You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 154 Who Makes Me Kind?


The young man snorted coldly, and then scanned the crowd, as if looking for something.

Everyone who was glanced by the young man's gaze turned pale, with fear in their eyes.

The young man kept scanning the crowd, and soon, he stopped at Qin Yao. Looking at Qin Yao, a lustful evil flashed in his eyes, but he hid it quickly, and no one noticed it except Su Chen.

Seeing the young man looking towards her, Qin Yao frowned, feeling a sense of disgust in her heart for some unknown reason.

The young man disappeared from the spot and when he appeared, he was already in front of Qin Yao. Looking at Qin Yao, a very gentlemanly smile appeared on his lips, and then he bent down and said respectfully: "Princess!"

Qin Yao was stunned for a moment, then a little at a loss, and said hurriedly: "Did you admit that you were wrong? I am not a princess."

The young man affirmed: "You are the princess."

After speaking, he continued: "Your mother is the empress of the Lingyue Immortal Dynasty."

"My mother?"

Qin Yao was stunned and silent for a moment. She looked at Qin Shi and asked doubtfully: "Dad, isn't my mother already dead?"


Qin Shi sighed, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes. After a long time, he complexly said: "When I was young, I met a woman. The woman was seriously injured at the time, so I rescued her. After that, I I got along with that woman for a while, during which time we fell in love with each other, and then we became partners. I asked her about her background at that time, but she didn't tell me. She didn't tell me, and I didn't ask any more. In this way, we lived peacefully for two years, and during these two years, she gave birth to two daughters for me. I thought we would always be so happy. However, not long after she gave birth to her second daughter, she suddenly She told me she was leaving, and I asked her where she was going. She said she was going back to the fairy world to inherit the throne, and then asked me to forget her..."

As he spoke, Qin Shi's hands gradually clenched, his eyes extremely complicated.

After listening to Qin Shi's words, Qin Yao fell silent. After a moment, she said, "So that woman is my mother?"

Qin Shi nodded but did not speak.

Qin Yao stood there, biting her lip, with a complicated expression.

She was only two years old when her mother left her. At that time, she asked Qin Shi where her mother had gone, but Qin Shi told her that her mother had passed away. What did she know at the age of two? She directly believed Qin Shi's words, and she still believed them until now. However, today Qin Shi actually told her that her mother was not dead!

not dead!

So she felt extremely complicated at the moment.

She didn't hate Qin Shi for not telling her, after all, her father was even more sad when her mother left.

Qin Yao looked at the young man, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "So what do you mean now?"

The young man said: "Your Majesty asked me to take you and the second princess back."

Hearing this, Qin Yao frowned, "She didn't want us before, but now she wants us back?"

The young man said: "Your Majesty has been missing you and the second princess these years."

Qin Yao said coldly: "Then she won't come back to see us?"

To be honest, she didn't have a good impression of this cruel mother like herself. How could she have a good impression of her after she left them?

The young man said: "Your Majesty has a heavy workload, so he has no time to see you and the second princess."

"A lot of work?"

Qin Yao sneered, "She has a lot of work! Then go back and tell her that I also have a lot of work, so I won't go see her."

Hearing this, the young man said helplessly: "Before I came, your Majesty asked me to take you and the second princess back."

Qin Yao said: "That's your business. I won't go see her anyway!"

The young man slowly stood up straight and the smile on his face disappeared. He said coldly: "If you don't want to go back with me, then there is nothing I can do."

As he spoke, a terrifying power spread from him.

Qin Yao was shocked, "What do you want to do!"

The young man was about to speak, but at this moment, a spear pierced through time and space and came straight towards him!


The young man snorted coldly, then waved his hand, and in an instant, an extremely terrifying force swept out!



The spear shattered!

At this moment, Qin Boxu's figure suddenly appeared behind the young man. He glared hard and then punched out. This punch contained an extremely terrifying punch, as if it could shatter everything in the world!

The young man reacted quickly, turned around suddenly, and then punched out with the same punch!


The two terrifying punches suddenly spread to a million feet away!

However, Qin Boxu could not withstand the young man's punch and was thrown away on the spot. On the way, he spit out a mouthful of blood, obviously suffering extremely serious injuries.

Defeated with one punch!

Everyone looked at the young man in disbelief.

The young man's strength greatly exceeded their expectations!

At this moment, the young man turned around again and punched out again!


Qin Shi, who originally wanted to launch a sneak attack, was sent flying by the punch, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

Two punches!

He defeated two pseudo-immortals with just two punches!

Simply outrageous!

Someone said at this time: "This person looks young, why is his strength so terrifying?"

A man looked at Su Chen and said, "I wonder if this gentleman can beat that young man."

A woman said: "The master just suppressed everyone in the scene with just one word, and killing the fake immortal was as easy as killing a chicken. How can this young man compare with the master? I'm afraid he is not even worthy of carrying a shoe!"

After listening to the woman's words, the man nodded, "That's right, this adult is not an ordinary terror."

"Dad! Grandpa!"

Qin Yao looked at Qin Boxu and Qin Shi, who were seriously injured, with tears in her eyes. Then, she looked at the young man angrily, "You deserve to die!"

As she spoke, a terrifying sword intent shot up from her body!

Countless sword intentions spread across the world!

Just when Qin Yao wanted to take action, an extremely terrifying force instantly shattered her sword intention, and then, this force directly suppressed her in place.

Qin Yao's eyes were red, she gritted her teeth and stared at the young man. If looks could kill, the young man would have died thousands of times.

After all, she was still too weak and was no match for the young man.

The young man's face was expressionless and he didn't care about the killing intent in Qin Yao's eyes.

At this time, Qin Yao suddenly looked at Su Chen and prayed: "Please, for the sake of Zixuan, help me! Please!"

The young man was stunned for a moment, then followed Qin Yao's gaze. When he saw Su Chen, he couldn't help but frown, and a hint of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

Su Chen tilted his head and looked at Qin Yao calmly, "I have already taken action twice."

Qin Yao's face turned pale, and she slowly lowered her head, biting her lip with her teeth until it bled.


People have helped her twice.

How dare she ask for help?


At this time, Su Chen spoke again, "But who makes me kind-hearted? Well, I will take action again!"

Everyone in the field: "..."


Brother, did you make a mistake?

You are kind-hearted and kill millions of people without blinking an eye.

So cruel, you say you have a kind heart?

[Are you sure you didn’t see that young man unhappy and that’s why you were willing to take action? 】

Even System, who usually doesn't like to talk, couldn't help but talk at this moment.



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