Fei Lang’s ingenious plan to secure the world, lost his wife and lost his army

Fei Guoqiang’s eyes widened, his expression froze!

I can’t believe what I heard!

I comforted myself to make this girl figure it out.

But it’s not such a common method!

Now that Lu Xiaojuan has thought about it, she has made up her mind.

The score of 965 is already the result of her going all out and being in excellent condition.

The difficulty of this midterm exam also gave her a chance.

And Jiang Feng mercilessly got a perfect score…

So she will never be able to surpass Jiang Feng!

The only choice now is to get close to Jiang Feng and learn from him.Get as close to him as possible!

“Teacher, I want to go to class 16.”

Fei Guoqiang breathed tremblingly, his eyes tightened, and he refused to send, Yu, Qun 9.8″0? 2ュ[email protected]ヘ8?5♀6: “You can’t go to class 16! ”

Lu Xiaojuan is the absolute main force of class 17. Although she is no match for Jiang Feng, with her there, she won the other intensive classes and won the “boss” position of class 17 without any problem.

And if she went to Class 16, wouldn’t Class 16 be a duo of dragons and tigers, taking off in place? ?

Instead of pulling Jiang Feng over, he lost a strong general.

He will never allow this to happen!

Lu Xiaojuan bit her lower lip hard, “I go from the intensive class to the regular class, why can’t I?”

Fei Guoqiang: “It’s not a matter of possibility, there’s no reason for that!”

“Everyone wants to enter the intensive class, how can anyone run from the intensive class to the ordinary class!”

The students took a breath in surprise.

I’m in a hurry, the head teacher is in a hurry!

She blushed with anxiety!

This is not just about Lu Xiaojuan alone, it is even more related to the honor of the intensive class!

Li Jie happened to come here, and when he heard the commotion inside, he hid outside the wall and eavesdropped for a while.

He coughed twice, came to the door and said, “Mr. Fei, Class 16 is not an ordinary class.”

Fei Guoqiang spread his hands, with doubts on his face.

Li Jie took two steps closer, and said to everyone in the classroom: “Class 16 has been promoted to a red flag class. It is the only class with the best talent.”

He didn’t intend to interfere with the class of Class 17, but the matter of changing Class 16 into a red flag class. The sooner it spreads, the better.

Spread the talent-centered school ethos of encouraging talents.

Fei Guoqiang was taken aback.

Everyone was taken aback!

Class 16… Red Flag Class…

Isn’t class 16 the worst class?

With his own strength, Jiang Feng brought about a shocking reversal!

Lu Xiaojuan’s face was troubled.

This gave her a reason to go to class 16, but in the current situation, is she still qualified to transfer there?

Fei Guoqiang noticed her expression, and hurriedly said, “Lu Xiaojuan, you need to be sober.”

“You can’t lose your mind just because Class 16 changed its name.”

“It’s changed to the Invincible class. It’s just Jiang Feng, and the others are fools, ignorant and incompetent.”

“It’s not worth going.”

Then he turned his head and looked at Li Jie, “Isn’t the school just joking? Think about it and think about it?”

Li Jie shook his hand, “The school has a lot of them. I can assure you that this is the most correct decision the school has made in the past thirty years.”

Lu Xiaojuan’s eyes are bright.

She clearly knew what she was doing.

No matter whether Class 16 is renamed or not, as long as Jiang Feng is there, it will always shine!

But in class 17, she has no room for improvement, no competitors!

She summoned up her courage and went straight to Li Jie, “Ms. Li, can I go to class 16?”

“This is really serious. You can ask Director Zeng. He will do as he says.”

“Okay, I’ll go now.”

She quickly ran to the Academic Affairs Office.

Everyone in the classroom looked shocked.

Just now I said “I want to go to Class 16”, “I want to go to Class 16”, but now it has become “Can I go to Class 16”!

Is it necessary to request…

The intensive class was completely defeated.

Section 47

It’s just… Seemingly losing to the Hongqi class, isn’t it embarrassing?

As it should be?

Why is Lao Fei’s face so green!

Office of Academic Affairs.

Lu Xiaojuan came to Zeng Hongwei weakly.

“Director, I want to apply to go to class 16.”

“Class 16?”

When Zeng Hongwei heard this number, he couldn’t help but smile.

“Why, do you know that class 16 became the red flag class?”

“It’s not because of this,” she said calmly and persistently, “I want to study with Jiang Feng and get closer to him.”

“Hiss…have ambition.”

There was approval in Zeng Hongwei’s eyes.

The student who can’t be satisfied with the second place in the school, the upper limit is by no means simple!

He pondered and said: Class 16 is just the best class in name, and it would be nothing if Jiang Feng was taken away. It really needs to be supplemented with strong students, otherwise it would be contrary to what Hongqi class said.

More importantly, let the school’s No. 2 study with Jiang Feng, it is bound to complement each other.

“I agree.”

Lu Xiaojuan showed excitement, “Really! I can go to class 16 now?”

“Yes, you can go to class tomorrow, and I will help you get in touch.”

“Thank you, Director!”

“You’re welcome,” Zeng Hongwei stood up, and responded with a smile, “You go to class 16, class 16 is the icing on the cake…Eh no, it’s like a tiger with wings.”

Lu Xiaojuan: “…”

It is indeed more appropriate to add icing on the cake…

But it doesn’t matter, the purpose of her trip is to make the icing on the cake even more powerful!

Become the C position of the Hongqi class, keep pace with Jiang Feng!

She hurried back to pack up.

After a while, Fei Guoqiang came running over, sweating profusely, his face full of panic!

“Director, you agree…?”

“Yeah, Renzi is so ambitious, how can I not let her show it?”

“It’s the same in class 17!”

“I can’t find an opponent in class 17.” Zeng Hongwei took a sip of the tea ceremony.

Fei Guoqiang’s whole face twisted together, “Class 17 is the best class!”

“Well, except for class 16.”

“Lu Xiaojuan is the number one in our class! Absolute main force! ”

“She failed Jiang Feng.” Zeng Hongwei stood up and patted him on the shoulder. “We should promote a free learning environment and not drag students down.”

Fei Guoqiang: “…”

“Director, let’s be fair. Class 16 is just an empty shell. Except for Jiang Feng, they are all scum. It doesn’t make any sense to pull good students over there.”

Zeng Hongwei: “Take your time, isn’t Lu Xiaojuan already gone?”

Fei Guoqiang: “???”

If the person in front of him wasn’t a level older than himself, he really wanted to KO on the spot!

“You are biased! Why didn’t you agree when I wanted to drag Jiang Feng to Class 17?”

“Hey, why are you in such a hurry!”

Zeng Hongwei’s face turned serious, “Lu Xiaojuan hasn’t reached Jiang Feng’s level.”

Fei Guoqiang was speechless.

The opponent actually snatched away the main force in his class with reasonable grounds!

It’s more intense than the pain of losing the number one in the school!

He looked at “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” on the bookshelf, and inexplicably thought of a sentence.

Fei Lang’s ingenious plan to secure the world.

I lost my wife and lost my army!

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