You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 145 Just Kill Him!

At this time, a man in black robe suddenly appeared next to Qin Shi.

Qin Shi frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

The man in black robe clasped his fists and said respectfully: "City Lord, the Great Elder of Lingxiao Holy Land is here and is outside the city at the moment."

Qin Yao said in a deep voice: "Come so fast?"

Qin Shi shook his head slightly, and then said: "Let him wait, I will be there right away."


The man in black robe disappeared.

Qin Zixuan said at this time: "Dad, I feel that Lingxiao Holy Land has no good intentions."

Qin Shi nodded and said, "Sure, come with me."

Qin Zixuan and Qin Yao nodded, and then followed Qin Shi out of the hall.

Outside the city, the great elder looked at the city gate with a calm expression on his face. At this moment, Qin Shi and three others suddenly appeared in front of him.

Looking at Qin Shi, the great elder bowed slightly and then said: "City Master Qin."

Qin Shi smiled slightly and said, "I wonder why Elder He came to my White Jade City?"

Elder He stood up straight, "Don't City Lord Qin know why I'm here?"

Qin Shi smiled and said, "Because of Gu Hengsheng?"

Elder He nodded but did not speak.

Qin Shi continued: "I didn't kill Gu Hengsheng, so why are you looking for me?"

Elder He said calmly: "He died in White Jade City, and of course he had something to do with City Lord Qin."

Qin Yao couldn't bear it anymore and immediately said: "Why, he died in Bai Jade City, and he has something to do with me in Bai Jade City?"

Elder He looked at Qin Yao with a cold look in his eyes, "Doesn't it matter? Your White Jade City has rules not to kill people, but that man killed my Holy Son of the Holy Land, but you let him go. I asked Wait, what do you mean?"

Qin Yao said: "That man is a fake immortal. He kills people. What can we do?"

Elder He narrowed his eyes and said, "If my investigation is correct, the person who killed my Holy Son of the Holy Land seems to have a special relationship with Miss Yao and Miss Zixuan, right?"

Qin Yao looked at Elder He and said, "You investigated quickly."

Elder He continued: "So is there a possibility that you let that person go on purpose?"

Qin Zixuan suddenly said: "You are talking nonsense. We only know him, but we are not familiar with him. Moreover, that person is a fake immortal. Do you think we have the ability to stop him?"

Elder He said: "Why are you sure he is a false immortal?"

Qin Yao said: "He killed Commander Jiang, and he did it in an instant! Do you think, besides the pseudo-immortal, who can kill a Nine-Star Emperor in an instant?"

Elder He said: "As the Nine-Star Emperor, Commander Jiang can be killed instantly. This Nine-Star Emperor is a bit wet."


Qin Yao and Qin Zixuan glared at Elder He.

Elder He is so unreasonable!

Everyone in White Jade City knows that Commander Jiang's strength is at the top among the Nine-Star Emperors. However, Elder He actually said that Commander Jiang's Nine-Star Emperor is watery. This is simply nonsense!

Qin Yao was about to speak.

Qin Shi said at this moment: "Do you, Lingxiao Holy Land, want me, White Jade City, to take responsibility?"

Elder He looked at Qin Shi but said nothing.

Qin Shi said: "Just tell me, what do you want from Lingxiao Holy Land?"

Elder He did not hesitate and said directly: "Our Lingxiao Holy Land has spent countless resources cultivating the Holy Son, so you need to give us some compensation."

Qin Shi said calmly: "How much compensation?"

Elder He said: "Eighty percent of the resources of your city lord's mansion."

Hearing this, Qin Yao became angry, "Eighty percent? Why don't you go and grab it!"

Qin Zixuan also said angrily: "You have gone too far for Lingxiao Holy Land!"

Elder He glanced at the two women but said nothing.

Qin Shi said: "You have indeed passed the Holy Land of Lingxiao."

Elder He looked at Qin Shi, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared, "So what City Lord Qin means is that he won't agree?"

Qin Shi said coldly: "So what if you don't agree? If you, Lingxiao Holy Land, don't accept it, come and fuck me! Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

The smile on Elder He's face completely disappeared, "You will regret it."

After saying that, he turned and left directly.

"Humph, threatening me?"

Qin Shi snorted coldly, and then suddenly took action!

In an instant, Elder He was locked by an extremely terrifying force, making him unable to move at all.

Elder He's face changed drastically, "How dare you!"


As he finished speaking, Qin Shi suddenly appeared in front of him, and then punched out. In an instant, an extremely terrifying punch directly enveloped Elder He.


That terrifying punch directly killed Elder He!

Even until his death, Elder He never thought that Qin Shi would suddenly take action!

Qin Yao came to Qin Shi and asked, "Dad, would it be bad for us to do this?"

Qin Shi shook his head and said, "I've been unhappy with this guy for a long time."

Qin Yao nodded and said: "I have long been unhappy with this guy, but if you kill this guy, Lingxiao Holy Land will definitely not let it go."

Qin Shi said: "If this guy dares to threaten me, it means that Lingxiao Holy Land must be planning something. Anyway, he will be an enemy in the future, so he will be killed."

Qin Yao thought about it and felt that what Qin Shi said was reasonable. Think about it, White Jade City and Lingxiao Holy Land are of the same power, but Lingxiao Holy Land dares to threaten White Jade City. What does this mean? It shows that Lingxiao Holy Land must be planning something behind the scenes.

Qin Zixuan said at this time: "Dad, what should we do next?"

Qin Shi thought for a moment, and then said: "I have a bad feeling in my heart. I have to find help. During this period, you can temporarily manage White Jade City."

Qin Yao and Qin Zixuan nodded at the same time, "Okay."

Qin Shi seemed to have thought of something, and his face was filled with dark lines, "Obviously it was that kid who killed the person, but in the end it was me, Bai Yucheng, who took the blame. Damn it, why are you so unhappy?"

With that said, he disappeared.

In place, Qin Yao and Qin Zixuan were silent.

After a long time, Qin Zixuan hesitated and said: "Sister, if we hadn't gone to find him in the first place, wouldn't these things have happened?"

Qin Yao shook her head, "No one expected these things to happen. However, this guy killed someone and left without any regard for the consequences. In the end, it made us the enemy of Lingxiao Holy Land. It is really too much."


Qin Zixuan let out a long sigh and said with a complicated expression: "He is such a person, and he was the same in Dilu..."

Qin Yao shook her head and said: "Forget it, leave him alone. The most important thing now is to put the entire White Jade City on alert."

As she said that, she slowly raised her head and looked into the sky, "I don't know why I've been feeling a little uneasy these past few days. I hope it's an illusion."


Lingxiao Holy Land.

"What did you say! The great elder is dead?"

In the main hall, Ye Qiu looked at the second elder, then stood up suddenly, veins popped out on his forehead, and terrifying pressure swept out. All the elders were trembling with fear in their eyes.

The second elder said bravely: "I also just received the news that the first elder was killed."

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