Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 83 Two supernatural powers superimposed

The power of magical power must be greater than that of spells.

This is an indisputable truth.

Therefore, the power of spiritual energy sword is definitely greater than that of sword cultivation.

And Zhang Yanchun can also understand from the spiritual energy sword that spiritual energy sword is itself an advanced magical power of sword cultivation.

Because of the spiritual energy sword, Zhang Yan has some new plans.

Although the flying sword he conjured up after Zhang Yan used the spiritual energy sword was very mini.

It was less than the length of a finger.

And it was also very thin.

But precisely because of this, he felt it was more practical.

After all, the main function of this thing is magical power.

If magic is compared to wood, then magical power is steel.

So under the same mana, the power of magical power is definitely stronger.

In addition, the size of the magical power is small, so Zhang Yan can put more spiritual energy swords in the sword cultivation gourd.

Although these swords are small in size, they are more powerful and more concealed.

When they are released, they will be like hidden weapons, which is exciting to think about.

Besides that.

Zhang Yan thought of another magical power of his.

Sowing beans to make soldiers!

He took out a seed of a spiritual plant and gently scattered it.

Then a little bean man immediately appeared on the ground.

The little bean man looked a little dull, just like Mu Sen.

But it could still understand and complete the basic instructions.

"Spiritual energy into sword!" Zhang Yan hummed again, and then stretched out his hand, and an illusory flying sword appeared between his fingers.

"Go!" Zhang Yan lightly nodded.

Then the flying sword flew directly in front of the little bean man.

"You try." Zhang Yan said to the little bean man.

The little bean man did not hesitate and directly picked up the flying sword transformed by spiritual energy.

"Come, try your strength." Zhang Yan turned another spiritual energy into a sword and hit the little bean man.

"Swish!" Zhang Yan's speed was very fast.

The little bean man's reaction was not slow either.

Draw the sword directly to block!

As Zhang Yan continued to control the flying sword, the little bean man could barely block it.

"Not bad!" Zhang Yan was very satisfied with the performance of the little bean man. It can be seen that these two magical powers have exerted the strength of 1+1 greater than two.

"I still haven't developed enough magic.

I should continue to develop it." Zhang Yan sighed.

With the little bean man and the spiritual sword.

Zhang Yan's strength has been improved to another level.

He now feels that he is terribly strong!

But when he heard the voices of the senior brothers outside, and thought about his uncle.

Zhang Yan put away his youthful and frivolous heart.

Although he is terrible, the other party seems to be more powerful!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but calm down.

Still have to work hard to practice!


Three months later.

Zhang Yan's Thunder Flame Body Forging Technique has made some achievements.

His physical strength is much stronger than before.

He has also entered the sword training technique. As for the cultivation level, it is still the seventh level of Qi training, but it is only one step away from the eighth level of Qi training.

It is worth mentioning that it may be because he ate a lot of spiritual fish in these three months.

Zhang Yan's barrier from the seventh to the eighth level of Qi training has been loosened.

It is estimated that he can successfully enter the eighth level of Qi training with a few attacks.

I can only say...

Those spirit fish are really outrageous!

"Zhang Yan, come here." Just when Zhang Yan was about to continue practicing, he suddenly heard the voice of his uncle.

Without saying a word, he immediately came to the door of his uncle's room.

He knocked on the door gently and pushed it open after getting permission.

"Greetings to my uncle." After entering, he first greeted his uncle, and then found that Mo Changqing was also here.

But for some reason, Mo Changqing's face was a little ugly.


Why are you here?" Zhang Yan looked at Mo Changqing with some curiosity.

"This time, the master came to you for something, you two can talk." The uncle said to Zhang Yan.

"Yes, uncle!"

Zhang Yan nodded slightly, and then took Mo Changqing away.

"What's wrong, Master?"

"The situation is not very good. For some reason, the Qingxin Lotus you left for the sect is not growing well. I was afraid that something might go wrong, so I just brought it to you!"

Mo Changqing's expression was not very good when he said this.

He never thought that Zhang Yan cultivated a third-level spiritual plant, but the sect could not support it.

It can only be said that he was a little helpless!

As he spoke, he took out the Qingxin Lotus.

It has not grown at all in more than three months. It is even a little sluggish.

"It's okay, leave it to me!" Zhang Yan laughed.

In fact, it's not surprising that the sect has no way.

It's really a special situation.

You should know that the Qingxin Lotus itself is difficult to cultivate.

The reason why he can cultivate it is purely the secret technique of transplanting flowers and trees in the Wanhua Palace.

But in the same way, the spiritual plant masters in the sect don't understand this secret technique, so it may be difficult to continue to cultivate the Qingxin Lotus.

But this matter is not difficult for him.

"Okay, since you can solve it, I'll leave this Pure Heart Lotus with you." Hearing Zhang Yan's words, Mo Changqing nodded. He was afraid that Zhang Yan hadn't saved the Pure Heart Lotus.

For the sect, no matter where the Pure Heart Lotus is, it is always in the sect.

You don't have to eat the meat yourself.

But it must rot in the pot.

This is very important.

After solving the problem of Qingxin Lotus, Zhang Yan had a conversation with Mo Changqing.

The main purpose was to ask Mo Changqing to help him find some spiritual objects.

He wanted to improve his gold spiritual root and water spiritual root.

If possible, he even wanted to make up for the five elements spiritual roots.

"These things you said are not easy to find.

I can only try my best to help you look." Mo Changqing did not refuse Zhang Yan's request, nor did he ask what he wanted these things for.

After all, everyone in the cultivation world has secrets.

Although he is the head of Qingheng Sect.

But he can't casually explore the opportunities belonging to disciples.

After Mo Changqing left, Zhang Yan first revived Qingxin Lotus, and then continued to practice.


Another two months.

Someone else came, this time it was Lei Kunhai.

He came this time mainly to find Zhang Yan.

"There are mainly two questions. The first question is, I want to see how far you have refined the weapon.

The second question is, the head asked me to bring you some things." It can only be said that Lei Kunhai has a bad temper.

After coming, he directly talked about the problem.

"My disciple's Thunder Flame Body Forging Technique has been completed. If I refine weapons now, I can probably easily refine low-grade magic weapons." Zhang Yan thought for a while and said to Lei Kunhai.

"Can you easily refine low-grade magic weapons?

Have you tried mid-grade magic weapons?"

"No, there is no earth fire here, and I haven't tried mid-grade magic weapons yet." Zhang Yan said in a matter-of-fact way.

"Who said you can't refine weapons without earth fire!

I'll give you a forging furnace and spiritual carbon. You must practice hard and don't fall behind in refining weapons!" Lei Kunhai said directly.


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