Xuanhuan: It Turns Out That I Have Long Been Invincible

Chapter 35 The Attack Of The Group Of Enemies

Yu Shan really doesn't want a face anymore.

Regardless of what he did, it would be a huge blow to the many disciples present today.

He said bluntly and demandingly:

"Lu Huan, just beg you, if you can really cultivate Tianjian Lingjue, no matter what you ask me to do, I agree!!"


Yu Shan's words exploded in everyone's ears like a thunderstorm.

Everyone felt their brains buzzing, and some doubted whether they heard it wrong.

"Tianjian Lingjue? Isn't that a broken third rank Cultivation Technique? It's impossible for anyone to succeed in cultivation! How could Lu Huan be able to cultivate?"

"Elder Yu is so crazy! Over the years, how many disciples has he fooled and wasted their time cultivating the Heavenly Sword Spirit Jue? Now he even sacrifices his own face in order to make Lu Huan cultivate?"

"Slot! Such an Elder, what's the use of him, it's a shame for our Heavenly Sword Sect!!"

In Mo Mingjiao's huge eyes, curiosity replaced shame and anger, and she couldn't help but ask:

"Lu Huan, are you really able to cultivate Heavenly Sword Spirit Jue?"

"Tianjian Lingjue can indeed cultivate."

Hearing the mocking voices of the surrounding disciples, Lu Huan smiled deliberately and said.

Just to stimulate you.

If you have the guts, go for it!

As long as you dare to do it, I can harvest a lot of system Cultivation Base.

Only then can I cultivate the Heavenly Sword Spirit!

Hurry up! !


The group of people in front of them had already seen how powerful Lu Huan was.

Although they dare to mock Lu Huan.

That was because they felt that with Mo Mingjiao there, they would definitely be able to block Lu Huan and prevent them from being hurt.

However, after Si Junchao was killed by Lu Huan in front of Mo Mingjiao, no matter how much they longed to know the secret about the Heavenly Sword Spirit from Lu Huan's mouth, they never dared to do it. of.

"A bunch of cowards!"

Seeing this, Lu Huan snorted coldly and walked out of the mission pavilion.

"Yu Elder, it's not good..."

But at this moment, a terrified cry of burning eyebrows rushed in from outside the mission hall.

Lu Huan frowned and looked intently.

A young cultivator covered in blood and dressed as an Outer Sect disciple rushed into the mission pavilion and immediately shouted when he saw Yu Shan:

"The ten Sects, including Feishan Sect, Linghuo Sect, and Blood Cloud Pavilion, have joined together to form a team that has come to the foot of our Heavenly Sword Sect. At this moment, they are frantically killing our waiting Outer Sect disciples!"


Hearing the words of this Outer Sect disciple, everyone was furious.

"Fishers of Feishan Sect, what do they want to do? They dare to kill our Heavenly Sword Sect!"

"The Spirit Fire faction of Damn it often sends people to attack and kill our disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, but this time they didn't hide it and came directly to the door?"

"The Feishan Sect and the Linghuo Sect are also the famous sects in our Qingyan County. How can they be mixed up with the stinky mouse in the Blood Cloud Pavilion?"


Compared with the angry appearance of the ordinary disciples who gritted their teeth and cursed, Mo Mingjiao and his party came from the disciples of the Law Enforcement Pavilion, and the reaction was very admirable.

All of them burst out with a killing intent. Without saying a word, they took out their Magic Treasures and turned around in unison. Under the leadership of Mo Mingjiao, they rushed towards the outside of the mission pavilion.


The same is true for Yushan.

In the face of such a crisis, he temporarily ignored the desire for Heavenly Sword Spiritual Jue in his heart, took the lead, smashed the roof of the Cultivation Technique pavilion, and flew towards the foot of the mountain with murderous aura.

"This matter seems to be caused by me, then let me solve it!"

Lu Huan smiled slightly.

Go to the door of the mission pavilion.

Seeing the several branches of the Heavenly Sword Sect representing the Elder's garrison, they all shot out murderous figures, and shot towards the foot of the mountain.

Except for these Elders.

Tens of thousands of inner disciplines.

Flying from everywhere to the sky, killing intent soars into the sky.

These killing intents, in the sky above Tianjianzong, almost condensed a blood-colored air mass that was like a cloud of thunder and tribulation.

"In the Heavenly Sword Sect, there are still good disciples!"

Lu Huan sighed with emotion, and just a little under his feet, he also rushed away, killing him towards the foot of the mountain.

at the foot of the mountain.

There is already chaos.

The number of combined teams of the disciples in the Heavenly Sword Sect was several times that of the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Terrifying explosions and shrill screams were intertwined at this moment, a tragic battle song.

Lu Huan didn't talk nonsense either, and went straight into the crowd.

As long as they see disciples who are not Tianjianzong, they will bombard them with one punch.

"Bang bang bang~"

It added a bit of desolation to the world that was already shrouded in blood.

Lu Huan turned off the system's beep.

this moment.

The system's prompt sound will not bring him any joy.

All he knew was that he was now a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

After this war is over.

Is he still a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect?

But he did live in Tianjianzong for so many years.

There is no Heavenly Sword Sect.

He may have already died at the hands of some malicious people in the Lu family.

Then, for the sake of the Heavenly Sword Sect, let's fight the last battle!

In the face of this inexplicable battle.

Every disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect is like a heroic warrior who is reckless, contributing his last drop of blood in order to protect the homeland behind him!

Time passed little by little.

At the foot of the entire Heavenly Sword Sect, blood has flowed into rivers.

There are only one tenth of the original millions of cultivators.

The United team seemed to be scared out of their wits.

Otherwise keep fighting.

Curled together, staring vigilantly at the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

And the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect also moved closer together.

The two sides confronted each other.

The most surprising thing is that the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, who have not played many battles, did not suffer serious losses.

This made Lu Huan stunned when he saw the result in front of him.

But what shocked him even more was that when he opened the system prompt, he was shocked to find that the system Cultivation Base was still 455 years old, and he was dumbfounded after it didn't grow even a day.

"This is impossible! The cultivation practitioners I just killed were at least a few hundred people, and many of them were stronger than my Cultivation Base."

"How come you have to harvest the system Cultivation Base for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years?"

"Why hasn't the system Cultivation Base increased for one day?"

Lu Huan frowned and asked the system silently in his heart.

"System, what the hell is going on?"

The system did not answer.

But Lu Huan also knew the answer in the next second.


A frantic laughter suddenly sounded from the heavens and the earth.

"Jian Changsheng, I will join the team and give you a welcome gift from Tianjian Sect. You are satisfied!!"

"Are you Yuan Qingfeng, the Sect Leader of Feishan Sect?"

Wei Huangji, the great elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect, suddenly reacted and exclaimed:

"This is Illusion Art?!"

"As expected of the elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect, the response is quick. But..."

The owner of the laughter, Yuan Qingfeng's voice suddenly became hideous:

"If your Heavenly Sword Sect is not honest and hand over people, don't blame us for turning everything in this illusion into reality!!"

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