Xuanhuan: It Turns Out That I Have Long Been Invincible

Chapter 86 The Truth Is Of10 Very Close

Everyone looked at Leng Mozhen playfully.

At this moment, as long as he is not a fool, he can be sure that he is desperate.

This means that Lu Huan's words are true.

The other party is really Leng Mozhen of Zhenhuo Pavilion.

This is very interesting! !

True Fire Pavilion is very strong.

It is even more famous in the entire Tianwu Kingdom for its refining tools.

But they are only a fifth rank force after all.

But what about the Blood Devil door?

third rank forces!

Keep pace with Tianwu Kingdom.

Even more powerful.


Sect forces are generally too lazy to manage ordinary people.

This is the Tianwu Kingdom, or the Martial King Dynasty, which needs to be dealt with.

in other words.

Although the Blood Devil Gate is also a Sect force in Tianwu Kingdom.

But because they have no direct conflict of interests with Tianwu Kingdom, it is clear that if you don't provoke me, I don't care about you.

True Fire Pavilion may be an old Dage in front of ordinary forces.

But in front of the Blood Devil gate, it was not enough to see.

In the eyes of everyone's expectations, Wu Ke really turned cold and shouted:



The disciples of the Blood Devil Sect around the standing posture rushed towards Leng Mozhen like a swarm.


At this moment, everyone discovered that there was Lu Huan among the disciples of the Blood Devil Sect.

What the hell are you doing! !

Everyone didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Although the current situation looks like, Blood Devil has completely suppressed Leng Mozhen.

But Leng Mozhen is a cultivator at the peak of the Golden Core realm after all.

Didn't Lu Huan rush up like this to give Leng Mozhen a chance to escape?

But no one noticed that Wu Ke had a sympathetic look on his face after seeing Lu Huan also shot.

He personally felt the power of Lu Huan.

Obviously there is only Cultivation Base at the peak of Foundation Establishment Realm, but its strength is not inferior to those of the ancestors of Nascent Soul.

A mere cold ink?


When Wu Ke saw that Leng Mozhen really felt that Lu Huan was a breakthrough, he rushed directly to Lu Huan, ready to take Lu Huan as a hostage.

He let out a disdainful sneer.


next second.

A roar suddenly exploded in the trading floor.


In the sound of the explosion, the crisp sound of bone cracks, accompanied by Leng Mo's painful screams, made people feel their scalp tingling.

Everyone was shocked to see Leng Mozhen, who was stuck in the ground with a punch and couldn't move for a long time, and exclaimed:


"This guy named Lu Huan is so strong?"

"It's fake! Did Director Wu Ke secretly take action?"

"It can't be Director Wu Ke, Director Wu Ke is the Cultivation Base at the peak of the Golden Core realm, I feel that the punch just now has the breath of the ancestor of the Nascent Soul realm!!"


Standing ten meters away from Leng Mozhen, Lu Huan muttered disdainfully:

"It's also a powerhouse at the peak of the Golden Core realm. This guy's strength is too poor!!"

When he beat Wu Ke violently, he even used a mental attack before he got a reward reminder from the system.

But on Leng Mozhen.

He just punched out the system reward.

【System Cultivation Base+100 years】

Lu Huan walked slowly to Leng Mozhen's side, and in his terrified eyes, he took off the mask on his face.

"It's really cold and ink!!"

"I just said that the Blood Devil Sect can't gossip, let alone slander the people of the True Fire Pavilion!!"

"Just so! Compared with the Blood Devil Sect, the True Fire Pavilion is nothing, but their crafting abilities are still first-class in the Tianwu Kingdom. There is no need to offend them in the Blood Devil Sect!!"

"Thinking about it now, I always feel like I've heard this name Lu Huan somewhere!!"

"You've heard of it too? I feel a little familiar too!!"

"Is it the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect who was wanted by the True Fire Pavilion before?"

"Huh? Tianjianzong Sect Leader? Shouldn't he be alone! This is the direct disciple of Blood Devil Men Qiaoyou Elder, how could he go to a small sect like Tianjianzong and do Sect Leader!"


With Leng Mo's real identity being dismantled.

There are more and more speculations about Lu Huan.

Some people have even guessed Lu Huan's true identity.


Because of Wu Ke's introduction to Lu Huan, they chose to ignore this truth.

But in fact, if they think about it carefully, it is not impossible to determine the identity of Lu Huan.

Who ruled that Lu Huan couldn't become a disciple of the Blood Devil Sect after he had the identity of the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect?

Heavenly Sword Sect Sect Leader status is higher.

It's also just a Sect Leader of a seventh-rank force.

Is it not too different from the elder disciple of Blood Devil Sect?

Say something bad.

Even if the Heavenly Sword Sect Sect Leader, it stands to reason that it needs the Cultivation Base of the Golden Core realm to be able to act.

It's almost the same level as the head of the Blood Devil Sect.

But actually.

It really depends on the status.

Even an inner discipline from the Blood Devil Sect came to the Heavenly Sword Sect.

The ancestors of the Heavenly Sword Sect's Nascent Soul realm have to be treated respectfully.

In the eyes of outsiders, they will also feel that it is natural for the ancestors of Tianjian Sect to do so.

in other words.

The reason why everyone doesn't believe that Lu Huan is the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect, but also the disciple of the Blood Devil sect.

It wasn't that they thought that Lu Huan was already the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect, how could he still be the disciple of the Blood Devil Sect Elder.

Quite the opposite.

They thought that Lu Huan was already a disciple of the Blood Devil Sect Elder, so why did he run to become the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect?

Is this a pain in the ass?

Even say.

There is another possibility.

Lu Huan was sent by Blood Devil Sect to Tianjian Sect to experience, in order to help Blood Devil Sect control Heavenly Sword Sect.

But the Blood Devil sect is a sect that is biased towards Devil Dao.

As for the Heavenly Sword Sect, it is absolutely the number one faction in the Immortal Dao of Qingyan County.

Blood Devil Sect does not look down on Heavenly Sword Sect, but Heavenly Sword Sect wants to join Blood Devil Sect, and the power of Immortal Dao is absolutely not allowed.

At least.

It is impossible for the Tianwu Kingdom to agree.

Lu Huan would not waste his time explaining his identity to this group of people.

Looking down at Leng Mozhen, with a playful smile on his face, without saying a word, seeing him as a foot pedal and stepping on his chest, he turned to look at Liu Zhenghai:

"Master Liu, do you agree with Wu Ke's transaction?"


Liu Zhenghai uneasily "swallowed" a mouthful of saliva.

He also suddenly woke up at this moment.

Guan Wu, who was sent by his Master to protect him, was also suppressed by Lu Huan with a punch and lost his combat effectiveness.

The Lu Huan in front of him is definitely a cultivator at the peak of the fake Foundation Establishment Realm.

To offend such a person, really... is purely courting death! !

"Agree, I agree!!"

Liu Zhenghai tremblingly raised the small porcelain bottle with the condensing pill in his hand, looked at Wu Ke in a pleasing manner, and said flatly:

"Steward Wu, something for you, I... can I go?"

"Take it out, I'll check it, what I want is a condensing pill that can increase the chance of breaking the mirror by 50%, but nothing else..."

Wu Ke smiled, and the big bald head flashed a dazzling light again.

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