You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 139 Because I Don’T Want To Be Responsible!

The other guests in the building looked at this scene in surprise.

A man wondered: "Who is this person? He can actually get to know these two ladies."

Another man said jealously: "Isn't it just that he looks more handsome? As for the two ladies, do you take the initiative to talk to me?"

A woman said enviously: "I'm afraid only two young ladies can be worthy of this young master, right?"

The jealous man said again: "Bah, what does it mean for two young ladies to be worthy of him? What's the use of him being good-looking? Without background and strength, he is just as rubbish."

Hearing this, the women around him rolled their eyes.

One of the delicate-looking women said: "Don't think about it. How can someone have such a temperament without background and strength? Who are these two young ladies? They are the two most beloved daughters of the city lord. However, this young man behaved very calmly and confidently when facing the two young ladies. What does this mean? Does it mean that he has a background and strength? How could he act so calmly and calmly if he had no background and strength? "

The jealous man was speechless. He snorted and said nothing more.

At the same time, Qin Yao covered her face and felt speechless for her sister. She put her mouth next to Qin Zixuan's ear and whispered: "Sister, this is the bastard who violated you. You should act more angry and question him instead of like now, you know?"

Qin Zixuan bit her jade lips and nodded, "Well..."

Seeing this, Qin Yao was a little bit dumbfounded. She knew that her sister might have been trapped.


You can only rely on me.

Qin Yao shook her head, then glanced at the people around her, then waved her right hand, and a blue barrier instantly enveloped Su Chen, Qin Yao and Qin Zixuan.

At this moment, other people in the building could only see a ball of blue light. The scene in the blue light could not be seen at all, and no sound could be heard.

Someone wondered: "What is Miss Yao doing? Is there anything we can't see or hear?"

Everyone else also looked puzzled.

They didn't understand what Qin Yao wanted to do.

A woman said: "That is a matter between the two ladies. You should stop thinking about it. If you make the two ladies displeased by then, you will be finished."

Hearing this, everyone in the venue stopped thinking about it and continued drinking wine and eating delicious food.

The jealous man from before said gloomily: "I remember that Miss Zixuan seems to have an engagement with the Holy Son of Lingxiao Holy Land, right? Since she has an engagement, she still gets so close to a man..."

The jealous man's eyes flickered, and then he quietly disappeared.

Qin Yao stared at Su Chen, "Don't you give my sister an explanation?"

Su Chen smiled slightly, "What's the explanation?"

Qin Yao said coldly: "What do you think?"

Su Chen shook his head and smiled: "You can't blame me for what happened last time."

Hearing this, Qin Yao became even more angry, "If you don't blame me, who should you blame? Do you blame my sister?"

Su Chen shrugged, "I was enjoying the hot spring by myself. Who would have thought that your sister didn't even ask if there was anyone in the hot spring, so she just took off her clothes and entered the hot spring, and even walked up to me. You said , In that situation, what man can endure it?”

After listening to Su Chen's words, Qin Zixuan once again recalled what happened in the hot spring. Her whole body felt hot and her face turned red.

Qin Yao said angrily: "What are you talking about? Even if my sister is standing in front of you, you can't violate her. You are a pervert!"

Su Chen smiled lightly, "I'm just a pervert."


Qin Yao pointed at Su Chen, gritted her teeth, her chest rose and fell rapidly, and her eyes were full of anger.

She never expected that Su Chen would be so shameless!

Qin Zixuan was silent on the side, and she did not expect Su Chen to be such a person.

Qin Yao was angry for a while, and then asked, "Why did you pick up your pants and leave?"

Su Chen smiled and replied: "Because I don't want to be responsible."



Qin Yao couldn't bear it anymore and slapped her palm on the table. The whole table was instantly shattered into pieces.

This immediately startled Qin Zixuan who was standing beside her. This was the first time she had seen her sister so angry. However, recalling what Su Chen had just said, she couldn't help but feel a little angry.

Who in the family understands?

It's so shameless to not take responsibility for sleeping with someone and act like you should take it for granted.

Qin Yao resisted the urge to slap Su Chen to death, gritted her teeth and said, "I tell you, you have to take responsibility even if you don't want to take responsibility!"

Su Chen smiled and said nothing.

Qin Yao continued: "Do you have any background?"

Hearing this, Su Chen thought for a while and then said, "There should be, right?"

Qin Yao's face was full of black lines, "What do you mean it should be? If it is, it is, and if it is not, it is not!"

Su Chen smiled lightly and said, "Yes!"

Qin Yao said: "Is it great? What is it called?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Small forces are not worth mentioning!"

The corner of Qin Yao's mouth twitched, and then her face became full of sadness. Seeing that Su Chen was still smiling, she said angrily: "You are still smiling, do you know that your life is in danger soon?"

Su Chen looked surprised, "Oh? Why did the girl say that?"

Qin Yao took a deep breath, then pointed at Qin Zixuan beside her, and said: "My sister is engaged, and you took her virginity away. Not only will my father not let you go, but her fiancé will not let you go." I will let you go! Originally, I thought that if you had the background, the problem could be solved, but if you don’t have the background, it might not be easy to solve the problem!”

Su Chen nodded and said, "So that's it."

Seeing that Su Chen was not worried at all, Qin Yao said angrily: "Don't you understand the seriousness of the problem?"

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Girl, even if this problem is serious, even if I am killed in the end, it will only be my business, but why are you reacting so strongly?"

Qin Yao said: "Do you think I am worried about you? You have ruined my sister's innocence! What will happen to my sister if you die? Do you want her to become a widow? I am thinking about my sister!"

After listening to Qin Yao's words, Qin Zixuan was stunned, pursed her lips, and had tears in her eyes. She didn't expect her sister to think so much.

Su Chen looked at Qin Yao, nodded, and said with a smile, "You are a good sister."

Qin Yao rolled her eyes, "Do you even need to say this?"

As she spoke, her expression suddenly became serious, "So have you thought about what to do next?"

Su Chen shrugged, "No."

Qin Yao's head was full of black lines, "Aren't you afraid?"

Su Chen said calmly: "Why are you afraid? Just let nature take its course."

Qin Yao laughed angrily, "Okay, okay, let nature take its course, whatever you want!"

Su Chen's indifferent attitude made Qin Yao feel so angry that her chest hurt.

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