Ye Lingxi asked curiously: "Brother, is there any fun in fishing? I see that you always like fishing, and after you catch the fish, you don't eat it, but let it go. Why is that?"

Su Chen looked at her and smiled: "Fishing is not a kind of fun, but a kind of practice. We don't have to eat the fish we catch. We can exercise our patience, concentration and calmness in the process of fishing. Among them You can also feel the tranquility of nature. Over time, you will find that your mood has improved, you will no longer be anxious, and you can face things calmly. "

After hearing this, Ye Lingxi nodded in understanding, "Oh."

Su Chen smiled slightly, said nothing, and continued to concentrate on fishing.

At this moment, Du Yuan suddenly appeared behind Su Chen. He said respectfully: "Master Su, the Holy Land is recruiting disciples today. Do you want to go over and have a look?"

Ye Lingxi blinked and looked at Su Chen, "Brother, go, I want to take a look."

Su Chen, who originally wanted to refuse, couldn't help but smile after hearing what Ye Lingxi said. Then he put away the fishing rod, stood up slowly, and said, "Since you want to take a look, then go and take a look."

Ye Lingxi held Su Chen's hand, shook it, and said happily: "Brother is the best!"

Su Chen pinched Ye Lingxi's cheek gently, and then looked at an extra bamboo house next to the attic.

He shouted softly: "Old Devil."

next moment.

A figure appeared in front of Su Chen. He looked at Su Chen with respect in his eyes, "Young Master."

In this year, Demon Lord was successfully promoted to the Holy King Realm. At this moment, Su Chen was like a god in his heart.

Su Chen said, "No matter where Lingxi goes from now on, you must follow her and protect her, do you understand?"

The Demon Lord nodded quickly, "Understood!"

Ye Lingxi looked at the Demon Lord and shouted: "Grandpa Demon."

The Demon Lord looked at Ye Lingxi with doting eyes. After a year of getting along with her, he really liked this girl. Now, he completely treats Ye Lingxi as his own granddaughter.

Su Chen didn't speak anymore, but took Ye Lingxi down the mountain, while the Demon Lord followed them quietly.

Du Yuan, who witnessed all this, looked at Su Chen's back and asked curiously: "Who is this Peak Master Su?"

Holy Land Square.

Above the void, An Lan is still releasing pressure, while below, thousands of people have been eliminated because they could not withstand the pressure. There are only less than a hundred people left in the field at this moment. As for those eliminated, they have all been sent out of the stars. Holy place.

At this time, Xia Meng, Murong Xue and several other peak masters appeared next to An Lan.

An Lan respectfully shouted: "Holy Lord."

Xia Meng nodded and looked down.

Murong Xue said: "There seem to be a few talented little guys this time."

Xia Meng nodded and said, "Indeed."

Lu Pingchuan said: "It's just a pity that less than a hundred people can survive the first level this time."

Chen Hongdao: "It's no pity. Disciples depend on their excellence, not their abundance."

An Lan nodded and said: "That's right, no matter how many disciples you have, they are not as good as a genius with a devilish talent."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly withdrew his pressure.

Feeling the disappearance of the pressure, except for the two teenagers and the girl, everyone else was breathing heavily, with cold sweat on their foreheads.

At this time, a young man shouted excitedly: "Hahaha! I've passed! I've passed! Mom and Dad, I'm successful!"

The other boys and girls also looked excited.

An Lan suddenly said: "Quiet!"

Everyone hurriedly calmed down their inner excitement, became quiet, and then looked into the void. When they saw Xia Meng and the others, a trace of doubt appeared in their eyes.

An Lan said: "Let me introduce to you, this is Holy Lord Xia Meng, and this is Lord Murong Xuefeng of Hongchen Peak..."

Next, An Lan introduced Lu Pingchuan and Chen Hong in turn, and finally introduced himself.

Hearing this, there was an uproar below. Everyone's eyes widened and they kept looking at Xia Meng and the others.

You must know that before coming to the Holy Land of Stars, Xia Meng and others were like legendary existences in their hearts, and they were basically impossible to see in their lifetime.

Now that they have seen it with their own eyes, how could they not be curious? Not excited?

Xia Meng looked at the people below and said with a smile: "Next, the peak masters and I will watch your second level assessment. I hope you can pass it."

After saying that, Xia Meng and several peak masters came to a high platform. There were several seats on the high platform. Xia Meng sat in the middle, and Xia Meng and others sat on both sides.

After hearing what Xia Meng said, the boys and girls below suddenly became excited, and their eyes filled with unprecedented fighting spirit.

If I can be favored by the Peak Master and several other Peak Masters...

Thinking of this, they became even more excited.

An Lan said seriously: "Let me tell you about the content of the second level of assessment. The second level of assessment is also the last level, and that is the illusion array!"

Phantom array?

Everyone frowned.

An Lan continued: "As long as you can break the illusion formation by yourself, then you will pass."

After saying this, there was still no reaction from everyone. A golden light instantly enveloped the entire square. Everyone's eyes went dark and they all fell to the ground.

Xia Meng looked at Lu Pingchuan and said, "Are you sure they can break this illusory formation?"

Lu Pingchuan smiled and said: "Of course, this illusion formation is already the lowest level. If they can't break it, then they should go home quickly."

Xia Meng nodded and said nothing more.

"It's so lively today."

Just then, a voice came.

Everyone looked at the sound and saw Su Chen and three people walking slowly.

Xia Meng smiled and said: "To be honest, your coming is beyond our expectation."

Su Chen smiled slightly, "It's good to go out for a walk once in a while."

Xia Meng nodded and noticed the Demon Lord behind Su Chen, and her heart froze.

Is this the Demon Lord? The smell is indeed terrifying!

Murong Xue looked at Ye Lingxi and waved, "Lingxi, come to sister!"

elder sister?

Everyone looked at Murong Xue but said nothing.

Good guy, for an old woman who has lived for thousands of years, it is really shameless for a little girl to call her sister!

But they would never dare to say this. If they dared to say it, they would never survive the next day.


Ye Lingxi ran to Murong Xue. Murong Xue picked her up and said, "I'll hold you and watch."

After returning from the Demon Lord's Secret Realm, she would always go to Guyue Peak to find Su Chen every once in a while, during which she became familiar with Ye Lingxi.

Ye Lingxi nodded obediently, "Okay, thank you Sister Murong."

Su Chen smiled and shook his head. He didn't say anything, but just found a seat to sit down. The Demon Lord stood quietly behind him.

[Name: Nangong Guyue]

[Identity: Miss Nangong Clan, a taboo force in the fairy world]

[Age: 18 years old]

[Talent: Imperial Grade]

[Physique: Ice Phoenix Divine Body]

[Realm: Peak of the Ninth Level of the Semi-Saint Realm]

[Release mission: Accept Nangong Guyue as a disciple. 】


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