit in front of everyone!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Shen Lang in shock.

"Let me go, is this guy playing so hard?"

"It would be fun if Patriarch Shen was really the pseudo-immortal who broke through on his own."

"I think Patriarch Shen is not a pseudo-immortal who can break through on his own. You know, how difficult is it to break through a pseudo-immortal? Even among 100 million emperors, there may not be one who can break through the pseudo-immortal. Patriarch Shen is already so old. Can you break through the pseudo-immortal world on your own? I don’t believe it anyway.”

Through that person's analysis, everyone in the room thought for a moment and then nodded. Obviously, they agreed with this statement.

A middle-aged man relied on his cultivation talent to break through the pseudo-immortal?

How can this be!

It’s definitely using something foreign!

If his cultivation talent was really so incredible, he would have already broken through and become a pseudo-immortal. Why did he break through now?

Shen Wanwan's face was as gloomy as water, his eyes fixed on Shen Lang, the killing intent in his eyes almost condensed into substance.

Shen Lang trembled all over and quickly moved closer to Su Chen. He looked at Su Chen and felt a little nervous. What was nervous was that if Su Chen didn't help him, he would be doomed, so he was very panicked at the moment.

Lin Fan suddenly said: "Master, I have never fought against a fake immortal."

Upon hearing this, everyone in the venue was stunned, and then looked at Lin Fan with disbelief in their eyes.

"He hasn't fought a pseudo-immortal yet? What do you mean? Does he want to fight with Patriarch Shen?"

"Are you kidding me? How can a little eight-star emperor like him be the opponent of a pseudo-immortal?"

"I'm afraid he's not talking in his sleep."


Su Chen looked at Lin Fan with a smile on his face, "Then I'll leave him to you."

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Okay!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the others turned into a sword light and killed Shen Wanwan.

"Damn it! Is this really a beating?"

"How dare he!"

"Isn't this looking for death?"

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that Lin Fan would dare to fight Shen Wanwan!

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