Lu Huan was not afraid.

The purpose of taking the initiative to attack is to judge the strength of this skeleton.

He is now sure.

Although this skeleton's attack is very powerful, it is comparable to a powerhouse at the peak of the Golden Core.

But that's it.

in other words.

The skeleton's attack, although it can cut Lu Huan's Vajra indestructible body out of the cracks, it is impossible to explode it.

Lu Huan can still use Vajra's indestructible body to resist the skeleton's attack.

"Next, it's my turn!"

Lu Huan sneered.

Concentrate the strength of the whole body and bombard the skeleton.

"Bang bang bang~"

The strength of a full 10,000 cattle hit the void, and there were bursts of terrifying sonic booms.

The fire of the soul in the eye hole of the skeleton flashed quickly.

I don't know if it's fear or anger.

next second.

It turned and ran away.

Obviously scared!


How could Lu Huan let it escape, gritted his teeth, slammed his feet on the ground, and the huge recoil made him accelerate towards the skeleton.


The huge fist power that almost condensed the entity, mercilessly fell on the back of the skeleton, on the third spine.


The skeleton that attacked extremely high, but defended quite rubbish, was instantly blown up by Lu Huan's fist and turned into a cloud of dust.

[Congratulations to the host for defeating the enemy, reward Cultivation Base for 1 year]

"What the hell?"

Lu Huan was dumbfounded by the sound of the system's arrival.

He knew very well what the one-year Cultivation Base reward meant.

This shows that the enemy's Cultivation Base is at the same level as him.

A skeleton at the peak of body refinement actually possesses the power of a peak powerhouse in the Golden Core realm?

"This f*ck is so unreasonable!"

Lu Huan was quite speechless.

But he ignored that he is also a Cultivation Base at the peak of body refinement, but has a defense comparable to that of a peak powerhouse in the Golden Core realm.

Isn't this too unreasonable?

"What is this?"

But at this moment, Lu Huan suddenly saw a black crystal the size of a mint drop on the ground.

At the moment of picking it up, the system prompt appeared again:

[Heitian Lingjing: It can help practitioners in the cultivation realm break their own strength limits, but they need to pay attention to Devilish Qi. There is a high probability that the practitioner will be affected by Devilish Qi when they break through, sometimes going crazy and sometimes sober]

The moment he saw this thing, in Lu Huan's mind, Liu Qi's appearance involuntarily appeared.

Didn't Liu Qi just leave the Heitian Cave and turn into the present image that is sometimes crazy and sometimes sober?

Could it be that he also got the Black Sky Spirit Crystal and used it?

Lu Huan shook his head, unable to guess the answer.

In my mind, a thought suddenly appeared again, and asked:

"System, I use the System Cultivation Base, can I clear the side effects?"

[Yes, whether to consume the system Cultivation Base for one year to clear the side effects of Heitian Lingjing]


Lu Huan smiled slightly.

I knew it.

With systems in place, these dangers can really be avoided.

After removing the side effects.

The color of the Black Sky Spirit Crystal changed from the original pitch black to gray.

Do not want to.

Lu Huan was able to put it in his mouth.

Slightly sweet with a hint of sweetness.

The taste is not as hard as it feels, but soft, a bit like Suguo toffee.

Soon, it turned into a warm current and poured into Lu Huan's limbs.

Strength is boosted.

"Increased the power of two thousand cattle?"

Lu Huan's eyes widened, surprised.

The Cultivation Base at the peak of normal body training has a limit of one thousand cattle.

After breaking through to the Foundation Establishment Realm First Stage, not counting the addition of Cultivation Technique, it is possible for its own strength to reach 2,000 cattle.

But now?

A piece of Hei Tian Lingjing can increase the power of cultivators by 2,000 cattle?

Oh my God.

If this has a large number of Heitian spirit crystals, doesn't that mean that it can mass-produce the cultivation practitioners of the Foundation Establishment Realm First Stage?


It's unbelievably strong!

Lu Huan looked forwardly to the altar, desperately hoping that such a skeleton would appear again and let him kill it.

Perhaps it was the perception of Lu Huan's thoughts.

The master behind the altar, desperate to kill Lu Huan, kept this secret.

It could also be that the murder of his subordinates made the altar master angry.


Groups of black light flashed from the center of the altar, turning into skeletons, and surrounded Lu Huan.

"Good come!"

Lu Huan laughed.

Act quickly.

The power of 12,000 cattle swayed out as if he didn't want money.


Lu Huan didn't even need to use all his strength.

As long as the scythes in the hands of these skeletons are avoided, even the strength of two thousand cattle is enough to smash them into powder.

Like the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves, Lu Huan blasted these new skeletons to death in an instant.

Not only did I get ten Black Sky Spirit Crystals, but I also got a ten-year system Cultivation Base by the way.

"Go on! Don't stop!"

With such a dissatisfied gesture, Lu Huan stretched out a finger, and provocatively pointed towards the altar.

Finally, the master behind the altar said angrily:

"Young people, don't deceive people too much!!"

"Are you the Black Sky Cave Lord?"

Hearing this voice, a smile appeared on Lu Huan's face.

He knew there was something wrong with this place.

When he observed the altar before, he noticed some fresh traces of activity on the ground.

It will definitely not be too long before he comes.

However, he came all the way here.

There are no forks around.

Along the way, except for the corpses of some seniors who had fallen for a long time, I didn't see a single living person.

There's definitely something wrong with that.


There are real people hidden here.

The mysterious voice that suddenly appeared, immediately rejected:

"I'm not!"


Lu Huan narrowed his eyes, clenched his fists, and made a warm-up gesture, as if preparing to continue his attack.

"Little brother, don't be impulsive, what do you want?"

The people behind the scenes panicked.

"Then are you the Black Sky Cave Lord?"

Lu Huan narrowed his eyes, waved his fists, and threatened.

"Yes and no!"


A cold light flashed in Lu Huan's eyes.

"The real Heitian Cave Lord has already died. I am actually a lucky Rogue Cultivators. After I came to Heitian Cave by accident, I got half of the inheritance of Heitian Cave Lord. He..."

The person behind the scene was so frightened by Lu Huan that he quickly explained it as if he poured beans into a bamboo tube.

turn out to be.

This Black Sky Cave Lord is actually a Devil Cultivator.

Just because of some accidents, fell here.

The man behind the scenes is Yang Zhong.

According to his own words.

After being chased and killed, he inadvertently broke into the Heitian Cave and obtained half of the inheritance of the Heitian Cave Lord.

Why is it half inheritance?

Actually is not said that Yang Zhong's strength and talent are not enough.

His Talent is actually very suitable for the inheritance of the Black Sky Cave Lord.


He is also a Devil Cultivator himself.

This meets the first condition in the inheritance of the Black Sky Cave Lord, and it is also a necessary condition!


If you want to get all the inheritance of the Black Sky Cave Lord, there is a more stringent condition.

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