Wait for those six mobile phones, you use the green one

Fang Kewei walked from the alleyway to the main road across the village.

It’s a completely different scene.

The villagers stood on both sides of the road in an orderly manner, lining up to see them off!

Several cadres came up to meet them, holding the Four Treasures of the Study in their hands.

“Hi, you two. We are from the village office, and I am the village party secretary.”

“I didn’t know that the two of you were coming, so I felt disappointed.”

Gou Yunbao smiled and nodded.

“You are welcome. It is our honor to come here to meet Jiang Feng.” Fang Kewei responded politely.

Everyone couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

The dignified principal of Jintan No. 4 Middle School can actually say such things in their village!

Gou Yunbao signaled the people behind to unfold the rice paper, and said with a smile on his face, “You are so humble.”

“Since you’re here, can you please write us a few words? This is also the wish of all of us.”

He has a relatively strong awareness of government affairs, and he understands that Fang Kewei’s visit to Jiangfeng is an opportunity for Pingsheng Village.

Jin Tan No. 4 Middle School, just this reputation can shock the people from all over the world!

The resounding resounded throughout the Development Zone, and even the entire Qingshui City!

If there is another handwriting left, it will be even more serious. Maybe the TV station will go to the village to report.

“You are really a scheming secretary.”

Fang Kewei chuckled, shook his hand and refused to send, Yu, group 9.8″0?2ュ[email protected]ヘ8?5♀6Rejected.

“It’s just that you are going in the wrong direction.”

“Jiang Feng is staying in this village, where is it my turn to write the inscription?”

“If you want me to tell you, if you want the whole signboard, you can ask Jiang Feng for a few pieces of draft paper and composition paper. They are better than me!”

“I don’t know how to be blessed when I am blessed!” Pan Hongkang echoed.

Everyone’s expressions were stunned!

The expression is full of incredible!

Principal Fang Kewei, who is second to none in Jintan City, is so humble in front of Jiang Feng!

Asking him for an inscription is better than asking for Jiang Feng’s draft paper…

“I’m telling you, this Gou Yunbao didn’t understand the situation.”

“Oh, it’s clearly stated in the group, it’s as if this guy hasn’t woken up.”

“If it weren’t for Jiang Feng, Principal Ren would have traveled thousands of miles to come here?”

“Jiang Feng is our nobleman!”

“As long as we surround Jiang Feng, we might see the mayor someday.”


Gou Yunbao licked his lips and swallowed dryly.

“You are too modest…”

“I’m really not humble. We should be pragmatic when doing things,” Fang Kewei cleared his throat and said, “You should know what to do next, right?”

Gou Yunbao was shocked.

He knew that Fang Kewei came here for Jiang Feng, but he never expected to come here with such an attitude of seeking talents!

But he, until now, is still confused!

“Understood, I will reflect on it immediately.”

Looking back at the villagers, “In the afternoon, we all prepare something to respect Jiangfeng!”

“Hey, that’s right, that’s right.”

Fang Kewei and Pan Hongkang walked out in satisfaction.

The village is divided into east and west sides.

Obviously there is no barrier, but it has always been like this in everyone’s mouth.

Even the mobile phone groups are separate.

Pan Guolan lives in the west, so she needs to buy soy sauce from the store in the east.

At the entrance of the store, several women were chatting lively about their children’s grades.

A few were beaming with joy, and a few were talking like mosquitoes.

“Why are your family’s stars so powerful? You can score so high every time.”

“That’s right, she’s taller than Lin Lin in our family. How did she do it?Do you want to share your trick? ”

The eldest sister who just had her head permed has handsome orange-red hair and a confident smile on her face, “Oh, it’s a unique move. She’s just like this in her normal performance. She’s been on top since she was a child, so we don’t need to worry about it.”

Everyone clicked their lips softly.

Versailles, this is the popular Versailles on the Internet.

Calmly, he pretended to be b.

“Are you going to make up classes during the holidays?”

“Make up, of course.” The eldest sister said frankly, “Don’t talk about holidays, you have to make up even in normal times. If you don’t make up lessons, your thoughts will fly away. How can you study?”

“You’re right, you’re right, what about interest classes, how many have you enrolled in?”

Several people asked in turn, trying to get their children closer to good role models.

The elder sister never tires of trouble, but she is very happy.

I’ve been carrying the dishes in my hand for about twenty minutes, and I don’t want to go back.

