You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 134 No Need, I’M Already Here!

Hearing this, Ye Lingxi suddenly disappeared on the spot, and when he appeared, he was already millions of feet away.

She narrowed her eyes and stared at Su Chen with confusion in her eyes.

Hu Xiaotian was confused.

what's going on?

Ye Lingxi suddenly said: "How did you tell?"

At this moment, her voice was the same as that of the sick woman before!

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands and looked at Ye Lingxi without saying anything.

Ye Lingxi frowned and looked solemn.

She was really puzzled as to how Su Chen found out that she was possessed by Ye Lingxi.


I hide it so well!

Ye Lingxi shook her head slightly and stopped thinking about it. Her eyes gradually became cold, and a terrifying aura surged from her body.

At this time, she suddenly stretched out a finger and pressed down on Su Chen.


The space between the world and the world broke apart instantly, and then, a giant finger fell from the sky!

Hu Xiaotian's heart trembled. He first looked at Su Chen and then at Ye Lingxi. The whole fox was stunned.

What's going on?

Su Chen looked up at the giant finger, as calm as water. He slowly clenched the five fingers of his right hand, and then punched out!


As soon as this punch came out, the space suddenly began to fragment, and a moment later, there was an explosion in the field!

The finger of the sky was directly shattered. Not only that, this punch actually made a huge hole in the entire sky, which was extremely terrifying!

Seeing this scene, Ye Lingxi took a deep breath, her eyes becoming more solemn than ever before.

If this punch hits her, she will die!

Without hesitation, she turned around and ran away!

Su Chen's strength really scared her, just a random punch could be so powerful.

Simply outrageous!

If you don't run, will you wait to die?

The moment Ye Lingxi turned around, an extremely terrifying force enveloped her, making her unable to move at all.

Ye Lingxi swallowed, a trace of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and a sense of fear filled the air.

At this time, Su Chen picked up Hu Xiaotian, who was looking confused, and then took a step forward and appeared in front of Ye Lingxi.

Looking at Su Chen, Ye Lingxi was extremely scared. At the same time, she was really confused.

Why is the strength of the man in front of me so terrifying?

She is an immortal, but she has no ability to resist!

Holy shit!

That’s fucking outrageous!

I am an immortal!


It’s not garbage!

Ye Lingxi roared in his heart.

Su Chen looked at Ye Lingxi and said nothing.

Ye Lingxi trembled all over, her eyes filled with fear. She looked at Su Chen and said in a trembling voice, "You..."

Su Chen suddenly pointed at Ye Lingxi's eyebrows.


Ye Lingxi's expression was grim, and she couldn't help but scream. At this moment, she only felt that her soul was being eaten by countless ants, which was extremely painful.

next moment!

A white shadow flew out of Ye Lingxi's body and stopped not far away. This white shadow was exactly the sick woman before.

The sick woman gasped heavily, with fear in her eyes, looking like she had survived a disaster.

The moment the sick woman flew out of Ye Lingxi's body, Ye Lingxi's body softened and fell straight to the ground, but Su Chen hugged her in time, so that Ye Lingxi did not fall to the ground.

Su Chen glanced at Ye Lingxi, his mouth corners slightly raised, and then looked at Hu Xiaotian beside him.

Hu Xiaotian understood immediately, and then, his mind moved, his body slowly grew larger, and finally became as big as a lion.

Su Chen picked up Ye Lingxi and put her on Hu Xiaotian. After doing all this, he turned his head to look at the sick woman.

The sick woman saw Su Chen looking at her, and couldn't help but take a step back. She had the idea of ​​​​running away in her heart, and as soon as she had this idea, a terrifying force locked her tightly.

The sick woman was desperate, completely desperate.

How could this man be so outrageous!

I couldn't beat him, and I couldn't escape. I gave up!

How could such an outrageous existence appear in the fairy world?

The sick woman took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in her heart, and said, "I am the young master of the God's Tomb Clan. You can't kill me. If you kill me, the God's Tomb Clan will not let you go!"

After she finished speaking, her heart was in her throat.

She didn't want to die, so she could only reveal her identity, but she didn't know whether Su Chen would take her identity into consideration. If he didn't, she would be finished!

At this time, Su Chen suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch the sick woman's neck, and then lifted it up a little bit.

The sick woman's breath was choked, her eyes were full of fear, and her body kept struggling, trying to break free from Su Chen's hand, but no matter how she struggled, she still couldn't break free.

Su Chen looked at the woman and said calmly, "Threatening me?"

The sick woman looked at the murderous intent in Su Chen's eyes, and used all her strength to say with difficulty, "I... I was wrong."

Su Chen said calmly, "Well, be careful in your next life."


After he finished speaking, he crushed the sick woman's neck directly, and blood was splattered everywhere, but it did not stain Su Chen.

Su Chen shook his hands, his eyes were cold.

The person who dared to threaten him, Su Chen, has not appeared yet!

And at this moment, a golden light suddenly burst out from the dead sick woman, and then a shadow appeared in the sky.

The shadow was an old man, the old man was dressed in a dark red robe, his expression was ferocious, especially his eyes, which showed a chilling and sinister murderous intent. The moment he appeared, a terrifying force spread from the scene.

The old man looked at the corpse of the sick woman, then looked at Su Chen, and said coldly: "Who gave you the courage to kill the young master of my God's Tomb Clan?"

"You are pretending to be your mother?"

Su Chen looked impatient, and then suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The old man's pupils suddenly contracted, and a slender palm pressed his face directly, and then...


The old man's head was pressed directly to the ground by that hand, and the ground was instantly cracked, and the old man was shaken apart on the spot, and his breath disappeared at this moment.

At the same time, in the fairy world, the God's Tomb Clan.

In the hall, an old man suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were red, his face was hideous, and a terrifying breath burst out from him.

The old man said angrily: "Come here!"

The next moment!

The entire God's Tomb Clan instantly boiled up, and a terrifying breath flashed through the sky.

In just a moment, tens of thousands of terrifying strong men gathered in the hall. All of them knelt on one knee and shouted in unison: "Patriarch!"

The old man didn't say anything nonsense. With a wave of his hand, Su Chen's face appeared in the air.

All the strong men looked at the old man with confusion in their eyes.

The old man said angrily: "From today on, you put down everything you are doing and go to the lower fairyland to find this person. If you find this person, you will cut him into pieces and make his soul into a soul lamp to burn for billions of years!"

He almost shouted these words.


All the strong men of the God's Tomb shouted in unison. They didn't ask why. They just did what the patriarch ordered. As for the reason, they didn't need to know!

"You don't need to look for it, because I'm here."

Suddenly, a calm voice resounded in this world and reached the ears of all the people of the God's Tomb clan.

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