Xuanhuan: It Turns Out That I Have Long Been Invincible

Chapter 23 Killing The 3 Elder Branches

Looking at Yan Lei's cynical appearance.

Lu Huan was a little emotional.

The previous Yan Lei was not like this.

Although his mouth is poisonous, he is definitely a hardworking and good young man.

Can make him look like this.

It can only be said that the competition of Inner Sect is too cruel.

Continue drinking with Yan Lei.

Lu Huan knew that Yan Lei in this state, even if he was already a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment, would quickly get drunk.

as predicted.

Another hour passed.

Yan Lei was already lying on the table and fell asleep.

Putting Yan Lei on his own bed, Lu Huan left Yan Lei's residence and walked towards the Immortal Cave of the Three Elders.

The Immortal Cave of the three elder Zhao Mingzhi, in the depths of Tianjian Sect.

The concentration of Spiritual Qi is twice that of Inner Sect.

It is said that there is a low-level spiritual vein under the mountain where Immortal Cave is located.

In general.

It is absolutely forbidden for outsiders to enter.


Therefore, when Lu Huan came to the foot of Zhao Mingzhi's Immortal Cave, two guard disciples blocked his way with a cold expression.


"May I ask if the two senior brothers, Lin Bai, the Outer Sect disciple, are in the Third Elder Immortal Cave?"

At present, Lu Huan does not understand some situations. Although he is strong enough, he will not provoke an elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect casually. His attitude is quite polite.

"Are you Lu Huan?"

But who knows, just after Lu Huan finished speaking, one of the guards changed his face and shouted:

"You are an Outer Sect disciple, you are so daring, you dare to break into the Inner Sect without authorization, and you dare to come to the Immortal Cave of the Three Elders, say, what are your intentions?!"


The long sword in the guard's hand instantly aimed at Lu Huan's neck, and a murderous intent erupted in his eyes, quite a plan to kill Lu Huan on the spot.


Hearing this, Lu Huan's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

Before, he had guessed that after Lin Bai escaped, he immediately ran to the Immortal Cave of the three elders. Did he say that he was framed and the three elders were behind, and he also got credit.

However, Lu Huan thought about it carefully.

I am an ordinary Outer Sect disciple.

Before there was no system, Zhao Mingzhi and Zhao Mingzhi were completely one sky and one earth.

He is the third elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect. If he really wants to mess with himself, there is no need to be so troublesome.

Whatever reason you find, you can make your life worse than death.

Also dismissed the idea.

But now.

Seeing this three elder's guard disciple, the reaction was so strong.

This idea emerged from Lu Huan's mind again.

He was even more curious, what the hell was Lin Bai's framing of his own truth!

"So, Lin Bai is indeed in the Immortal Cave of the Three Elders?"

Lu Huan squinted his eyes, completely ignoring the guard disciple in front of him, at least the Foundation Establishment Realm Third Stage Cultivation Base, raised his fist, and slammed it directly.


Even though this guard disciple was ready to attack, Lu Huan's power was too terrifying.

Without the blessing of Cultivation Technique, it will reach the power of 24,000 cattle.

The merciless bombardment struck the guard disciple, causing a terrifying roar.

The guard screamed and flew out backwards.


When the guard next to him saw this, he became angry with shame. He also waved the long sword in his hand and shouted fiercely:

"Qingfeng Sword Art!!"


In Sen Leng's murderous aura, a cyan sword light burst out, like lightning, slashing towards Lu Huan.

"Blast me!"

Even though Lu Huan possessed the Vajra body protection magic and could easily resist this sword light, he still snorted angrily, raised his fist again, and bombarded the sword light.

"Peng Chi~"

The terrifying sword glow, unable to resist for even a second, exploded with a bang.

Lu Huan's fist, the momentum is endless.

Facing the broken sword glow, he smashed the long sword in the guard's hand.


Dense cracks appeared on the long sword immediately, and it shattered into a pile of scrap copper and iron on the spot.

The guard disciple was dumbfounded.

He is the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment Realm Fourth Stage.

Even the Demonic Beasts of the Foundation Establishment Realm Fifth Stage can be killed easily with the Sword of Breeze that is displayed.

The results of it?

Lu Huan blasted it with one punch!

Even with its own long sword, it is abolished.

This is not the first-order long sword of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

But it took him several years of hard work to ask the elder of the martial art to make a long sword that is twice as powerful as the standard long sword!

Although, it is still first-order.

But it has also reached the first-order peak.

No worse than some rubbish second-order Magic Treasures!

But still couldn't resist Lu Huan's punch.

What a power this f*ck is!

In the mind of the guard disciple, countless mixed thoughts appeared in an instant, and there was also a look of horror in his eyes.

How to do?

Escape, or fight again!


Also in the next second.

Lu Huan threw his fist again to help him make a decision.

He couldn't escape, he couldn't fight.

A painful scream came out of his mouth, and he flew out backwards. After landing, his eyes widened and he passed out.

[Congratulations to the master for defeating the enemy X2, reward Cultivation Base for 20 years X2]

The reward from the system made Lu Huan's mouth curl into a smile, and then he raised his head and walked confidently towards the Immortal Cave on the mountain.

The three elders are more selfish.

There are not many direct disciples accepted, but there are many guard disciples who are free labor.

The difference between the two is.

The former requires him to take the initiative to provide resources and teach, Cultivation Base is relatively strong.

The latter depends entirely on the benefits of the sect.

The level is the same as the normal inner discipline.

Most are Foundation Establishment Realm early stage, or Foundation Establishment Realm middle stage.

Lu Huan hits the Immortal Cave entrance all the way.

After ending up with more than ten guard disciples, the system Cultivation Base has been acquired for nearly fifty years, and finally I met a direct disciple of the three elders——

Yuan Hao of Foundation Establishment Realm Seventh Stage!

"Where is the little bastard who dares to be presumptuous in the territory of our three elders!!"

The furious Yuan Hao, indiscriminately, immediately killed Lu Huan.

The soaring figure exuded the violent aura of the Foundation Establishment Realm Seventh Stage.

The glow of fiery red energy made his figure soar in the void, like a furious flamingo.

The temperature in the void suddenly increased to Baidu at this moment.

The vegetation on the ground was directly dried into powder.

"Phoenix Fire Fist!!"

From Yuan Hao's roar, a crisp sound like Phoenix's cry suddenly sounded.

The flame fist shadow he blasted out.

In the void, a flaming bird condensed and slaughtered towards Lu Huan fiercely.

The aftermath emanating from the Firebird relentlessly charged towards the surroundings.

Some of the guard disciples who were only knocked unconscious by Lu Huan and lost their combat effectiveness, under such impact, were either more seriously injured, or died on the spot.

good guy!

Said to stop Lu Huan.

But Lu Huan just knocked these people unconscious, but didn't kill them.

Yuan Hao is better.

Once out.

Just the aftermath of the move, killed several guard disciples on their branch mountain.

How can you not take the lives of these guarding disciples seriously!

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