You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 114 Suppress The Entire Imperial Road!

All the strong men in the field had a look of fear on their faces. They never expected that Su Chen could be so terrifying, killing a peak Half-Emperor ninth-level master in one glance.


Su Chen slowly looked at everyone.

Seeing Su Chen looking towards them, everyone's throats rolled up and they took a few steps back unconsciously.

At the same time, the hundreds of thousands of strong demon clan men could no longer resist the fear in their hearts. They knelt down towards Su Chen on the spot and prostrated themselves on the ground.

Seeing this scene, all the strong men present were shocked again.

A man trembled: "They...why are they kneeling?"

Another man stared at Su Chen and said in horror: "Who is this man? He can actually make hundreds of thousands of high-level half-emperors kneel down!"

Hundreds of thousands of high-level half-emperors!

He was so frightened that he knelt down on the spot!

At this moment, everyone's fear of Su Chen reached its peak!

Su Chen glanced at the powerful demon clan, then looked at all the powerful people in the field, "Get out."

This word was very calm, but it contained a terrifying power. Su Chen's voice sounded throughout the Imperial Road. At the same time, because the power contained in this voice was too powerful, all the strong men in the field were unable to bear it. Holding this power, his physical body began to crack, forming the shape of a spider web.

Some people couldn't bear it anymore and gritted their teeth and said, "Senior, say goodbye!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other person turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

The others did not dare to hesitate any longer and also turned into a stream of light and disappeared into this world.

Su Chen was so terrifying that they didn't dare to stay at all. In just a moment, Su Chen and Lin Fan were the only ones left in this world.

And the news that Su Chen suppressed all the powerful men will definitely make the entire Imperial Road boil. By then, how many people will dare to compete for the Tianxin Seal?

With Su Chen here, they are destined to miss the Tianxin Seal!

Su Chen didn't take action, but once he did, he suppressed the entire Imperial Road!

So scary!

Su Chen looked at Lin Fan in his arms, shook his head and smiled, then loosened his hands. The next moment, Lin Fan fell directly from Su Chen's arms to the ground.


Lin Fan hit the ground hard, creating a deep pit!


Lin Fan coughed a few times and crawled out of the pit. He looked at Su Chen with a look of resentment on his face.

Su Chen looked at Lin Fan and said with a smile: "Why don't you pretend? Keep pretending!"

Hearing this, Lin Fan's face turned red and he was a little embarrassed, "Master, how did you know?"

Su Chen shook his head and said with a smile: "If you can't even see through this little trick of yours, then I'll just hit you to death."

Lin Fan chuckled, then seemed to think of something, and said resentfully: "Master, are you too cruel? Not only did you let the strongest men from the entire immortal world come after me, but you also asked hundreds of thousands of strong demons to come too. Chase me, am I still not your disciple?”

The more Lin Fan talked about it, the more aggrieved he became. He had lived a really miserable life these past years. He had experienced countless life-and-death battles during this period, but fortunately, he survived.

Su Chen sneered: "I also want to ask you, are your wings stiff? How dare you call me a teacher?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan quickly looked away, not daring to look at Su Chen, and said with a guilty conscience: "I...I didn't know at the time that it was Master you who asked the strong man to hunt me down! If I knew , Even if you give me a hundred courages, I don’t dare to scold Master!”

Su Chen sneered: "Is this the reason why you call me a teacher?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan felt dumbfounded.

His master is really unreasonable!


Lin Fan sighed helplessly and said, "Disciple realizes his mistake."

He didn't want to argue anymore. He had a feeling that if he continued to argue with Su Chen, Su Chen would definitely miss him again, so he gave in decisively!

Su Chen, who originally thought about making Lin Fan suffer some more, immediately retracted his idea after hearing Lin Fan's apology. He looked at Lin Fan and said with a smile: "Well, he knows his mistakes and can correct them. He is a good boy. "


At this time, a faint sound came. Su Chen and Lin Fan heard the sound and looked over, only to see Hu Xiaotian limping towards them.

Su Chen looked at Hu Xiaotian, then picked him up and stroked him gently, "Why did you come to Dilu for nothing?"

Hu Xiaotian said aggrievedly: "Of course I came to see the master! Master, you are so serious, you came to Dilu alone and didn't take me with you."

Su Chen smiled awkwardly, "I forgot about it at the time."

Hearing this, Hu Xiaotian felt even more aggrieved, "I understand, I'm not important."


Su Chen laughed loudly, then tapped Hu Xiaotian's head lightly, and said with a smile: "What nonsense are you telling the truth?"

Hu Xiaotian covered his head, speechless.

Why is the master speaking so directly?

Su Chen smiled, then took out a pill and fed it into Hu Xiaotian's mouth. Hu Xiaotian did not refuse and swallowed it directly. Immediately afterwards, an extremely rich life force emitted from his body, and the next moment , his injuries recovered directly as before.

Su Chen stroked Hu Xiaotian's fur, then looked at Lin Fan, "Let's go to the ninth floor."

Hearing this, Lin Fan was startled, "Hasn't no one found the ninth-level teleportation array yet?"

Su Chen smiled and said, "I can take you directly to the ninth floor."

Lin Fan remained silent and did not speak.

He didn't think Su Chen was bragging, he believed that Su Chen had this ability.

However, if he was brought to the ninth level by Su Chen, what kind of imperial path would he have?

He looked at Su Chen, with a decision in his eyes, and said: "Master, I want to break into the ninth floor by my own ability."

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly, with some relief in his eyes, "Okay."

Lin Fan nodded and said, "Master, I'm going to find the teleportation array on the ninth floor first."

Su Chen nodded, "Go ahead."

Lin Fan saluted Su Chen, then turned into a sword light and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the direction Lin Fan was leaving, Su Chen shook his head and said with a smile, "This kid..."

At this time, he seemed to remember something. After hesitating for a moment, he murmured: "Should I tell this kid that he has been cursed by the dragon clan?"


All dragon slayers will be cursed by the dragon clan. If they are contaminated by this curse, they will definitely be hunted down by the entire dragon clan!

Su Chen shook his head, "Forget it, I'll go to the Dragon Clan later!"

As he said that, he hugged Hu Xiaotian and slowly disappeared from the spot. When he appeared, he had already arrived at the ninth floor. The ninth floor was a vast sea. This sea was endless, surging, and rolling up huge waves.

And in the seabed, there are countless undersea creatures ready to move. The realm of these undersea creatures is actually the peak of the ninth level of the Half-Emperor!

When Su Chen appeared, the eyes of these undersea creatures suddenly turned scarlet, and a terrifying aura swept away from them, and the entire sea set off one tsunami after another, which was extremely terrifying!

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