You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 116 Tianxin Seal!

As if struck by lightning, Nangong Gu Yue froze on the spot, her face turned extremely pale, and she seemed to have received a very serious blow.

one strike!

Just a random hit!

She was stunned!

It was a second!

At this moment, her cognition had been shattered.

Nangong Guyue looked at Su Chen tremblingly, the fear in her eyes almost overflowing.

She never expected that Su Chen could be so terrifying!

She regretted it!

I regret taking action against Su Chen!

Nangong Guyue looked desperate.

She knew that she was finished!

There was no way Su Chen would let her go!


She doesn't want to die yet!

Nangong Guyue looked at Su Chen, with pleading in her eyes, and said in a trembling voice: "Please... please... let go..."


Nangong Gu Yue's voice stopped suddenly, and a sword energy penetrated directly between her eyebrows. She slowly dissipated in this world with unwillingness and regret, and her breath was no longer in this world!


Seeing this scene, the geniuses and monsters of the Nangong clan were frightened into silence and did not dare to hesitate. They turned around and ran away!


The moment they turned around, a sound of swords resounded throughout the world, and then hundreds of bloody heads rose into the sky!

The moment their corpses fell to the sea, the sea suddenly surged, rolling up huge waves, and then, a huge mouth swallowed their corpses directly.

Soon, the sea surface became calm again, and the world became silent, as if nothing had happened.

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands and looked at the sea calmly. After watching for a moment, he slowly raised his head and looked at the sky.

At this moment, the sky and the earth began to shake violently, and then, a stream of light fell from the sky. If you look closely, you will see a piece of jade suspended in the streamer. This piece of jade is crystal clear, intertwined with divine light, and a "heart" is carved on the jade body. The word contains a mysterious atmosphere.

Su Chen looked at the jade, his eyes as calm as water, and seemed not to be curious about the jade at all. However, Hu Xiaotian in his arms was extremely excited, and his eyes were shining.

Hu Xiaotian stared at the piece of jade and murmured: "Is this the mark of Tianxin? At first glance, it is indeed extraordinary!"

After looking at it for a long time, he hesitated for a moment, then looked at Su Chen and said, "Master..."

Su Chen looked at Hu Xiaotian in his arms and smiled slightly, "This jade belongs to Lin Fan."

Hearing this, a flash of disappointment flashed in Hu Xiaotian's eyes, but he hid it well. He nodded and said nothing.

Of course, Su Chen noticed the disappointment in Hu Xiaotian's eyes, and said with a smile: "You first cultivate to the peak of the ninth level of Half-Emperor, and then I will help you get a Tianxin Seal!"


After hearing what Su Chen said, Hu Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, then he felt happy and said quickly: "Thank you, Master!"

After saying that, he jumped out of Su Chen's arms, came to the side, and then slowly closed his eyes. At this moment, his aura was actually increasing at an unimaginable speed!

Having been with Su Chen for so long, Hu Xiaotian naturally understands Su Chen's character. Since Su Chen dares to say this, he must be able to do it. Although he is puzzled, he chooses to believe Su Chen unconditionally!

Su Chen looked at Hu Xiaotian and said with a smile: "If this little guy practices hard, he should be able to break through to that realm in the future."

At this moment, the creatures on the bottom of the sea began to boil again. Terrifying auras vibrated from the sea beasts, and terrifying giant waves were set off on the sea surface.

All the sea beasts were ready to move. They stared at the piece of jade in the void, with endless greed in their eyes.

Su Chen looked towards the bottom of the sea, his eyes a little cold, "Do you want to die?"

Just four words, but it revealed a chill and indifference. At this moment, all the sea beasts seemed to have seen themselves being cut in half with a sword.

They looked at Su Chen, their huge bodies trembling constantly, fear and death shrouding them. At this moment, all the sea beasts were really afraid.

This human being is so scary!

The sense of oppression is too strong!

This Heavenly Heart Seal is so bad, so bad!

Most of the sea beasts retracted their aura of fear, and then swam directly towards the depths of the seabed.

This human being is so scary!

Better run away!

Soon, there were only a few sea beasts left in this area, and these sea beasts showed unwillingness in their eyes.

next moment!

All these sea beasts flew out of the sea and went straight towards Su Chen. The terrifying aura and endless killing intent filled the world!

Thousands of waves are rolling in!

They have been waiting for countless years for the Tianxin Seal. They finally waited for the Tianxin Seal, but they were intercepted by a human. How could they be willing to do so?

They wanted to give it a try, but they knew that in order to obtain the Tianxin Mark, they had to kill Su Chen, so they decisively joined forces to get rid of Su Chen first!

Su Chen's face was expressionless, his eyes calmly staring at the sea beast that was heading towards him.



As soon as the word fell, the sea beasts exploded on the spot, and countless flesh and blood scattered in the void, just like the scene of a red firework exploding!

The sea beasts in the depths of the sea suddenly looked towards the sea surface, the fear in their eyes difficult to conceal.

Damn it!

Isn't this human being too scary?

All the sea beasts did not dare to hesitate for a moment and used their fastest speed to get away from here!

Su Chen glanced at the sea surface dyed red with blood, and then withdrew his gaze. He looked at the Tianxin mark and didn't know what he was thinking.

Time passed very quickly, and a month passed in the blink of an eye. Today, the space suddenly shattered, and then, a figure appeared in the field.

This figure noticed the piece of jade at the first moment, looking at the piece of jade with curiosity and excitement in his eyes.

At this moment, he noticed Su Chen in the distance. Looking at Su Chen, he felt happy and shouted: "Master!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other person disappeared directly from the spot. When he appeared, he was already in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at Lin Fan and smiled slightly, "Coming?"

Lin Fan nodded, looking very excited, "Yeah!"

As he said that, he looked at the piece of jade and asked, "Master, is that the Tianxin Seal?"

Su Chen also looked at the piece of jade, nodded and said: "Well, if you refine this Tianxin mark, your realm will be directly promoted to the five-star emperor!"

"Five-star emperor?"

Lin Fan frowned, with doubts in his eyes, "Is this the realm of the Great Emperor?"

Su Chen nodded and said: "That's right. The emperor is divided into one star to nine stars. One star is the weakest and nine stars are the strongest. As long as you refine that piece of jade, you can directly reach the five-star emperor!"

Lin Fan looked shocked, "So outrageous?"

Su Chen smiled slightly and said nothing.

Lin Fan was shocked for a moment, seemed to know something, and suddenly said: "No wonder the geniuses and monsters in the true immortal world come to this imperial road to compete for the Tianxin Seal."

As Lin Fan's voice fell, the space flickered again, and two figures appeared in the field, and these two people were Gu Qingying and Zhao Wuji!

Gu Qingying and Zhao Wuji noticed the jade at the same time. They looked happy and without any hesitation, they turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the jade!

On the way, a long spear appeared in Zhao Wuji's hand. Zhao Wuji's face turned grim, and then he stabbed Gu Qingying with the gun. The terrifying force of the gun instantly locked Gu Qingying.

Gu Qingying was well prepared. The moment Zhao Wuji fired his gun, she thought, and a red fire lotus flew out from between his eyebrows and blocked her in front of her.


With a loud noise, the two men retreated violently at the same time.

Zhao Wuji stabilized his body and looked at Gu Qingying solemnly.

At this moment, Gu Qingying formed a seal with her hands, and the red fire lotus suddenly transformed into a sea of ​​fire. The terrifying sea of ​​fire actually burned time and space.

The blazing divine fire shines on this world!

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