“This kid has no pursuit of hobbies, so he signed up for a violin training class.”

“Hey, that’s good. If you have too many hobbies, it’s easy for kids to get wild, so it’s better to concentrate on studying.”

“I think so. You are like that kid from Hu Mei’s family. You have played too many tricks, and in the end you can only achieve nothing!”

“Our daughter loves to study. The interest classes she signed up for are Mathematical Olympiad, foreign language, literature exploration and so on. Those teachers all say that she is a potential stock, and they don’t know if it is true or not.”


At this time, Pan Guolan came out of the store carrying the soy sauce.

Everyone quickly shut down their voices!

The eldest sister who dyed her hair took two steps forward, and asked intently: “Guo Lan, your Jiangfeng is the best in the city. How do you usually study? What do you like in your spare time?”

“This kid, don’t mention it!”

Pan Guolan frowned, and shook her head, “This kid is too boring, very monotonous!”

“I only get the first place, but I never got the second place. Don’t you think it’s annoying?”

Everyone: “……”


Quite annoying!

They just wandered around the edge of Versailles a few times, but they didn’t expect to meet a professional player!

What’s worse, they still can’t learn Jiang Feng’s way of learning!

You can’t teach your children to hide all their books. If you have time, you can have more love affairs, right? ?

Looking at Pan Guolan’s back, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

“Look, she’s almost walking sideways!”

“Is it human words?”

“A son’s ambition is arrogant.”

“Oh! I’m cooking!”

As the saying goes, when Jiang Feng makes friends, he never asks how good other people’s grades are, because no matter how good they are, they are not as good as himself!

Back home, Pan Guolan cooked a table of delicious meals.

“Just eat it, girl, and cook it together with those few people.”

“Yeah, anyway, there are no outsiders.”

Su Lingqiao blushed, and slightly raised her head to look at the second elder.

Section 116

No… outsiders…

Just called me a girl…?

Is there a family of four on the table now?

Turning her head to look at Jiang Feng again, her heart beat faster: You don’t know how to call me wife, do you?

People may not be able to stand it!

Jiang Feng: “Teacher, there is a saying that… full of warmth and desire to win?”

“You child, what you say is not pleasant,” Jiang Pingguo glanced at him and said, “Can’t you think when you’re hungry?”

Pan Guolan hit him on the head with the chopsticks, “What are you talking about in front of the child! Everyone is the same as you, and there is only one thing in their minds, right?”

Su Lingqiao: “……”

It’s better to hold on first, this place is probably a wolf’s den!

In the afternoon, Su Lingqiao left.

A courier came to the alley and asked the surrounding people, “Is Jiang Feng’s house here?”

Gou Yunbao: “Yes, are you going to give something?”

“Oh yes, Jiang Feng’s essay has been published in Guangyang Evening News, I’ll give him the manuscript fee.”

“Payment fees!”

Everyone raised their spirits and looked at each other, lost in thought!

Gou Yunbao: “When we wait, we only need draft paper, not composition paper, do you understand?”


They can’t afford this composition paper!

Jiang Pingguo paced back and forth in the room.

Sighing from time to time, he counted on his fingers and said, “500,000 a year, more than 40,000 a month… Hiss——”

“How much money do I and he only make a year!”

Pan Guolan said with disgust: “Feng’er didn’t bow down for five buckets of rice. I don’t understand that? You deserve to be my father!”

“Is that five buckets of rice!”

Jiang Pinguo’s face was full of grievances, “Then you must fill up my house!”

“Hey, when will I be able to make so much money at once…”

“Boom boom boom!”

“Letter from Jiang Feng!”

“Here we come!” He took a deep breath and ran over, “What letter?”

“Payment fees.”

“Payment fee?”

Seeing the thickness of the envelope, he frowned!

The feeling of holding it in the hand is very heavy! Shen is so joyful!

“Jiang Feng, is this your manuscript fee?”

“Yes, it seems to be over 50,000, right?”

Jiang Feng said calmly, the composition has already appeared on the column of the second election.

“More than 50,000!!”

Jiang Pingguo carefully opened his mouth and looked, and he froze!

Looking at Jiang Feng in shock, “You want me to call you Lao Tzu!”

Pan Guolan: “I said, you are not suitable for this old man. Wait for the six mobile phones, you use the green one, you know?”

Jiang Pingguo: “???”

“Lanzi, something is wrong with you!”

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