Su Chen stood in the sky with his hands behind his hands, three thousand silver hair flying, he slowly turned his head to look at Gu Qingying in the distance, his eyes were as calm as a deep pool.

When Gu Qingying saw Su Chen looking towards her, she suddenly trembled all over and felt a sense of suffocation. Her face turned pale, and the fear in her eyes almost condensed into substance.

Minutes passed by, and finally, she couldn't hold it on any longer, her legs weakened, and she collapsed to the ground. At this moment, her whole body was already wet with cold sweat. She looked at Su Chen and said in a trembling voice: "Go ahead. ..senior..."

Su Chen didn't say anything, but took a deep look at Gu Qingying, and then looked at Lin Fan.

When Gu Qingying saw that Su Chen was no longer looking at her, her tense nerves suddenly relaxed and she kept breathing heavily. Just now, she felt that her life no longer belonged to her. She looked at Su Chen in horror. He hesitated and disappeared directly.

She wants to leave Dilu!

Stay away from Su Chen!

Su Chen has left an indelible shadow in her heart!


Su Chen is too scary!

Lin Fan looked at Su Chen, with little stars in his eyes, and shouted excitedly: "Master!"

At this moment, Lin Fan's admiration for Su Chen has reached its peak!

Su Chen smiled slightly and said, "You performed well just now. When facing a great emperor, you still don't give up. That's good."

Lin Fan became even more excited after being praised by Su Chen, and his lips widened into a smile.

At this time, a sudden change occurred!

A woman appeared at the Tianxin Seal at some point. The woman's expression was as cold as an iceberg, but her face was impeccably beautiful. When she stood there, she looked like a painting.

Su Chen turned to look at the woman, with some complexity in his eyes, but it was fleeting.

Lin Fan, on the other hand, looked at the woman solemnly. For some reason, he sensed danger from that woman!

This made him a little unbelievable. You must know that he had never felt this kind of feeling among the younger generation, except of course Su Chen. However, except for Su Chen, he actually felt danger in a woman, and... This danger is still extremely strong!

At this moment, not to mention how heavy he felt.

Lin Fan was silent for a moment, then looked at Su Chen and said in a deep voice: "Master..."

Su Chen shook his head, "Watch first."

Hearing this, Lin Fan was stunned. At this moment, he seemed to remember something and looked shocked. However, he didn't say anything. He just nodded, looked at the woman, and whispered: "Is she the teacher?" Your sister? No wonder you can make me feel in danger..."

The woman looked at the Tianxin mark in front of her without a trace of confusion in her eyes. After looking at it for a moment, she reached out and grabbed the Tianxin mark. The moment she came into contact with the Tianxin mark, the Tianxin mark suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed in. Between the woman's eyebrows.

next moment!

The heaven and earth began to shake violently, the sea of ​​clouds surged, and countless visions appeared in the sky!

At this moment, a terrifying force suddenly rose from the woman's body into the sky, and a golden light shone behind the woman!

But the woman's aura surged wildly at this moment, and terrifying auras spread from her body.


At this time, the woman suddenly opened her eyes, and an extremely terrifying imperial power suddenly erupted. Unable to bear it, the entire space and time began to crack and turn into ashes!

The woman stood in the sky, her robes were hunting, the imperial power was intertwined, and the three thousand avenues were at her feet. At this moment, there was only indifference on her face, without a trace of emotion, just like an iceberg empress.

Lin Fan stared at the woman, "She became the emperor!"

At this time, the woman slowly looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen also looked at the woman, and the two looked at each other for a long time.

Lin Fan looked at the woman, and then looked at Su Chen again, with some doubts in his eyes.

Is this woman not the master's sister?

But it shouldn't be, if not, how could the master let her take the Heavenly Heart Seal and break through to become an emperor?

The woman suddenly said: "You should know the identity of this emperor, right?"

Su Chen nodded, "I know."

Hearing this, the woman's eyes became even colder, and even murderous intent flashed, "Then you dare to accept this emperor as your sister?"

Her tone was very cold, so cold that it chilled Su Chen's heart.

Su Chen looked at the woman, did not speak, and felt inexplicably disappointed.

The woman stared at Su Chen and said coldly: "Because of you, my Dao heart has some problems now. In order not to affect my future practice, you must die!"

When these words came out, Lin Fan's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief, "What's going on?"

The woman continued: "But considering that you were good to me before, I won't do it myself, you kill yourself!"


Su Chen laughed, "Interesting, really interesting."

The woman narrowed her eyes, spread her right hand, and the Meteorite Phoenix Sword appeared in her hand. She didn't say anything more, and her figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The next moment!

A terrifying sword force instantly locked Su Chen, and then countless terrifying invincible sword intentions surged between heaven and earth, and these sword intentions rushed straight towards Su Chen!

Lin Fan looked at the terrifying sword intention like a tide, and was shocked. This sword intention was too terrifying, and he couldn't even think of resisting!

Su Chen's face was calm, and he slowly uttered a word.


In an instant, these countless sword intentions disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

At this moment, a ten-thousand-foot sword energy suddenly appeared between heaven and earth. This sword energy contained the supreme divine power and a force that destroyed the heavens and the earth. The entire sky was directly torn in half!

Su Chen slowly raised his right hand, and then pointed at the void. In an instant, the space of a million miles in radius turned directly into ashes, and the ten-thousand-foot sword energy was directly shattered!

In the void, the figure of the woman flew backwards directly. On the way, she suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood. She stabilized her body with disbelief in her eyes.

Her sword was blocked just like that?

At this moment, the woman's heart was extremely heavy. You know, her sword just now was very terrifying. Even the Nine Star Emperor did not dare to confront it hard. However, Su Chen actually blocked it so easily!

The woman stared at Su Chen, with a trace of fear in her eyes.

She knew that Su Chen was not simple, but she did not expect Su Chen to be so terrifying.

The woman took a deep breath, and the fear in her eyes was swept away. She suddenly held the Meteoric Phoenix Sword in front of her. Then, the immortal energy from all directions rushed towards the woman, and the woman's breath became more and more terrifying.

The next moment!

The woman aimed at Su Chen and slashed down with a sword!

This sword contained a suffocating terrifying power and an extremely terrifying invincible sword intent. The terrifying power and the invincible sword intent merged, and the power that burst out could cut the sun, moon and stars!

Lin Fan looked at this sword, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

This sword is too terrifying!

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