Xu Xuan calmly took a sip of water.

If you don't want to have this status, you can have this status.

The heart is ruthless, and nothing can be done.

"Since the second patient took the initiative to disconnect, let's prepare to connect with the third patient."

Where are everyone in the live broadcast room willing to listen to Xu Xuan's words.

The calm embarrassment made them wonder what was going on.

"My whole head is confused now, what's the situation?"

"Lao Tzu knew that this thing was a script, how could there be a person in this world who knew a person's life by looking at his face, and it couldn't be too fake."

"It's not buddy, Nezha's three heads and six arms, you are one head and two arms, you can't see such an obvious embarrassing performance?"

"Tsk, as a loyal fan of Dr. Xu, it may be that the other party jumped when he said that the blood poured on the orchid, you know, how many people will panic when this matter is exposed, and there is a crisis of trust."

"I'm now wondering why it's wrong to expose the darkness."

The other side.

Turning off the live connection, I calmly knew that I was playing a bit big this wave.

"At first, I thought it was just an ordinary magic stick, but I didn't expect him to be able to collect this, I underestimated him."

"Still, it's not like I'm out of the question."

She had checked Xu Xuan's details before.

When he was a child, he learned to deceive people and tell fortunes with his master Wu Jixuan, and when he grew up, he chose to start a business but never succeeded.

Recently, he inherited the Taoist temples and mountains handed down by his master's ancestors, which attracted the attention of many people in the metaphysical circles.

But after all, since his master's death, he has no business and political background.

There are many ways to get him.

"First of all, we must hire a navy to spread some negative news.

"Then force him and let Xu Xuan admit that it is a script, so that he can turn big things into small things and small things."

Her performance just now was deliberate.

The purpose is to pretend to show some self-media.

I spend money to buy traffic in the back and let them spread rumors with it.

There is a consensus effect in psychology, once something is forwarded by more and more people, the crooked can also become positive.

She glanced at the orchids on the ground.

Is it difficult to engage Xu Xuan without evidence?

It's not hard.

Take a little relationship, and a charge of picking quarrels and provoking troubles easily sent him in.

Anyone who has studied law knows that the coverage of picking quarrels and provoking troubles is not ordinarily wide.

Cruelty flashed in her eyes.

"Since you want to do it, you must do it, and you can't leave it alive."

If the sea of clouds is here.

He's going to say that.

Friend, your path has narrowed.

The way Xu Xuan killed you, you can't think of it.


In the live broadcast room.

Many netizens clicked on the peace and homepage and began to worry about Xu Xuan's safety.

"Doctor Xu, we are not afraid of the shady scene of blood drawing, it's a big deal not to go, but it's not easy for you to offend a rich woman this time."

"Yes, I checked it just now, this woman's identity is indeed not simple, and she has a lot of property under her name."

A meow Wancheng sent a message: "With my understanding of the Internet, she will definitely buy a water army to slander Dr. Xu tomorrow, but I want to emphasize that what Dr. Xu said is indeed true, and our company's finances have been sentenced to more than half at noon today." Glancing

at the barrage, Xu Xuan smiled and said, "Everyone, have you forgotten that I said before that I was calm and she had anxiety." Seeing

Xu Xuan is still the kind of posture that is under control.

Many netizens know that there is definitely a reversal in this matter.

And it is destined to be not small.

"Peanuts, melon seeds, eight-treasure porridge, fresh watermelon are all here to buy."

"Hehe, I was still thinking about what this anxiety disorder is, but it really flipped."

"It's better to let her die quickly, it's also a scourge for this kind of person to stay in the world."

"That's right, it's better to suddenly have an AIDS halfway through."

"Oh, you can have it, but the male models who play with this kind of rich woman are more careful, and they generally won't get sick."

"Forget it, let's listen to what Dr. Xu has to say."

Xu Xuan put down the water glass and said

, "Calm and calm,

formerly known as Luan Xiaoyan."

"Within a few days, she would be depressed all day long because of one thing, and she would be crazy and talk nonsense, which she did when she was young."

"It has invisibly killed a lot of people, and when Luan Xiaoyan gets old, they will come to her to ask for an account."

"First of all, the hospital under her name was suddenly routinely inspected by the above for some reason, and then the restaurant under her name will also lose a lot of popularity due to the revelation of health problems, and almost all of them will close down in a few days."

"And she herself will suffer from mental illness due to some force majeure factors, and finally go crazy and be sent to a mental hospital by several sons."

"After she fell ill, several of her sons showed their ambitions and were ready to divide up the peaceful property."

Xu Xuan said very casually.

If you listen carefully, you will find that there is no reason for what he said this time.

Most of them were fooled by him.

In front of the screen, he was watching the live broadcast with a calm and disdainful face.

She simply didn't believe that her huge business empire would collapse overnight.

Say she's mentally ill?

I'm afraid it's not the biggest joke she's ever heard.

Suddenly, a more interesting game flashed through her mind.

"Hehe, since you are a Taoist priest, then I will also find a Taoist priest."

"Let the two of you have fun."

"It just so happens that I have a sister who knows the cloud chief of the Wudang faction."


Xu Xuan waved his hand, suggesting that everyone in the live broadcast room should not mention it again after the matter has passed.

"Next, let's connect with the third netizen."

"This netizen's name is bubble water."

A screen appears.

In the picture is a girl with a very good face, fair skin, and almond eyes.

Xu Xuan smiled and said, "This patient, do you have any symptoms that you need to consult?" Seeing that the

connection was successful, the bubble water couldn't help but show a happy look in his eyes.

"Great, finally connected to Dr. Xu."

"My pet is not sick, the main thing is that I have something on my mind that I want to consult Dr. Xu."

Xu Xuan nodded and said with a smile: "But it doesn't hurt to say it."

Bubble Water lowered her head and buttoned her fingernails, as if she was brewing emotions.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he raised his head and looked at Xu Xuan with red eyes:

"I suspect that my boyfriend may be on good terms with someone else."

Some LSPs saw the bubble water's eyes redden, and began to show their gentlemanly demeanor.

"As the saying goes, the old doesn't go, the new doesn't come, sister, are you interested in getting to know your brother, buddy sports students, the main thing is precipitation."

"The last thing I can see is girls crying, especially beautiful girls crying, come on, don't mind, lean on my shoulder and cry!"

"Phew, a group of scumbags have also found the picture, my girlfriend is crying about you."

"Ahem, Dean Fu, the patient from the cerebral disability department of your hospital has run out, hurry up and go back to Yacha."

Xu Xuan glanced at the face of the bubble water and said with a smile:

"Okay, then I'll help you solve it."

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