Ye Lingxi also looked shocked. This was the first time she heard what the male emperor said. After a moment, she said: "The inheritance can really make me break through and become an immortal?"

The great male emperor nodded quickly and said: "Yes!"

Ye Lingxi was silent. At this moment, she was really moved. If she became an immortal, then she and Su Chen would have taken a step closer.

After thinking for a long time, she looked at Su Chen and stopped talking.

Su Chen smiled slightly and said, "You can go if you want."

Hearing this, Ye Lingxi threw herself directly into Su Chen's arms, "Brother is the best!"

Ye Lingxi seemed to remember something, her face turned red, and she quickly broke away from Su Chen's arms.

She almost forgot that when she grew up, she was no longer the cute Ye Lingxi she was before.

However, it should be said that Ye Lingxi is indeed beautiful now, especially her figure, which is well-proportioned and has everything she should have. Many men in the audience couldn't help but look at her again and again.

The moment Ye Lingxi hugged Su Chen, Su Chen was also stunned, but he soon regained his composure. In his heart, Ye Lingxi would always be the little sister who never grew up, and a hug would be nothing.

The ten great emperors looked at Su Chen, gritting their teeth secretly, with anger in their eyes.

This man actually dares to slander our ancestor!


At this time, Su Chen suddenly looked at the ten great emperors, and an invisible sense of oppression pressed against them.

next moment!

The ten great emperors stopped breathing, and their faces instantly turned pale. Fear filled their hearts. At this moment, they only felt that they were not far from death.

This feeling is very strong!

Only then did they realize that the man in front of them was not simple!

Su Chen withdrew his gaze, and the ten emperors suddenly felt like they were reborn, and the breath of death disappeared. However, the fear in their eyes did not disappear, and there was even awe in their eyes.

Su Chen looked at Hu Xiaotian in Ye Lingxi's arms and said with a smile, "You can go too."

The ten great emperors looked at Hu Xiaotian. It didn't matter at this glance, but they were startled at the first glance.

"Nine-tailed Sky Fox!"


The ten emperors were immediately stunned. They had heard rumors about the nine-tailed fox.

The nine-tailed sky fox is an incredible existence!

They didn't expect to meet a nine-tailed sky fox here!

Hu Xiaotian hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Can I not go?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "No."


Hu Xiaotian sighed in his heart and said feebly: "I know."

Su Chen looked at Ye Lingxi at this time, smiled and said: "Go."

There was reluctance in Ye Lingxi's eyes, but she nodded anyway, for no other reason than that she didn't want to hide behind Su Chen forever.

Su Chen looked at the direction where Ye Lingxi and the ten great emperors were leaving for a long time.

Everyone in the scene did not dare to leave without Su Chen's consent. They all looked at Su Chen with uneasy expressions on their faces.

Su Chen smiled slightly, then shook his head, and then looked at Lin Fan, "You can leave too."

"Ah I?"

Lin Fan was stunned.

Su Chen nodded and said: "Well, the current pseudo-immortal world is no longer suitable for your development. Go to the real immortal world. Only there can you grow."

Lin Fan was silent, then nodded, "Okay!"

Now that he has become an emperor, there is really no need for development in this pseudo-immortal world.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Go ahead."

Lin Fan nodded and said, "Master, I'm leaving now. Goodbye!"

As he said that, he turned around and disappeared.

On the spot, Su Chen smiled slightly, and then looked at everyone in the field.

When everyone saw Su Chen, they trembled all over and wanted to speak, but were so frightened that they couldn't speak. They could only look at Su Chen with fear on their faces, not daring to breathe.

Su Chen slowly raised his right hand.


A sound of finger snapping was heard, and this sound of finger snapping reached the ears of everyone present.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their eyes gradually became dull.

Su Chen smiled slightly, then turned and left.

He had just changed the memories of these people and changed it to say that both the emperors of the Xiao Yun clan were killed by Lin Fan.

Xiaofan, I wish you good luck!

Su Chen laughed and disappeared.

And at the moment he disappeared, the eyes of everyone in the field gradually became clear.

Someone touched their head and asked, "What just happened?"

A woman replied: "I don't know, but Emperor Lin is so handsome. He can fight three great emperors by himself! That's so cool!"

Hearing this, everyone in the room suddenly remembered something and became excited.

And just today, the story of Lin Fan becoming emperor and killing three great emperors instantly spread throughout the entire pseudo-immortal world!


After Su Chen left the Imperial Road, he said goodbye to Su Yanche and Qin An, and then headed to the Lower Immortal Realm.

Lower to the Immortal Realm, Leaf Clan.

The ten great emperors brought Ye Lingxi back to the Ye Clan. At this moment, they were in the main hall.

Ye Li, the leader of the Ye clan, looked at Ye Lingxi with excitement on his face and immediately knelt down on one knee, "Ancestor!"

Ye Lingxi shook his head quickly, "I am not your ancestor."

Hearing this, Ye Li was stunned and looked at the ten emperors behind Ye Lingxi.

One of the great emperors quickly recounted what had happened before.

After listening, Ye Li narrowed his eyes and a light flashed in his eyes.

At this time, she looked at Ye Lingxi and said with a smile: "No matter what, you are still the ancestor of my Ye clan, and this cannot be changed."

Ye Lingxi was about to speak.

Ye Li took the lead and said, "My ancestor must be tired from the journey."

As she spoke, she looked at a female emperor and said, "Take the ancestor down to rest."

The female emperor nodded, then looked at Ye Lingxi, "Ancestor, I will take you to rest!"

Ye Lingxi nodded and followed the female emperor out of the hall.

Ye Li watched Ye Lingxi's leaving figure and didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, a male emperor said: "Clan Chief, did you find anything?"

Ye Li shook his head, "It's okay, you can leave too."

Hearing this, the nine great emperors in the field looked deeply at Ye Li, but they did not ask any more questions and disappeared one after another.

Seeing the nine great emperors disappearing in place, Ye Li raised the corner of his mouth, "It seems that the ancestor of this life has something wrong with his memory, so that inheritance..."

As she spoke, her expression suddenly became excited.


Ye Li laughed loudly and then disappeared.

At the same time, the empress took Ye Li to a room and left.

Inside the house, Hu Xiaotian first scanned the surroundings with his spiritual consciousness and found that there was no one there. Then he looked at Ye Lingxi and said solemnly: "I have a feeling that the leader of the Ye Clan is not a good person."

Ye Lingxi nodded and said, "I also saw it. After she heard what I said, her attitude immediately changed."

Hu Xiaotian said: "Let's run away!"

Ye Lingxi shook his head and said: "We can't run away. She must have sent people to monitor us. If we dare to step out of this house, she will know instantly."

Hu Xiaotian said in a deep voice: "What should we do?"

Ye Lingxi shook his head and said, "Let nature take its course. What if it's just our illusion?"

Hu Xiaotian was silent. After a moment, he said: "Anyway, please pay attention."

Ye Lingxi nodded and said, "I know."

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