Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 91 Taikoo City, Trade Fair, Opening Raw Stones!

When Lei Wanbao heard this, no wonder he slapped himself.

Damn it, why are you asking him for nothing?

It’s simply asking for humiliation!

But it’s embarrassing but not embarrassing.

So he still said forcefully: "It's not difficult!"

It's indeed not difficult, but he doesn't know how.

The forging speed this time is very fast.

Mainly because when Zhang Yan came back, he had already reached the finishing stage.

After building it, Lei Kunhai looked at Zhang Yan: "How is it? If you don't understand anything, just ask."

Lei Kunhai didn't even look at Lei Wanbao. He knew all about his grandson's virtues.

"It doesn't feel difficult." Zhang Yan told Lei Kunhai honestly.

"Okay, not bad. When you come back this time, you will go all out to make spiritual weapons."

After hearing Zhang Yan's words, Lei Kunhai clapped his hands and helped him make a decision.

To this.

Zhang Yan did not refuse.

This is a good thing.

Being able to refine spiritual weapons means that he is a second-level weapon refiner.

Your status and status will be improved again.

His current identity is a true disciple of the Qingheng Sect.

But if you leave the Qingheng faction, you will leave the Zhao country.

Others will not recognize him at all.

And this second-level weapon refiner will be recognized by others no matter where he goes.

Even flattery.

Because weapon refiners, alchemists, formation masters, and talisman makers all belong to the profession of the proud ones.

Among them, alchemists and weapon refiners are the best among them.

Everyone’s cultivation is inseparable from these two.


For Zhang Yan, weapon refining has other uses.

So he cares a lot.

After Lei Kunhai finished refining the spiritual weapon, he was ready to take Zhang Yan to the ancient battlefield.

Among them, Lei Wanbao is also going to follow.

So it was brought along.

The ancient battlefield is quite far away from the Qingheng Sect and even the State of Zhao.

Therefore, Lei Kunhai did not take them on the natal magic weapon.

Instead, a flying boat was directly released.

This flying boat is not big in size, but it looks like a dragon. Especially at the bow of the boat, there is something like a dragon's head.

"This flying boat..."

Zhang Yan looked at Lei Kunhai with some uncertainty.

"The green dragon boat is a top-quality spiritual weapon.

This was created by killing a third-level evil dragon.

It's a pity that it was not made into a magic weapon. "

Speaking of this, Lei Kunhai's face showed a trace of regret.

Theoretically speaking, the corpse of a third-level dragon is enough to create a magic weapon.

In the end, only one top-quality spiritual weapon was created, which was indeed a pity.

"Let's go." After Lei Kunhai finished the introduction, he took the two of them directly onto the green dragon boat.

Just as soon as he went up, Zhang Yan noticed the difference.

The speed of this green dragon boat is too fast.

Far beyond the sect’s spaceship.

He didn't know where he could go faster than he could control the Aoki Boat.

"Can you let me control it?" Suddenly, Zhang Yan asked Lei Kunhai on a whim.


Can. "

Lei Kunhai nodded lightly and didn't say much.

Instead, he collected his own mana.

Because this is a top-grade spiritual weapon, Zhang Yan's own magic power cannot be used for a long time.

Fortunately, this green dragon boat can use spiritual stones.

Lei Kunhai stuffed a few middle-grade spiritual stones directly into his body.

In this way, Zhang Yan can perfectly control this green dragon boat.

And as soon as he took over, he immediately started the boat racing mode.

The speed started to rise straight up.

The exciting wind blew around them.

Zhang Yan overlooked the earth from a high place.

"This is what a cultivator should look like!"

Maybe it's because of the golden elixir stage.

So along the way, everyone encountered no danger at all.

Instead, he killed several lone monsters.

It can be said to be quite rewarding.

In this way, we quickly reached our destination along the way.

Taikoo City outside the Taikoo Battlefield!

Looking from a distance, they saw a majestic ancient city crawling on the winding hills, like a giant dragon!


They could see spots of blood on the ancient city, as well as holes repaired behind it.

Even some of the ground turned bright red.

All this shows that this place has often been ravaged by war.

"Don't worry, these are all traces of the past." Lei Kunhai noticed the expressions of Zhang Yan and Lei Wanbao.

He spoke out in relief.

“This Taikoo City is located in the middle of several countries, close to the Taikoo battlefield, and has huge interests. Therefore, it has been a battleground since ancient times. Sects often come to attack Taikoo City and want to take this city into their pockets.

Therefore, the owners of Taikoo Shing changed back and forth by an unknown number of people.

Those forces come and go, come and go.

In the end, everyone felt that this was inappropriate, so they just sat down and talked.

It was finally decided that all the sects with Nascent Soul Stage monks from the five surrounding countries would be able to take a share of the pie.

At this point, the Taikoo City has finally settled down. "Lei Kunhai explained to Zhang Yan.

