However, Lu Huan is willing to be pitted.

Xiao Er will definitely not remind.

He was able to get half of the 100-day fee for the refining room.

This has been his salary for nearly a month!

"Sir, this way please!"

Xiao Er's face immediately showed the expression of the fat sheep being hooked, and eagerly took Lu Huan and walked towards the direction of the refining room.

Lu Huan glanced at Xiao Er suspiciously.

Although I was puzzled, I didn't care too much.

The real fire pavilion's business of renting out the refining room has long been absent.

The refining room that was built at the beginning is now in dire straits.

At first glance.

Like a dilapidated firewood house, there is still a place for air leakage.

Through these holes, you can clearly see the situation in the refining room.

"This place still needs 100 Spirit Stones a day?"

Lu Huan frowned.

"Sir, I don't know. Although this place is broken, the Earth Fire provided in it is not provided by other shops..."

Xiao Er said with a serious face:

"Also, the adults are lucky today, and it's a coincidence that they came here. At other times, there is no free room at all!!"

As soon as Lu Huan opened his mouth, Xiao Er knew that this was a noob.

The market for the refining room is not clear.

He also didn't expect Lu Huan to come a second time.

If you can pit it once, you can pit it once.

All kinds of good things to say.

Lu Huan didn't particularly care about the situation in the refining room.

He mainly wanted to try, how was his level of refining.

A hundred Spirit Stones is not much.

Anyway, when he left the Zhao family, he also searched and took a lot, even though he had realized that he might have been tricked.

He didn't care too much either!


He took out a hundred Spirit Stones and handed them to Xiao Er, and Lu Huan walked straight into the refining room.

Little Er happily took the Spirit Stones, stood at the door of the refining room, and giggled.

Lu Huan vaguely heard laughter from behind him.

Glancing at the situation in the refining room, he couldn't help but sneer.

Do you think daddy was tricked?

Daddy wants to let you know, who is being scammed! !

Lu Huan came to the corner of the opposing material.

There is a pile of mortal materials here.

Lu Huan, who has received all the knowledge of the first-order, second-order, and third-order refining equipment, naturally recognizes these materials.

But he has discovered that there is a good thing in it.

Pick up a taro-like stone with a white body and many black dots the size of sesame seeds inlaid inside.

Lu Huan walked out of the refining room again:

"Is there any more of this kind of iron stone? Send me some more!!"

"There is, there is, as much as the adults want, we can provide as much as the real fire pavilion, and... all for free!"

Xiao Er glanced at the materials in Lu Huan's hands and nodded hastily.

This iron and gold stone is very cheap.

A single Spirit Stones can buy the size of several houses.

actually is not very cheap due to the high yield.

Quite the opposite.

The output of this stuff is very low.

Even if their True Fire Pavilion Qingyang City branch, there are not many.

It's just that Elder, the refining tool of their True Fire Pavilion, has tested it many times. The black particles in the iron and gold stone greatly affect the effect of the refining tool.

Even the refining of mortal objects will lead to the success of refining mortal objects, which are very fragile.

A cultivator in the body refining realm can easily smash it to pieces.


There is an advantage to this thing.

That is because it is more troublesome to refine it, and it is especially suitable for novices to improve the level of refining materials.

To know.

For a refiner.

How to master the refining of a material is very important, and it is also a very basic thing.

Must be locked up!

"This kid has some eyesight and knows the benefits of this thing!"

Xiao Er murmured, came to the warehouse, and told the warehouse manager about the request.

When the steward heard the news, he couldn't help but tease Xiao Er:

"Zhou Zi, you made a lot of money today! You have to treat yourself tonight!!"

"Good talk good talk!"

"Hey! This is all the stock in our Qingyang City warehouse. You take it out and hand it over to that kid. It makes him happy, and maybe I can give you a little reward!"

The steward raised his eyebrows with a smirk.

"Thank you for the steward, don't forget to invite you to drink at night!"

Xiao Er greeted him and returned to Lu Huan with all the iron stones.

"My lord, I have brought you the iron and gold stone you asked for. Take a look, what else do you need?"

Looking at the iron stone that Xiao Er brought over, it was about five or six cubes in size, which made Lu Huan's eyes couldn't help but flash a gleam, and said with a smile:

"Put it there first! If you need anything, I'll tell you later!"

"Okay sir, then I'll be waiting outside now, just say hello to me if you need it!!"

Xiao Er happily left the refining room, stood guarding outside, and thought proudly:

This is indeed a big fat sheep, must be greeted! !

It's just that Xiao Er didn't hear it. After he left, Lu Huan sneered mockingly:

"Iron gold stone? This is a precious material that can extract the sixth-order material Black Cloud Gold. It turns out that your True Fire Pavilion is at this level!"

In the third-order refining knowledge accepted by Lu Huan, it is mentioned how to extract black cloud gold from iron gold stone.

in other words.

As long as it is a Tier 3 Item Refiner, he can extract Black Cloud Gold from the Iron Gold Stone.

That Zhou Xiafeng's Master's money.

But a fifth-order refiner!

It's a pity that they have eyes but don't know gold and jade.

I missed such a good thing.

The so-called black cloud gold is actually those small black particles in the iron and gold stone.

Lu Huan glanced at Xiao Er outside.

Go directly to the forging table and threw pieces of iron and gold into the furnace.

The Earth Fire provided by True Fire Pavilion is indeed not simple.

In the blink of an eye, a piece of iron and gold stone was fused, and the black cloud gold inside was like small sesame seeds, suspended on a pile of white liquid.

Next, is the point.

How to fuse the seemingly separated black cloud gold and iron gold stone to truly separate them.

According to the memories received in his mind, Lu Huan carefully constructed connection points and slowly separated.

The first refiner.

Although Lu Huan accepted the memory, he was like a third-order craftsman who had been refining for decades. Whether it was the experience in his mind or the movements on his hands, he seemed very skilled.

But in order to be able to extract the black cloud gold.

He still had to be careful.


The first black cloud gold the size of a sesame grain was completely separated from the iron stone solution and successfully extracted by Lu Huan.


Lu Huan laughed.

With experience, the next speed will be very fast.

Almost less than an hour.

Lu Huan extracted all the black cloud gold in the several cubic iron and gold stones.

A total of a fist-sized piece of black cloud gold was harvested.

This black cloud gold, placed outside, is worth at least tens of millions of Spirit Stones.

It is more than ten times more expensive than ordinary sixth-order materials.


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