Xuanhuan: It Turns Out That I Have Long Been Invincible

Chapter 43: The Zhao Family In Qingyang City

"Children, fighting and killing is not suitable for you. If you have this spare time to meddle with your own business, you continue to tease your girl and pick up your girl, isn't it delicious?"

Lu Huan shook his head and sighed helplessly.


When a maid of the Zhao family heard this, she instantly ignored the tense situation in front of her and burst into laughter.

But next second.

She suddenly reacted again, kneeling on the ground with a look of fear, her body trembling in horror, begging for mercy:

"Second Young Master, spare your life, cheap maid..."


Zhao Cheng snorted coldly, and before the maid could finish speaking, he ordered with murderous intent on his face.

A guard rushed to the maid without hesitation, raised the long knife in his hand, aimed at the maid Bai Nen's neck, and chopped it down.


Lu Huan sighed.

One finger pops up.

A azure-blue Spiritual Qi bullet flew out from his fingertips, hit the guard's long knife, directly attached to the knife, and flew out.

Lu Huan is not a good person though.

But not a bully who kills innocents indiscriminately!

The maid was obviously implicated by him and suffered this catastrophe.

He really couldn't watch people helplessly, and in front of himself, he was directly hacked to death! !

[Congratulations to the host for defeating a strong enemy, reward Cultivation Base for 1 year]

at the same time.

Several other guards have also been besieging Lu Huan.

"Kill him for me, you guys, arrest this bitch for me. Let you die happily, if you don't want to, daddy will let you die!!"

Zhao Cheng's face was grim, like a pervert, and he ordered several maids around him.

The maids who received the order looked at each other.

Don't dare to resist at all.

Because they all know very well, what a perverted Devil Zhao Cheng is!

If they don't act.

In the end, it was only them who were unlucky.

"Bang bang bang~"


Lu Huan is not the ordinary people that Zhao Cheng bullied before.

The moment he gave the order.

Lu Huan's body also moved suddenly.

Before waiting for a few grinning faces, the Zhao family guards gathered around to start, he has already taken the lead.

One punch one.

He didn't hold back.

These Zhao family guards, who helped Zhou and abused him, exploded under the shock of 64,000 cattle.

[Congratulations to the master for killing a strong enemy, reward system Cultivation Base 10 years X5]

Hear an explosion.

Zhao Cheng turned his head and looked over suspiciously.

His eyes narrowed instantly.

Frightened, he raised his legs and wanted to run away.

"Dare to run?"

Lu Huan snorted coldly and punched out.

"Magic Fist!"

The boxing shadow, like a ghost shadow, mercilessly attacked Zhao Cheng's back.


But at this moment, a piercing hissing sound came from the side.

In the blazing fire, one after another red palm prints slapped on the magic wind fist, and a whole roaring explosion sounded.

Although it was not able to directly explode the magic wind fist.

But it finally changed the attack direction of the magic wind fist and landed on the building next to it.


A beautiful two-story building was instantly erased.

On the ground, a large pit with a diameter of several hundred meters was left.

If someone looks down from above at this time, they can find that this big pit is clearly a huge fist mark.

"Who is Your Excellency? Why did you come to my Zhao family to make trouble!"

An old man in gray hurriedly rushed over from the side and roared with murderous intent.

"Grandpa, save me, kill this little beast!!"

Seeing the old man, Zhao Cheng showed a look of surprise on his face. He rushed towards the old man while shouting.

After finally rushing to the old man's side.

Zhao Cheng seemed to think that he must be all right, and provoked Lu Huan again:

"Dog thing, this is our Zhao family, it's up to you, if you want to kill daddy, you are still tender!! Haha!!"

"It's not the Zhao family, I'm not here yet!"

Lu Huan's face was indifferent, and he didn't care about Zhao Cheng's provocation at all. This old man was just a cultivator at the peak of the Golden Core realm!

Zhao Mingyuan stared at Lu Huan vigilantly.

He is not a waste like Zhao Cheng.

From the move just now, he understood that Lu Huan's strength was definitely not inferior to him.


The other party dared to enter their Zhao family alone.

If there is no trump card, the ghost will not believe it.

"Who is your Excellency? What are you doing at our Zhao family!"

Zhao Mingyuan asked cautiously.

"Grandpa, why are you talking nonsense with him? Kill him directly!! He almost killed me just now!"

Hearing this, Zhao Cheng glanced at Zhao Mingyuan resentfully.

Lu Huan wondered if Zhao Mingyuan saw Zhao Cheng's eyes.

He did see it anyway.

This surprised him!

What the hell!

This guy has something!

Obviously still need to use the protection of this great grandfather.

How dare you wait for him so resentfully?

Isn't he afraid that Zhao Mingyuan will just quit his job?

"Hand over Zhao Mingzhi!"

Although he was complaining in his heart, Lu Huan didn't care and said with a smile.

"You are that Lu Huan from Tianjian Sect?"

When Zhao Mingyuan heard Lu Huan's words, his expression was stunned for a moment, and his face showed a look of ecstasy, and he laughed:


"Heaven has a way, you don't go, The Underworld has no way, you break in!!"

"Our Zhao family is worried, where are we going to find you, and you dare to come to the door yourself. Hurry up, hand over your father's inheritance, and we will spare you!"

Zhao Mingyuan instantly forgot his worries and roared greedily.

"So, you know, my father's business!!"

Lu Huan grinned, his expression suddenly gloomy.

"Magic Fist!!"

"Dare to do it!!"

"Open Fire Spirit Palm!"

"Boy, you're dead!! Grandpa is a strong man at the peak of the Golden Core realm, and you dare to fight against him!! Haha!!"

In Zhao Cheng's eyes, there was a surprise of getting revenge for a great revenge. He seemed to have seen the scene of Lu Huan being killed by Zhao Mingyu in one move.

But the next second.

When the magic wind fist and Zhao Mingyuan's open fire spirit palm were facing each other.

The smile on Zhao Cheng's face disappeared, and he shouted in fear:

"Impossible, Grandpa's strength is so powerful, how could you be his opponent! Fake, must be fake!"

"Zhao Cheng, call someone!!"

When Zhao Mingyuan saw his own move and was directly smashed by Lu Huan with a punch, he also realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted at Zhao Cheng.


Zhao Xing was like being frightened.

Slumped on the ground.

He kept mumbling in his mouth:

"Fake, it must be fake!"

Zhao Mingyuan's cry was not heard at all.


Seeing this, Zhao Mingyuan roared with incomparable anger, released a move again, and bombarded a high-rise building in the center of the Zhao family mansion.

"Hey! Is this going to demolish the house? Do you want me to help!!"

Lu Huan couldn't help laughing.

Although the Zhao family is not small.

But the movement between him and Zhao Mingyuan was very big.

No one showed up for so long.

Let Zhao Mingyuan not take the initiative to attack the building of the Zhao family to remind the rest of the Zhao family to come out to the rescue.

have to say.

This Zhao family is really...

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