While talking.

He was also filled with envy.

In the ancient battlefield, there are not only many old magic weapons.

There are even a lot of special materials.

It is very useful for refining weapons.

But unfortunately...

The Qingheng sect has no immortal cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage.

So they can only buy raw stones here honestly, and can't intervene directly.


"Let's go, let's go into the city first!" Lei Kunhai said, putting down the flying boat.

Then he took Zhang Yan and others to line up at the gate of Taigu City.

Although he is a Jindan-stage cultivator, Jindan-stage cultivators dare not enter Taigu City!

After all, this is the territory of several Yuanying-stage sects.

If he breaks the rules here, even Qingheng Sect can't protect him!

Follow the flow of people to pay the entrance fee.

Zhang Yan and others finally entered Taigu City.

After entering, Zhang Yan looked around with some curiosity.

This Taigu City is different from what Zhang Yan imagined.

Although he spent most of his time in Qingheng Sect, he has been to many places over the years.

There are also many markets.

But in those markets, no matter what, there will be ordinary mortals.

But this city is different.

In this city, there is no mortal.

They are all cultivators.

Even some jobs that should be done by mortals are all done by immortal cultivators.

"Why are there all immortal cultivators here?" Before Zhang Yan opened his mouth, Lei Wanbao next to him asked first.

Immortal cultivators are doing the work of servants!

This is simply...

It's simply insulting!

You should know that ordinary immortal cultivators, no matter how bad they are, can go to the mortal world to be a guest official.

Let alone.

There are all kinds of delicacies, beauties and power.

"This is Taigu City, too close to the Taigu battlefield, and a lot of evil spirits are gathered.

You can't feel it if you don't feel it carefully, but if you put mortals here, they will become crazy in three or five days.

Mortals are really too weak."

In response to Lei Wanbao's doubts.

Lei Kunhai also explained directly.

"I see." Zhang Yan nodded. If mortals can't come here to work.

Then they can only let the low-level immortal cultivators come.

"Moreover, here, the low-level cultivators can also have a day to stand out." Lei Kunhai continued to speak.

"How do you say that?"

Zhang Yan asked with some curiosity.

"Because this is the ancient battlefield, it is the ancient city, there are a lot of raw stones here, and many ordinary cultivators have bought a piece of raw stone and cut it in exchange for a lot of resources to achieve the foundation-building pill.

There are also cultivators who have opened up the exercises from it and practiced smoothly all the way.

In short...

Because of the existence of raw stones, many people who have no chance have gained opportunities.

Therefore, the ancient city is also called the city of hope."

When Lei Kunhai said these words, his tone was calm, as if he had no emotions.

But Lei Wanbao next to him was excited: "Let's go, let's go and open raw stones!"

"Brother Lei, this matter is probably not that simple." Zhang Yan said helplessly: "Don't look at so many people making money, but behind these people, there are more people who have lost everything!"

In Zhang Yan's view, only large sects can afford raw stones.

Ordinary people want to try their luck, but they will be eaten up without leaving any residue.

Even if they are lucky enough to get something, so what?

It is only temporary?

Even if they are lucky enough to get something, it will be even more terrifying.

Because ordinary people can't resist the temptation of making quick money.

It's okay if you lose at the beginning.

If you win, you will most likely fall into the endless abyss.

And there are many such cases in Taigu City.

They are addicted to opening raw stones.

They will exchange the spirit stones they have earned with great difficulty for raw stones.

Then they will either open some messy things.

Or they will simply not open anything.

Because these low-level cultivators will never know that the raw stones will be screened again and again.

The first-level raw stones will be selected by the major sects that control Taigu City.

The slightly inferior ones will be the possessions of the major Jindan period sects.

The worse ones will be the things that ordinary cultivators can buy.

And this time Lei Kunhai brought Zhang Yan here, mainly because Taigu City released a batch of special raw stones.

Special-grade raw stones are very expensive, but they may produce something very good.

Generally speaking, this kind of raw stone is obtained in the center of the ancient battlefield.

It is very dangerous there, so the price is also very high.

But not every piece of raw stone will be shipped.

Therefore, for this kind of special raw stone, the general method of the ancient city is to auction it.

If good things can be produced, then they will buy it back at a high price.

Even if the other party is unwilling to sell, it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, you may make a small profit, but they will never lose.

"Our mission this time is very heavy, and you don’t make trouble when you come here, do you hear?"


In fact, Zhang Yan and Lei Wanbao knew it without Lei Kunhai saying it.

After all, this is the ancient city, not the territory of the Qingheng Sect, so they must be low-key.

Because the auction will start in a while.

So Lei Kunhai also let the two move freely.

"Let's go, let's go and see the raw stones here.

I heard from my grandfather that you can pick raw stones. Can you help me pick a few raw stones?" Lei Wanbao looked at Zhang Yan eagerly and asked him.

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