You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 142 You Talk A Lot Of Nonsense!

City Lord's Mansion.

Qin Zixuan was sitting in the pavilion in a daze, her expression gloomy.

At this time, Qin Yao suddenly appeared. She said anxiously: "Zixuan, come with me to Mingyue Tower!"

Qin Zixuan came back to her senses, looked at Qin Yao, and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Qin Yao said: "I just got the news that Gu Hengsheng is here. He is rushing to Mingyue Tower at the moment!"

Qin Zixuan said helplessly: "He can just go to Mingyue Tower. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Qin Yao said: "He is here too!"

Qin Zixuan was stunned for a moment, and then left the courtyard without hesitation.

Qin Yao's mouth twitched, and her face was covered with black lines.


She sighed and followed quickly.


Mingyue Tower.

Su Chen put down his wine glass, then slowly looked at Gu Hengsheng without saying a word.

Seeing that Su Chen was silent, Gu Hengsheng narrowed his eyes, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes. He said coldly: "I am Gu Hengsheng, the Holy Son of Lingxiao Holy Land."

An imperceptible smile appeared on Su Chen's face, and then he stood up slowly.

At the same moment, Gu Hengsheng's whole body trembled violently, and a sense of fear filled the air. Just now, an invisible terrifying aura enveloped him. This aura was so terrifying that it directly sealed the power in his body!

The old man and the jealous man on the side didn't notice anything was wrong at all.

Gu Hengsheng froze in place, not daring to move at all, his face full of horror.

Damn it!

It’s over!

Meet the boss!

At this time, Su Chen put his head close to Gu Hengsheng's ear and said calmly: "If you want to take action, just do it directly. It's wrong to worry about this and that like you do."

As he spoke, he slowly raised his right hand and then penetrated Gu Hengsheng's chest.

Gu Hengsheng's eyes widened, wisps of blood leaked from the corners of his mouth, and his face was filled with endless fear and regret.

If...I don't come, will I die?

As Gu Hengsheng's last thought arose, his aura completely dissipated at this moment.

The old man froze in place as if struck by lightning, his face full of shock.

The jealous man looked confused, and then said in a trembling voice: "What...what's going on?"

Not only them, but everyone on the ninth floor was confused.

Damn it!

Why did you kill someone directly?

Someone swallowed, looked at Su Chen, and said, "Don't he know that killing people is prohibited in White Jade City?"

One man trembled: "I...I'm stupid...awesome...awesome!"


When the old man reacted, the terrifying aura of the Eight-Star Emperor suddenly erupted from his body. He stared at Su Chen and said angrily: "You are looking for death!"

next moment!

A terrifying force rushed towards Su Chen in an instant, and the entire Mingyue Tower was shattered in an instant. Some weaker people were wiped out by this terrifying force on the spot, as was the jealous man who was nearest!

At this moment, the entire White Jade City was shocked. They all looked in the direction of Mingyue Tower with astonishment on their faces.

Someone said solemnly: "Does anyone dare to take action in Bai Jade City and seek death?"

Su Chen slowly looked at the old man, with just one glance, the power released by the old man disappeared in an instant.

The old man's mind went blank, and his whole body was like a thunderbolt, "How... how is it possible!"

In just a few words, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength.


He only felt deep fear!

Just a glance!

He was suppressed!

The old man's face was pale, with no trace of blood visible.

Su Chen withdrew his right hand from Gu Hengsheng's body. His hands were still as white as jade and were not stained by blood, but he still took out a handkerchief and wiped it.

Then, he looked at the old man again, his eyes as calm as water, like a deep pool.

The old man's throat rolled, and he looked at Su Chen with fear on his face, "Spare... spare my life!"

At this moment, he panicked!

After seeing Su Chen's methods, he knew that Su Chen was definitely someone he couldn't afford to offend.

He doesn't want to die!

Although Gu Hengsheng was his master, he didn't want to die. After all, after finally cultivating to the Nine-Star Emperor, who would die so willingly?

He doesn’t want to anyway!

Su Chen looked at the old man, and then slowly raised his right hand.

Seeing Su Chen's actions, the old man looked ashen and his heart was filled with despair.

He knew he wouldn't survive!

Su Chen will not let him go!

"Who gave you the courage to kill people in White Jade City?"

At this time, a majestic voice sounded, and then, the space in all directions suddenly shattered.

next moment!

Countless strong men wearing golden armor came out of the space, and all of these strong men exuded terrifying power.

The pressure is overwhelming, sweeping across the nine heavens!

They are all great emperors!

So scary!

And at the front of these powerful men stood a middle-aged man wearing a black robe with an indifferent expression.

Among the people watching, some people were shocked and said: "Commander Jiang is here!"

A man sneered and said: "Commander Jiang has the peak strength of the Nine-Star Emperor. If these two people dare to kill people in White Jade City, Commander Jiang will definitely not let them go."

Hearing this, everyone onlookers nodded and agreed with what the man said.

There is a rule in Baiyu City, which prohibits killing. If anyone violates this rule, the consequences will be serious!

The old man looked at the middle-aged man, his face lit up, and he quickly said: "Commander Jiang, save me!"

Hearing this, Commander Jiang looked at the old man. Looking at the old man, he frowned and said, "Are you from Gu Shengzi?"

The old man nodded quickly and said: "I am!"

Commander Jiang nodded, and then said: "Where is Gu Shengzi?"

The old man looked ugly and pointed to one place, "There."

Commander Jiang looked in the direction pointed by the old man. When he saw Gu Hengsheng's body, his expression changed and his heart became solemn. Then, he looked at the old man again and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

The old man glanced at Su Chen and saw that Su Chen didn't make any move, so he opened his mouth and told what happened before.

After listening to the old man's words, Commander Jiang looked at Su Chen. The moment he saw Su Chen, for some reason, he felt familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

He shook his head and looked at Su Chen, "Do you know who you killed?"

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands, looked calm and said nothing.

Commander Jiang didn't care and continued: "He is the Holy Son of Lingxiao Holy Land. If you kill him, do you know the consequences?"

Su Chen looked at Commander Jiang and said calmly: "You talk a lot of nonsense."

Hearing this, Commander Jiang's eyes gradually turned cold.

"This man is so fierce. He dares to speak to Commander Jiang like this. Doesn't he know who Commander Jiang is?" someone said.

Seeing Commander Jiang's eyes turn cold, the old man felt relieved.

He knew that he shouldn't have to die. After all, if Su Chen wanted to kill him, he would have to go through Commander Jiang, and Commander Jiang would definitely not let Su Chen kill him.


At this time, the sound of a sword sounded in everyone's ears!

The old man's eyes were filled with confusion, and then, his head actually slipped from his body!

Seeing this scene, the whole place fell into silence!

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