Xuanhuan: It Turns Out That I Have Long Been Invincible

Chapter 39 Old Man Spirit Sword, Meet The Sect Leader?


The Forbidden Spirit Seal burst out with dim lights, quickly appearing above the head of the ancestor of the spirit sword, covering him like an open umbrella.


The spirit sword ancestor with a cold face on his face, just like Yuan Qingfeng before, let out a terrified cry and fell to the ground.


"What exactly is going on?"

"Lu Huan is clearly the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment Realm, how can it be possible to control the Forbidden Spirit Seal and seal the ancestor of Lingtian, the ancestor of the Nascent Soul realm?"

"Fake it! When did the Forbidden Spirit Seal become so powerful? When Jian Changsheng was holding it before, he could only seal the Nascent Soul realm powerhouse for a moment, and it was impossible to completely seal it. !!"

The senior leaders of the Heavenly Sword Sect present were dumbfounded.

The Forbidden Seal held by Lu Huan and the Forbidden Seal in their impressions are completely two things.

If only they knew in the morning.

The Forbidden Spirit Seal has such a powerful power.

How could it be possible to let Jian Changsheng, the Sect Leader, exclusively.

After all, the ancestor of the spirit sword is a strong man in the Nascent Soul realm.

The physical strength is much stronger than Yuan Qingfeng.

After falling from a height of hundreds of meters, he instantly controlled his body, used a few buffering movements, and rolled around on the ground a few times.

"Forbidden Spirit Seal, it's actually in your hands!!"

Spirit Sword Ancestor looked up at Lu Huan and roared.

"Jian Changsheng gave it to me!"

Lu Huan looked down at the ancestor of the spirit sword condescendingly, with a playful smile on his face.

Nascent Soul is not only placed in Qingyan County, it belongs to the strong.

Even if it is placed in the entire Tianwu Kingdom, it is a very powerful existence.

He actually used the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment Realm to make a Nascent Soul ancestor so embarrassed.

In Lu Huan's heart, he was still very proud.

"Fart, how could Jian Changsheng...you, what are you doing?"

The ancestor of Lingjian blew his beard and scolded him angrily.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized that Lu Huan put his eyes on his Fire Cloud Sword.

Spiritual Qi is blocked.

Even if the ancestor of the spirit sword has already recognized the master of the fire cloud sword.

But the speed of summoning the Fire Cloud Sword that fell to the ground was not so fast.

When he reacts.

Lu Huan had already held the Fire Cloud Sword in his hand.

Seeing the strange smile on Lu Huan's face, a strong sense of unease emerged in the heart of the ancestor of Lingjian.


No one thought that the ancestor of Lingjian knelt directly on the ground and shouted loudly:

"The Forbidden Spirit Seal is the certificate of my Heavenly Sword Sect's Sect Leader. Since Lu Huan has obtained the Forbidden Spirit Seal and recognized it as the master, it means that he will be the Sect Leader of my Heavenly Sword Sect from today!!"

"Old man Spirit Sword, meet Sect Leader!!"

The ancestor of Lingjian kowtowed and bowed! !


The disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect and the high-level executives who were present looked at each other in dismay.

No one expected.

How did things get to this point.

a second before.

The ancestor of spirit sword also wanted to kill Lu Huan.

next second.

Why did he just kneel down and worship Lu Huan as the new Sect Leader of the Tianjian Sect?

Even if it was really because Lu Huan recognized the Forbidden Spirit Seal as the master.

Follow the rules.

It is indeed qualified to become the Sect Leader of Tianjianzong.

But the problem is.

Also in accordance with the rules of Tianjianzong.

There is no need for an ancestor-level existence like the ancestor of Lingjian. To the Sect Leader of Tianjianzong, bow down and bow! !


When several senior leaders of the Heavenly Sword Sect who are close to the ancestors of the Spirit Sword.

Seeing that the ancestor of the spirit sword raised his head quietly and looked at Lu Huan with a pleading expression, to be precise, it was the Huoyun sword in Lu Huan's hands, they suddenly understood why the ancestor of the spirit sword reacted so much! !

after all.

The ancestors of Lingjian can rise and go all the way to the current height.

It has too much relationship with the Fire Cloud Sword.

How could Jian Changsheng casually enter the Forbidden Spirit Seal and give it to Lu Huan, and let Lu Huan succeed in recognizing the master in such a short period of time.

As long as you are not a fool, you can understand that Lu Huan must have snatched the Forbidden Spirit Seal from Jian Changsheng's hands.

Jian Changsheng was sealed by Lu Huan Spiritual Qi, which is also a proof.


If Jian Changsheng took the initiative to hand over the Forbidden Spirit Seal to Lu Huan, but Lu Huan also sealed him up, that would be nothing! !

In fact, from the various reactions of Lu Huan.

Everyone also understands that Lu Huan's character is definitely not such an ungrateful villain.


Then again.

This also explains the reason why the ancestor of Lingjian did not hesitate to regard Lu Huan as the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and bowed down to him.

He was afraid that Lu Huan would also have the ability to take away the Fire Cloud Sword during the period when he was sealed with Spiritual Qi! !

Lu Huan couldn't help but sneered.

How could he not know the thoughts of the ancestor of the spirit sword.

Tianjianzong Sect Leader?

Ha ha!

Whoever loves to do it!

He wouldn't do it anyway! !

"System, how much system Cultivation Base is needed to remove the spirit sword's aura on the Fire Cloud Sword and recognize the master?"

【One hundred and thirty years】

"Is it such a coincidence?"

Lu Huan raised his eyebrows, looking at the 15-year system Cultivation Base after deducting the 130-year Cultivation Base, some didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Deduct it!!"

Lu Huan's voice just fell.


The ancestor of Lingjian, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face instantly wilted.


The expression of the ancestor of the spirit sword changed greatly.

In his heart, he could no longer feel the existence of Huoyun Sword, which made him panic and anger, and wanted to shout twice to express his anger and unwillingness.

But thinking of the Spiritual Qi that he was sealed, and the lost Fire Cloud Sword, which occupied most of his combat power.


The ancestor of Lingjian couldn't bear it any longer, and he spat out a mouthful of blood with a miserable face, and he passed out directly.

[Congratulations to the host for defeating a strong enemy, reward Cultivation Base for 100 years]

Looking at the system Cultivation Base that has been restored to more than 100 years, Lu Huan grinned and smiled in the direction of the ancestor of the spirit sword, and said in a low voice:

"Spiritual Sword Ancestor, you are too polite! Just give me the Huoyun Sword, and you even gave me so many Cultivation Bases, tsk tsk!! I am so grateful!!"


Lu Huan took the Huoyun Sword back into his body and looked at the Tianjian Sect members below with some emotion.

He also knows the current situation.

It is almost impossible for him to continue to stay in the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Originally, I wanted to form a team with Yan Lei and others to explore the ruins of Liuyan Mountain, but now it is even more impossible.

Silently glanced at the direction of Yan Lei's residence.

Silently in my heart, there will be a period later.

He ignored the other disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect at the scene and prepared to leave.

But Lu Huan forgot one thing.

He and so many disciples of the Tianjianzong just got into Yuan Qingfeng's Illusion Art because he joined forces with several other forces in Qingyan County to wrap up the Tianjianzong with formation.

Although I don't know how they did this quietly.

However, although Yuan Qingfeng was sealed by Lu Huan's Cultivation Base and lost his combat effectiveness, the formation has not been broken!

If Lu Huan wants to leave, he has to crack the formation first! !

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