Da da da...

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the cave, and then an old woman walked into the cave.

The moment she walked into the cave, she noticed Qin Zixuan. Looking at Qin Zixuan, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, "Frost Divine Body?"

After the surprise, there was excitement.


The old woman laughed loudly, "Unexpectedly, I came to this fairyland to wander around, and met a person with a frost body. Maybe, this is fate? Hahaha!"

As she said that, she laughed again, and then she slowly raised her right hand and pointed it at the air. In an instant, time and space were torn apart!

The old woman came to Qin Zixuan with a smile on her face. Then, she picked up Qin Zixuan and walked into the space-time rift. The moment she entered, the space-time rift disappeared.


Qin Yao used her fastest speed at this moment, and she became more and more illusory, as if she would disappear between heaven and earth in the next second.

Qin Yao gritted her teeth, "Hurry up, hurry up!"

No matter how much she yelled, her speed didn't get any faster and was even slowing down.

Soon, Qin Yao gradually felt the difficulty and slowed down. At this moment, tens of thousands of strong men suddenly poured out of the field!

Tens of thousands of strong men did not hesitate and directly surrounded Qin Yao, their eyes filled with murderous intent.

Someone seemed to have discovered something and immediately said: "There is another person missing!"

Hearing this, the strong men in the field also reacted.

"She must be hiding her!"

"Say! Where did you hide her?"


Countless strong men stared at Qin Yao, and their terrifying aura directly locked onto Qin Yao.

Qin Yao stopped where she was, glanced at the strong men around her, and managed to squeeze out a smile, "Dream!"

After saying that, her consciousness began to blur, and then she could no longer hold on and fell from the void.

And just when she was about to fall to the ground, a hand wrapped around her waist, preventing her from falling to the ground.

Qin Yao opened her eyes weakly, then used her last bit of strength to look up, only to see a side face like a scroll coming into view.

Looking at the charming side face, Qin Yao was stunned, "It's... you..."

Before she finished speaking, her whole body was dissipating at an extremely terrifying speed.

Qin Yao's face showed a touch of bitterness, but she did not show any fear of death. Obviously, she already knew the outcome and was mentally prepared.

Su Chen lowered his head and glanced at Qin Yao, his eyes filled with calmness, and then he pointed between Qin Yao's eyebrows.

In an instant, an extremely mysterious aura poured into Qin Yao's body.

Qin Yao was startled, but then she found that her body and soul were condensing rapidly. In just a moment, she returned to her original state!

Seeing this scene, the crowd instantly became excited.


"What method is this?"

"Can it also help people unite their souls and bodies?"


The strong men around him stared with wide eyes and expressions of disbelief.

Qin Yao was also confused at this moment, but before she could react, Su Chen suddenly let go. Without any accident, Qin Yao fell directly to the ground.

Qin Yao, with her head covered with black lines, flew up from the ground. Looking at Su Chen, she was speechless. After being speechless, she became curious.

Helping people condense their bodies and souls, let alone seeing it, she had never heard of it, because no one had ever been able to help people condense their bodies and souls.

Qin Yao murmured: "Who is he?"

She found that Su Chen seemed to be wrapped in a layer of fog, which was very mysterious.

Su Chen glanced at Qin Yao, and then looked at the strong men around him.

Tens of thousands of strong men looked solemn, not daring to be careless, and started to use the power in their bodies.

Su Chen gave them a very dangerous feeling.

They dare not be careless!

Su Chen's eyes were as calm as water, with no trace of ripples visible.

At this moment, a sword light flew out of Su Chen's body.

The pupils of all the strong men shrank suddenly, and before they could react, their heads separated from their bodies.

Tens of thousands of heads floated in the sky, and then fell toward the ground like raindrops.

This scene is extremely terrifying.

Qin Yao's whole body turned to stone as if struck by lightning.

Counting... tens of thousands of strong men... were just... defeated like this?


Holy shit!

Qin Yao was stunned when she reacted!

Tens of thousands of strong men!

They are still in the realm of the Great Emperor!

The result was all seconds!

Even a pseudo-immortal can’t do it!

Could it be that he is a true immortal?

What a fairy!

After thinking about this, Qin Yao looked at Su Chen in disbelief, with a look of horror on her face.

At this moment, she knew that she seemed to have underestimated Su Chen!

Su Chen glanced at Qin Yao and then disappeared.

From beginning to end, she never said a word to Qin Yao.

Come and go quickly...

Looking at the place where Su Chen disappeared, Qin Yao had a complicated look on her face, "Who is he?"

As if remembering something, she let out a long sigh, "Sister, this man...is not from the same world as us."

After saying that, she shook her head, then turned into a stream of light and disappeared from the place.

Soon, she returned to the cave. Looking at the empty cave, Qin Yao was stunned, "Where are the people?"

After being stunned for a moment, a trace of worry appeared in her eyes, "She won't wake up and go back to White Jade City again, right?"

Not daring to hesitate, she quickly turned around and flew towards Bai Jade City.

On the way, she said worriedly: "Sister, I managed to rescue you, but you must never go back."


White jade city.

At this moment, White Jade City was completely destroyed, and countless people died in the aftermath of the battle between the five pseudo-immortals.

Qin Shi and the three of them were seriously injured at this moment. Either one piece was missing or another piece was missing. It was really terrible.

Qin Shi stood in the sky, with endless killing intent and helplessness in his eyes. Recalling his two precious daughters, he forced a smile on his face, "Zixuan, Yaoyao, you must live, I'm afraid dad can't watch anymore. You have grown.”

After saying that, he looked towards Xieyou in the distance, and then, his physical body began to burn, followed closely by his soul!

Burn the body!

Burn the soul!


A terrifying aura burst out from Qin Shi's body.

next moment!

Others disappeared directly on the spot!

In the distance, Xieyou's face changed drastically, and then he punched out!


A terrifying explosion sounded between heaven and earth!

Xieyou flew out directly, and before he could react, Qin Shi came to kill him again.

Xieyou looked ugly and couldn't help but curse: "Fuck! I'll kill you!"

As he said that, he ran directly into the distance, while Qin Shi kept chasing behind.

When Qin Boxu saw that his son had burned his body and soul, he no longer hesitated and actually burned his body and soul as well. Then, he killed Luo Hun directly!

Luo Hun narrowed his eyes. He didn't do like Xie You, but directly fought with Qin Boxu.

Mr. Du looked at Qin Shi and Qin Boxu, who were burning their bodies and souls. His eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a moment, he did not hesitate and went straight towards Luo Hun, but he did not burn his body.

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