Lin Fan looked at himself excitedly.

Great Emperor!

He became the emperor!

This is something he never dared to think about before!

As for Hu Xiaotian, although he was quite excited, he was not as exaggerated as Lin Fan. After all, he was a divine beast, and the Great Emperor was just the beginning for him.

After getting excited, Lin Fan and Hu Xiaotian disappeared and appeared in front of Su Chen.



Lin Fan and Hu Xiaotian shouted in unison. They looked at Su Chen, the admiration in their eyes was clearly visible, especially Hu Xiaotian. Su Chen was like a god in his heart at this moment!

Gather the mark of Tianxin!

Or two!

Even the king of the Qingqiu Fox Clan cannot do this kind of heaven-defying method!

Su Chen looked at Lin Fan and Hu Xiaotian, nodded, then he looked to the right, this glance seemed to penetrate countless spaces and time, he said calmly: "Let's go, there are people waiting for us outside. "

Lin Fan frowned, "Who?"

Hu Xiaotian also looked confused.

Su Chen turned to look at them and said calmly: "Guess, the forces behind those geniuses and monsters you killed before will come to take revenge on you?"

After listening to Su Chen's words, Lin Fan and Hu Xiaotian suddenly understood.

Lin Fan smiled and said: "So they came to us for revenge, but it just so happens that I just want to find someone to practice my skills with."

Hu Xiaotian was not interested, "Then I'll leave it to you."

With that said, he jumped directly into Ye Lingxi's arms, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Ye Lingxi looked at Hu Xiaotian in her arms, reached out and touched his head, with a smile on her face.

She really likes Hu Xiaotian.

Who doesn’t like furry stuff?

Who can refuse?

Su Chen said: "Let's go."

With that said, the others turned and left.

Lin Fan and Ye Lingxi quickly followed.

Outside the Imperial Road.

At this moment, countless forces gathered outside the Imperial Road, including the forbidden force Yun Clan and the hermit family Xiao Clan! People from other factions basically come to join in the fun.

Someone said: "I wonder who has broken through to the Great Emperor Realm this time!"

Someone replied: "Only the Xiao and An tribes are here this time. Could it be that the geniuses and evildoers in their tribes have broken through to the emperor?"

A man shook his head and said: "Impossible, look at the Xiao Clan Chief and the Yun Clan Chief, their faces are so gloomy that they can drip with water. It must be the genius of their clan who died on the Imperial Road and came here to take revenge. !”


At this moment, Xiao Yuanhua, the leader of the Xiao Clan, and Yun Ran, the leader of the Yun Clan, looked extremely gloomy, with overwhelming anger pouring out of their hearts.

Xiao Yuanhua suddenly said: "Clan Chief Yun, are you sure that the person who killed my son was the man named Lin Fan?"

Yun Ran nodded and said: "Well, my people saw it with their own eyes, so they can't be wrong."

Xiao Yuanhua said: "I heard that Lin Fan is Su Chen's disciple, and that Su Chen is the divine son of the Su clan."

Yun Ran said coldly: "So what? You and I, the Xiao Yun clan, can't beat him and the Su clan?"

Xiao Yuanhua nodded and said: "If you dare to kill my Xiao Yuanhua's son, even if he has a monstrous background, I will make him pay the price!"

As he said that, he looked at Yun Ran and said, "I've already called someone, what about you?"

Yun Ran nodded, "Don't worry, I called you a long time ago!"

At this time, the figures of Su Chen and three others came out of the giant door. As soon as they came out, a terrifying aura instantly enveloped them, and then hundreds of thousands of strong men directly surrounded them.

Su Chen and the other three looked calm, as if they had expected this.

Yun Ran stared at Lin Fan, with murderous intent surging in his eyes. Then, he looked at Su Chen and said coldly: "Sir Su, your disciple killed my son, should you give me an explanation?"

"Explain your mother!"

As soon as Yun Ran finished speaking, Lin Fan suddenly stepped on his right foot and shot up into the sky. The next moment, a vast imperial power swept from him and filled the entire sky!

Seeing this, the place instantly became excited, and everyone looked at Lin Fan in shock.

Some people were shocked: "Who is this person? He can actually break through to the Emperor on the Imperial Road!"

A man said: "Didn't you hear what Chief Yun said? This man is a disciple of Shenzi Su!"

Someone said again: "Su Shenzi's disciples broke through to the Great Emperor, but what about Su Shenzi? Why did Shenzi Su give up the opportunity to break through the Great Emperor? Instead, gave it to his disciples?"

At this moment, everyone was very confused. They didn't understand why it was Lin Fan who broke through to the Great Emperor and not Su Chen. Logically speaking, the apprentice should give the opportunity to break through to the Great Emperor to his master.

A man looked at the people in the field and asked: "Let me ask you a question, if the Tianxin Seal is in your hands, will you give it to your master?"

Hearing this, everyone in the venue fell silent.

Give it to your master?

What a joke!

That is the Tianxin mark that can help him break through the Great Emperor!

Even if they are their relatives, they cannot give up the Tianxin Seal to them, let alone their master!

At this moment, everyone suddenly understood. They looked at Su Chen and shook their heads.

Some people shook their heads and said: "The temptation of becoming an emperor is too great. No one can give up the opportunity of becoming an emperor to others."

Someone nodded and replied: "Yes, if the Tianxin Seal is in my hands, and if my parents want me to give it to them, then I will kill them without hesitation!"

Hearing this, everyone in the venue nodded secretly.

If you can become an emperor, what does family love mean?

Yun Ran and Xiao Yuanhua stared at Lin Fan, the killing intent in their eyes almost condensed into substance.

"Boy, don't think that you are invincible just because you break through to become an emperor!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded so cold that it made everyone in the room feel cold.

The space suddenly shattered, and a middle-aged man walked out. The middle-aged man had a dignified appearance, a burly figure, and a strong gun aura all over his body!

At this moment, another terrifying aura filled the scene, and then, an old man walked out of the broken space. The old man had white hair, but he was full of energy, and his deep eyes revealed the vicissitudes of life.

Two great emperors!

Everyone in the field looked at the middle-aged man and the old man with fear, awe and excitement in their eyes.

Great Emperor!

They have not met each other since they were born, but today they actually met three great emperors!

And just today, they may see the scene of the three great emperors fighting!

Some smart people have already retreated far away at this moment.

It is no joke for the three great emperors to start a war. The residual power from the battle between the three great emperors alone can obliterate them.

Looking at the middle-aged man, Yun Ran was a little excited and respectfully shouted: "Greetings to the ancestor!"

Xiao Yuanhua also looked at the old man with excitement, and then bowed deeply, "Greetings to the ancestor!"

The middle-aged man and the old man nodded, and then looked at Lin Fan, with murderous intent pouring out of their eyes.



Tomorrow I will go to Chongqing to live alone. After I return to Chongqing to live alone, I promise to update it well!

Three updates a day!

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