Look! This is Jiang Feng’s attitude when talking to the teacherWang Chengyuan was so frightened that he quickly ran to the back.

Bowing his body, he said eagerly, “You can’t go, Jiang Feng.”

“Is there something wrong with the arrangement?”

Beads of sweat were already dripping on his forehead.

The “center” is gone, so what about the learning environment?

Jiang Feng spread his hands helplessly, “As you said just now, the one who fights in class, the one who doesn’t care about studying, and the one whose grades don’t improve step by step, isn’t it me?”

Everyone was taken aback. They never expected that the number one in the school would call themselves like this!

But when you think about it carefully, it does make sense.

Fighting in class, that’s right, there is him.

I have no intention of studying, and I am very accurate. Apart from playing around, I sleep.

There is no staged improvement in grades, he is the first in the school, how do you let him improve?

Adding up the three points, it refers to Jiang Feng, who is impartial!

Wang Chengyuan swallowed jerky, and said in embarrassment, “How could it be you…Even if you meet the conditions, it’s an exception…”


Everyone let out a breath of air.

Sure enough, when Jiang Feng came here, he withered.

This learning environment was rectified just for Jiang Feng!

Lao Wang, Lao Wang, where was your seriousness just now?

Don’t smile with a straight face……

Jiang Feng frowned even more, becoming more and more confused.

Wang Chengyuan opened the back door and signaled, “Come out, and I’ll explain it to you.”

Jiang Feng followed out puzzled.

“Fuck, this situation is a bit serious.”

“Old Wang governs us, Jiang Feng governs Lao Wang.”

“I can see that this is going to compete with the intensive class. Jiang Fengyue’s exams are so complete, and the higher-ups estimate that Class 16 will be turned into an intensive class.”

“It makes sense… eh? Why didn’t the girl leave?”

“This… I don’t understand.”

Everyone was discussing excitedly, and the girls hid themselves and laughed.

Outside the back door, Wang Chengyuan showed nervousness in his eyes.

“Jiang Feng, there is something I have never dared to tell you, for fear that you…”

Jiang Feng’s expression tightened!

Hastily asked: “Is there something wrong with my medical report?!”

“Ah no, no no no no…” He quickly shook his hand, “You are very healthy.”


Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, “Then there is nothing you dare not say.”

Wang Chengyuan looked at the genius in front of him more and more nervously, and said weakly: “There are instructions from the Academic Affairs Office, you can go directly to the intensive class, and you can choose any of the four intensive classes.”

“What do you think?”

“Intensive class?”

Jiang Feng didn’t bother with these three words, and asked, “The content of the class is different there?”

Wang Chengyuan settled down, “There is no difference.”

“Then… the assigned homework is different?”


“The test papers are different?”


“Could it be… that the table is more comfortable to sleep on?”

“No…the equipment is the same.”

“Then why do you want that thing?”

Jiang Feng frowned to express his confusion.

Hearing these words, a majestic aura rose from Wang Chengyuan’s body!

Confidence from the bottom up!

That’s right, their ordinary class is no less than the intensive class!

Outstanding students, where do you need these floating clouds!

He didn’t tell Jiang Feng about this immediately, because he was afraid that Jiang Feng would leave class 16!

Now that I think about it, he is narrow-minded.

To measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!

All he got from Jiang Fengkou was excitement!

He couldn’t help holding Jiang Feng’s hand, “Listening to what you say is better than reading for ten years!”

Jiang Feng: “…”

“Words are serious, words are serious…”

Wang Chengyuan calmed down, “If we really want to talk about the difference, it is actually the difference in the learning environment.”

“That’s why I’m doing all this today to create a good atmosphere for you so that you can study with peace of mind.”

“do not!”

Jiang Feng took a step back and kept his distance, “Don’t make trouble.”

“I’ll just keep the status quo. The learning environment is pretty good. Don’t add to the pressure.”

“Hiss… yes, everything is fine.”

He paused, it seemed that he was superfluous.

“Then the arrangement I just made…wasn’t it necessary?”

“Of course it’s not necessary,” Jiang Feng smiled wryly, “Everyone doesn’t understand what you are doing.”

“Understood, I understand.”

Wang Chengyuan invited Jiang Feng back to the classroom, and then stepped onto the podium.

“I just made a joke for everyone, now I’m talking about business.”

Everyone turned their heads to look at Jiang Feng in surprise!

They knew that Lao Wang would not make such a serious joke!

This was subdued by Brother Feng!

It’s only been two minutes since I went out, so let’s judge?

Wang Chengyuan: “We will come one by one.”

Section 30

“In terms of equipment, we can immediately switch to advanced desks and chairs, blackboards, podiums, multimedia, etc., so that everyone can learn better.”

“Beside the water dispenser, put a coffee machine, and even provide desserts for everyone during class breaks.”

As he said that, he wiped a proud smile on the corner of his mouth, “The higher up pays, only our class 16 has it.”


The whole class breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no doubt that this is also what Brother Feng did!

“Let’s applaud Jiang Feng!”

Wow! !

Before the homeroom teacher finished speaking, everyone applauded vigorously.

Brother Feng not only allowed them to stay in class 16, but also brought an unprecedented style to class 16!Doesn’t this envy others?

Yao Guangzhi, He Yi, Yang Wei… All the boys cast admiring glances.

There is no longer jealousy, but they confided together: Brother Feng, I want to hang out with you!

Song Bo showed relief, “Ma De, I almost thought that there was no chance of being at the same table with you.”

Now, his position is the throne.

Wang Chengyuan: “Alright, there is also the issue of seats.”

He glanced at Jiang Feng in the corner, and said, “The class needs support and confidence.”

“Jiangfeng is our pillar and confidence.”

Everyone nodded, they made sense.

“So, we have to focus on Jiang Feng.”

“Seats also need to be arranged.”

He tried to exchange eyes with Jiang Feng, but Jiang Feng held his forehead with one hand, looking distressed.

Yao Guangzhi stood up resolutely, “Teacher, let Jiang Feng sit here with me.”

Chen Ting’s position is in the very center of the classroom, and his position is in the row behind the center.

It’s also a golden position.

He used to rely on his strength to sit here before, but now, he feels unworthy!

Chen Ting originally wanted to make room, but…she didn’t want to be at the same table with Song Bo…

Wang Chengyuan gave Yao Guangzhi a look of approval, then looked back, “Jiang Feng, what do you think?”

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“Excellent” treatment is different!

Wherever he wants to sit and do what he wants, Lao Wang still has to ask for instructions!

Jiang Feng stood up in distress, “I don’t think so.”

“Teacher, didn’t you hear clearly what I said outside just now?”


Wang Chengyuan was stunned!

The whole class was stunned!

have a look! This is Jiang Feng’s attitude when talking to the teacher!

I can’t be envious!

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