
Chu Xia was stunned.


Before she could speak, the young man was immediately amused by Su Chen's words, "Do I have to die? Are you dreaming?"


A sword sound sounded in the field.

The young man covered his neck, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief, reluctance and endless fear.

next moment!

I saw that his life breath completely disappeared, and the young man's head actually slipped from his body, and a large amount of blood spurted out!


Seeing this scene, everyone in the room was stunned.


"This young man was killed instantly!"

"Let me go, how strong is this gentleman? He can beat anyone! It's outrageous!"


After reacting, everyone looked at Su Chen with excitement and admiration in their eyes.

Qin Shi and Qin Boxu were also stunned.

They knew the strength of the young man. Facing the young man, they were no match at all. Even if he was punched, they could not withstand it. However, at this moment, Su Chen actually killed the young man instantly!

Instant kill!

Those who can achieve instant kill must at least be several levels higher than young people, right?

Qin Shi's throat rolled, "My mother, who is my son-in-law? He is so strong?"

Qin Boxu sighed, "Oh, Zixuan..."

As he spoke, he did not say any more, but couldn't help but sigh again.

Qin Shi gritted his teeth and said, "As Zixuan's father, I naturally can't just watch her being bullied and ignore her. I'm going to ask him later to see how he wants to handle this matter. If he still says he's not responsible for this, If that’s the case, I’ll fight him!”

Qin Boxu was silent. After a moment, he said, "I'll go with you."

Qin Shi shook his head and said, "No."

Qin Boxu said in a deep voice: "Why?"

Qin Shi said: "If he wants to kill later, he will kill me. If we both go and he kills us both, what will happen to Zixuan and Yaoyao?"

Hearing this, Qin Boxu said directly: "Then I'll ask him, don't go."

Qin Shi said: "No..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Boxu said: "Don't say any more!"

On the spot, Qin Shi fell silent. After a moment, he sighed, with helplessness in his eyes.

At the same time, Chu Xia was frozen in place as if petrified. After she reacted, she looked at Su Chen with complexity and solemnity in her eyes.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would take action directly, and she didn't expect that Su Chen could kill the young man in an instant.

Kill young people instantly!

Even she can't kill instantly!

At this moment, she knew that she still underestimated Su Chen!

After a long silence, Chu Xia said: "If you kill him, His Majesty will definitely be furious."

Su Chen said calmly: "It doesn't matter. If your Majesty doesn't know whether to live or die, I won't mind destroying the Lingyue Immortal Dynasty."

Hearing this, Chu Xia looked at Su Chen in disbelief.

Destroy the Lingyue Immortal Dynasty?

How can this be!

But when she saw Su Chen's calm eyes, she fell silent.

Her intuition told her that Su Chen was not bragging!

At this moment, there was a storm in her heart.

If you want to destroy the Lingyue Immortal Dynasty, only those few forces can do it, right?

Could it be that he comes from one of those forces?


Otherwise, how could he be so confident in saying that he would destroy the Lingyue Immortal Dynasty?

After reading this, Chu Xia was extremely shocked, and her heart could not calm down for a long time.

After a long time, she took a deep breath, and then said: "That idiot just offended the young master, he deserves to die. I don't think your majesty will be angry."

Su Chen smiled slightly, "It's okay if she's angry."

Hearing this, Chu Xia's mouth twitched.

Is it okay to be angry?

If Your Majesty offends you, will the entire Lingyue Immortal Dynasty still exist?

Chu Xia rolled her eyes at Su Chen, and then looked at Qin Yao below.

Seeing Chu Xia looking at her, Qin Yao's eyes showed a hint of hostility.

Chu Xia was stunned.

Hostile to me?

what's the situation?

I didn't do anything?

Chu Xia was depressed. She really didn't know why Qin Yao was hostile to her.

Could it be...

As if remembering something, Chu Xia glanced at Su Chen, and then at Qin Yao, suddenly enlightened.

I see.

The corners of Chu Xia's lips raised, and she shook her head with a wry smile.

The princess seems to like this princess.

Thinking about it, she actually felt a little unhappy.

She also likes Su Chen!

But so what if you like it?

She doesn't deserve it.

Chu Xia shook her head and hid the emotion in her heart. Then, she took a deep breath, looked at Qin Yao again, and said: "Princess, please come back with me. Her Majesty the Empress really misses you." "

Qin Yao shook her head decisively, "I won't go!"

There was helplessness in Chu Xia's eyes. She was silent for a moment and said, "Your Majesty is ill and will die soon. Are you really not going to go back and take a look?"

"What! Ling'er is sick!"

Before Qin Yao could speak, Qin Shi spoke first. At this moment, he looked extremely excited and anxious.

Chu Xia looked at Qin Shi and nodded, "Yes, that's why Your Majesty wanted to meet the princess and the second princess in the last moments of his life."

Qin Shi said: "I want to see her!"

Chu Xia shook her head and said, "Your Majesty only asked me to take the princess and the second princess back."

After listening, Qin Shi clenched his fists and looked extremely ugly.

Qin Yao said: "If my father goes, I will go!"

Chu Xia looked at Qin Yao again, "No."

Qin Yao said: "Then I won't go!"

To be honest, she really doesn't have a good impression of her mother.

So what if I'm about to die?

What does it have to do with her?

Chu Xia frowned and said nothing.

Qin Shi said at this time: "Yao Yao, go see your mother."

Qin Yao said: "Dad..."

Qin Shi said: "Go and see your mother for the last time, and help me ask her, who do I think she is in her heart?"

Qin Yao's lips moved, wanting to say something, but she couldn't. After a long silence, she nodded, "Okay, then I'll go see her."

A smile appeared on Chu Xia's face, and then she seemed to remember something and asked, "Where is the second princess?"

Hearing this, Qin Yao's face froze, and then she said: "I don't know..."

have no idea?

Several people were stunned.

Qin Shi quickly asked: "You took her away, how could you not know?"

Qin Yao's face became a little ugly and she said, "After my sister and I escaped from here..."

After that, Qin Yao told what happened.

After listening to Qin Yao's words, several people in the venue were extremely worried.

Chu Xia said anxiously: "Do you have anything that can contact her?"

At this moment, she was really worried about Qin Zixuan. If anything happened to Qin Zixuan, the empress would definitely be furious! When the time comes, she may also be punished!

Qin Shi sighed: "If there was a way to contact Zixuan, we wouldn't be so worried."

After speaking, there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

He was really afraid that something would happen to Zixuan.

That's his precious daughter!

How could he not be afraid?

Of course, not only him, but also several people present were very worried about Qin Zixuan's safety.



Also, wait a minute.

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