It’s disrespectful to pour me tea

After hearing that Zhao Qiang was preaching in the office that “Olympic first prize has already been won”, He Qing took the teachers of the competition class in his group to Class 16, Senior One.

Get familiar with Jiang Feng and prepare for the physical chemistry competition.

“This time I can get you a bargain.”

“As long as Jiang Feng is willing to learn, the first prize in physical chemistry is guaranteed.”

Ding Baoxiang and Che Yueming looked happy.

Lao He is a person who is 100 to 80, and the talents he nominates are not bad.

The school’s only third prize in physics is a student of Teacher He.

Although it was later found out that it was cheating and disqualified……

The three came outside the classroom.

He Qing glanced around, frowning slightly, but didn’t see Jiang Fengren.

In the corner, there was a bustling crowd of people and women.

He thought it was the wrong shift, so he re-read the red flag pasted at the door before he concluded that it was correct.

“Teacher He, where is Jiang Feng?”

“Yeah, such an excellent student should be studying after class, right?”

The two “Dingche” said doubtfully, as far as they could see, everyone was fighting.

“Maybe it’s going to the toilet. Wait a minute.”

He Qing said solemnly, “Talent is worth waiting for.”

He still can’t forget the fact that he bet Jiang Feng’s surname with the title of the university, and he often has nightmares…

“Jingle Bell……”

As the class bell rang, all the students ran back to their seats.

He Qing was stunned.

Jiang Feng…was actually wrapped up in a pile of women just now!

There are so many girls that Jiang Feng is overwhelmed!

Following Lao He’s gaze, Ding Baoxiang also looked through the window.

“Sure enough, it’s suave, but… Mr. He, are you sure he can participate in the competition?”

“That’s right, with so many girls around, where is the time to study?” Che Yueming echoed.

“Tsk,” He Qing showed a distressed expression, “The school is committing crimes, and these girls are committing crimes!”

Two people: “…”

“Are you sure it’s the girl who committed the crime?”

“Nonsense!” He frowned, “Let’s go to the Academic Affairs Office together.”

“Director Zeng, go and see the situation in Class 16! A group of girls are surrounding Jiang Feng!”

“We saw it with our own eyes, that guy is impenetrable!”

“I’ve never seen such a scene in a movie!”

Zeng Hongwei looked indifferent, and said with a smile, “I know.”

“You know!”

He Qing was full of surprise, “Then you don’t care?”

“Let these girls influence the talents of the school and the pillars of the country?”

“If this continues, Jiang Feng will fall sooner or later!”

“That’s right, I would have died long ago.” Che Yueming said tightly.

Zeng Hongwei stood up and patted He Qing’s shoulder, “Old He, you are thinking too much.”

“I heard from Wang Chengyuan that those girls are Jiang Feng’s good helpers, and they are very well-mannered.”

“Jiang Feng is very adaptable to such an environment.”


He Qing straightened his thin body forward, and said without hesitation, “Since ancient times, that beauty has been a disaster!”

“It’s a good wife, I think it’s a vixen!”

Zeng Hongwei: “…”

“Teacher He, you can’t slander girls just because you’re a bachelor.”

Ding Baoxiang and Che Yueming couldn’t help laughing behind them.

He Qing took a deep breath, stretched out a hand and said, “Okay, no matter if she’s a good girl or not, I’ll askYou, this group of girls and Jiang Feng’s study, which is more important? ”

“It’s not important,” Zeng Hongwei spread his hands, “Jiang Feng can do whatever he wants, the most important thing.”

He now very much believes that Jiang Feng’s excellence is not limited to any conditions.


The three of them couldn’t help but gasp.

The director’s consciousness is so high that people are frightened!

“But Jiang Feng has been concentrating on these things, so there is no time to study and take competition classes.”

“Attend class?”

Zeng Hongwei looked surprised, “Who said that you must attend classes to participate in the competition?”

He Qing was taken aback!

Ding Baoxiang was taken aback!

Che Yueming was taken aback!

“How do you compete if you don’t have class?”

Section 61

“There are a lot of new things to learn!”

“The director is really joking.”

Zeng Hongwei: “???”

“Old He, tell yourself, Jiang Feng deduced the formulas in the university textbooks, have you attended class?”

He Qing: “No…”

“That’s right, Jiang Feng doesn’t need to attend classes when he participates in the Mathematical Olympiad.”

“You can also promote the first prize now, don’t waste your time here.”

He Qing: “…”

“Will this be too much?”

“No, it’s nothing like that at all. It’s very stable, even more stable than your unicorn arm.”

Ding Baoxiang and Che Yueming breathed out at the same time.

I thought that Lao He was enough to brag about, but I didn’t expect Director Zeng to be the best of the best!

After the midterm exam, another month passed.

The school is about to organize the second round of monthly tests.

For this exam, the first grade group will hold a short meeting.

A long desk, with Wei Jun sitting on top of it.

On both sides are the director, team leader, class teachers, senior teachers and… Jiang Feng!

A freshman in high school actually broke in!

And sitting next to Wei Jun.

Logically, Wei Jun, Zeng Hongwei and others should not appear here, and should go to the senior year for a meeting.

But the current situation makes their focus very clear.

Even if it’s just a monthly test in the school, you must be present.

There must be respect for the heroes and models of the school.

Wei Jun: “The monthly exam that was designed to be more difficult last time did not bring any improvement to the midterm exam.”

“So this time, I don’t think there is any need to make a gimmick.”

“Just an ordinary, normal test paper to exercise the students’ sense of normalcy, and it will work.”

“What do you think?”

“I agree,” Zeng Hongwei echoed. “Recently, the students have followed Jiang Feng as an example. The pressure is extremely high, and the test papers are not too difficult.”

“I also agree. It is so difficult and we are under a lot of pressure. We are not very good at it, so we have to tell the students.”

“Well, I agree.”


At this moment, the kettle jumped.

Wei Jun got up to mention it, and then walked to Jiang Feng’s side.

“Jiang Feng, what do you think?”

“I can do whatever, I don’t care…Hey principal, this is not appropriate…”

Jiang Feng quickly stood up and supported the principal’s hand, “You pour me tea, it’s a disgrace.”

Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Although the school is a sanctuary for teaching and educating people, the qualifications and seniority are also clearly distinguished!

You see, if Wei Jun doesn’t speak, do we dare to speak…

Now she even took the initiative to pour tea for the students!

Only Jiang Feng has the courage!

“It’s suitable, it’s too suitable,” Wei Jun poured the tea politely, and then put the kettle aside.

Everyone tensed up and took a breath.

Look, how real this guy is.

Just pour Jiang Feng a glass and it’s over?

Except for Jiang Feng, everyone here is rubbish?

You should be lucky, if you “get” the tea now, you will have to wear shoes when you leave!

Wei Jun sat down and said softly, “Jiang Feng, don’t take this monthly exam.”

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