Xuanhuan: It Turns Out That I Have Long Been Invincible

Chapter 33 5 Rank Cultivation Technique

"Boy, if you can really successfully cultivate the Heavenly Sword Spirit, this old man can grant you a request!"

After Yu Shan handed over the Cultivation Technique, I had some expectations.

Lu Huan was the first Foundation Establishment Realm practitioner who could not see through his cultivation for so many years.

when he was young.

It is not that he has not left Tianjianzong to go out to practice.

Although the top Tianjiao, I have never seen it.

But also met a lot of people.

But among these people, compared with Lu Huan, Yu Shan can only say that there is none.

I have been studying Heavenly Sword Spirit for so many years.

He was already a little stunned in his heart.

He didn't want to worry about who Lu Huan was.

If the other party can really learn the Heavenly Sword Spirit Art and fulfill his wish for so many years, he is really willing to give everything.

Hearing Yu Shan's words, Lu Huan was slightly startled and asked silently in his heart:

"System, if you want to cultivate Heavenly Sword Spirit Jue, how much system Cultivation Base do you need?"

[The fifth rank Sword Technique is detected, whether it consumes the 500-year system Cultivation Base and perfects the Cultivation Technique]

The system did not directly answer Lu Huan's question, but made an inquiry.

"Fifth rank Sword Technique?"

Lu Huan was very surprised.

In the Heavenly Sword Sect, whether it is up to the Sect Leader Elder or down to the disciples.

in their impressions.

Tianjian Lingjue is only a third rank Cultivation Technique, and it is still incomplete.

But now, the system told Lu Huan that this was not the third rank Cultivation Technique, but the fifth rank Sword Technique.

"Consumption, must be consumed!!"

Lu Huan said impatiently.

[The system Cultivation Base is insufficient, please continue to work hard to obtain the system Cultivation Base]


The system's icy beep made Lu Huan stunned and smiled bitterly.

He glanced at own's current system, Cultivation Base, which was only four hundred and forty-five years away, fifty-five years away from the required five hundred years.

"It hurts!"

Lu Huan murmured depressedly, looked at Yu Shan in the distance, raised his brows, and said with a smile:

"Yu Elder, if you want to know the secret of the Heavenly Sword Spirit Jue, you might as well punch me with all your strength!!"

"Are you a fool to be a daddy?"

Yu Shan blurted out and said vigilantly:

"Although the old man is a late stage cultivator of the Golden Core, he is much stronger than Yin Hua. But Yin Hua attacked you with all his strength. You didn't do anything, but you were able to knock him away in an instant. This old man is definitely not your opponent!"

it is as expected.

Hearing this, Lu Huan immediately determined the reason why Yu Shan was so honest, hehehe smiled, and said:

"Then do you really want to know the secret of Tianjian Lingjue?"

"You really know?"

As soon as Yu Shan heard this, a splendid brilliance suddenly erupted in his eyes.

"You just need to punch me and I'll tell you!"

Lu Huan said lightly.

"Okay, this is what you said. Old man, I will fight today!"

Yu Shan gritted his teeth and let out a low roar, his body turned into a golden light, and rushed straight towards Lu Huan from the front.

But Lu Huan clearly felt a secret aura coming from behind his own.

old stuff.

This is going to be tricky too!

Lu Huan stood there and frowned.


The symphony of Jin Ge suddenly sounded from behind Lu Huan.

A long sword slammed into him, stirring up a layer of golden recoil, and the long sword was smashed and flew out.

The long sword instantly pierced through the second floor of the Cultivation Technique Pavilion, the walls covered with formations, and disappeared.

But at the same time.

Yu Shan, who quickly rushed towards Lu Huan, stopped abruptly, the golden light his body turned into, and stayed abruptly in mid-air for a moment.

back to the original position.

Yu Shan, who once again revealed his body shape, has lingering fears in his heart. In his eyes, a smug smile appeared:

"Boy, I know you're not easy. The second rank Sword Technique Vajra I used just now was used by you, but you were able to easily resist it and counterattack. If I hit you directly with my hands, the one who flew out now would be this old man. It's gone!"

Yu Shan grinned and laughed, and continued:

"I followed your instructions and attacked you! Now I can tell this old man the secret of the Heavenly Sword Spirit Jue!"

"You know what I really want, you have to play such a slick..."

Lu Huan snorted coldly, turned and walked downstairs.

As he walked, he waved his hand and said:

"Since I don't cooperate with the Elder, then I'm also very sorry. The secret of the Heavenly Sword Spiritual Jue has nothing to do with you!!"

"You...don't leave!"

Yu Shan was shocked.

Hearing Lu Huan's words, he had a vague feeling.

Lu Huan is not kidding.

If he really let Lu Huan leave in front of him today.

In his life, he may really never have the chance to know the secret of the Heavenly Sword Spirit Art!

Lu Huan ignored Yu Shan's cry.

He walked downstairs with ease.

"Lu Huan?"

As a result, just walking downstairs, a familiar voice rang in Lu Huan's ear.

He turned to look.

It turned out to be Wang Wei!

However, Wang Wei is not the leader.

In front of him, there was a woman with a frosty face.

This woman Lu Huan also knew.

It was Mo Mingjiao, the chief steward of the Heavenly Sword Sect's Law Enforcement Pavilion, and one of the three great talents of their Heavenly Sword Sect.

Mo Mingjiao is the last Holy Maiden.

He is ten years older than the disciples of their generation.

But he was only in his twenties.

Why is it called Holy Maiden?

Because before Su Xiaowan appeared.

The Heavenly Sword Sect never gave birth to the Holy Maiden in the true sense.

Only Su Xiaowan showed her super talent in swordsmanship, and was recognized by all the Elders as the hope for the rise of their Heavenly Sword Sect.

Only established her Holy Maiden.

in other words.

Although Mo Mingjiao is one of the three top talents, her talent is still a little worse than Su Xiaowan.

But after all, she was more than ten years older than the disciples of the same generation as Lu Huan and Su Xiaowan.

She is already the First Stage of the Golden Core, and she is fully qualified to act as a steward.

This is also the reason why she is still one of the three great arrogances, but at the same time she has become the steward of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

after all.

according to rules.

No matter how strong Tianjiao is, he is also a disciple.

In terms of body status, it is definitely a level lower than that of being in charge.

Even if everyone understands.

Those who can become Tianjiao are destined to become Elders in the future as long as they do not die halfway.

But who made this the rule?

"Mo Guanshi, it's him, he was the one who smashed Butler Yin Hua away just now."

After seeing Lu Huan, a disciple of the Foundation Establishment Realm immediately pointed at Lu Huan and shouted with excitement.

It looked like a look of schadenfreude seeing a powerful disciple like Lu Huan about to die.

Hearing this, Wang Wei was obviously stunned for a moment, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he complained that Lu Huan was indeed a troublemaker, but he said quickly:

"Senior sister, there may be some misunderstanding in this!"

"Brother Wang Wei, as a captain of the Law Enforcement Pavilion, how can you be so partial? Just now, Director Yin Hua made it clear that Lu Huan violated the rules and needs to be abolished from the Cultivation Base, compensated for one million Spirit Stones, and hurried away. Going out, he just didn't want to abide by such a punishment, so he took action against Yin Hua, which is what we all saw!!"

The inner disciple who spoke had a look of anger standing on the commanding heights of morality on his face, and said angrily.

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