Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 76 The first forged magic weapon

"This subcategories me!"

Following Lei Kunhai's words.

Lei Wanbao's heart trembled. Sure enough, Zhang Yan should actually be called Lei Yan, right?

Zhang Yan didn't care at all about Lei Kunhai's praise.

At this moment, he has immersed his whole body and mind in this weapon refining.

If you want to refine a good magic weapon, you need to integrate the spirit, energy and spirit of the weapon refiner into one, and carefully understand the spirituality of the materials. Only in this way can you forge the strongest magic weapon.

This is the record in Lei Kunhai's weapon refining handbook.

At this moment, Zhang Yan was carefully comprehending the spirituality in the materials.

Then hammer after hammer to shape the material into the shape you want.

This is not a simple matter.

Just like Lei Kunhai asked Zhang Yan to forge a forging hammer, there is great knowledge in it.

Hammers have different functions and different shapes.

For example, hammers used for forging are larger and have a flat head, while hammers used for fighting are slightly smaller and have a pointed head.

But although Lei Kunhai asked Zhang Yan to build a forging hammer.

But after all, this is the first time to refine weapons.

So in Lei Kunhai's mind, Zhang Yan only needs to create a hammer-like shape.

There is no need to actually refine it into a magic weapon.

Of course, he didn't say it.

And Zhang Yan was also immersed in his actions.

One hammer, two hammers, three hammers.

Every swing of the hammer was a kind of realization for Zhang Yan.

The knowledge originally contained in the weapon refining manual was quickly absorbed by him and became his own.

I don’t know how many hammers he swung in a row.

Zhang Yan only felt that something in his heart had to be released.

And banging the forging hammer is that outlet.

Finally, after he gave the last blow, Zhang Yan felt relaxed all over his body.

Lower your head.

A small, silver-white hammer about ten centimeters long appeared on the anvil.

This is the first magical weapon he has forged.


Seeing the hammer on the anvil, Zhang Yan felt a little incredible.

For the first time, he actually forged a magic weapon.

He subconsciously picked up this magic weapon.

[Equipment name]: Forged weapon hammer

[Equipment Level]: Low-grade magic weapon

[Equipment Quality]: Gray

[Equipment Effect]: A flash of inspiration (you have a chance to increase the success rate when forging magic weapons.)

It is indeed a magic weapon.

Seeing the magic weapon in his hand, Zhang Yan showed a smile on his face.

"Senior Lei, I seem to have succeeded!" Zhang Yan handed the weapon forging hammer to Lei Kunhai who was standing aside.

He stood beside Zhang Yan with his back turned, looking quite calm.

"Let me see."

"Let me see!"

Unlike Lei Kunhai's reserve, at this moment, Lei Wanbao couldn't wait and reached out to grab it.

"You weakling, get out of here." Lei Kunhai pulled Lei Wanbao aside, and then took the hammer from Zhang Yan's hand.

"This magical weapon..." Lei Kunhai took the first magical weapon made by Zhang Yan and looked at it again and again.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt a familiar feeling.


so similar!

This magical weapon is exactly the same as him in terms of its texture and concept!

This was not created by Zhang Yan, it is clearly the same as when he was young!

Can the other party learn this level with just a weapon refining hand?

Lei Kunhai felt that he should take another look at Zhang Yan. He seemed to be more of a genius than he thought!

If the other party is willing to come to Qianbaofeng, he really has a successor!

"Senior Lei, am I qualified?" Zhang Yan stood in front of the opponent nervously and asked him: "I feel that although I have barely made it into a magic weapon, there are still many shortcomings."

"If I had been more careful when quenching, there might not have been so many flaws. Also, I was too hasty when forging. I always wanted to finish it quickly, but in fact I shouldn't be in such a hurry."

"But the biggest problem is my physical strength. My physical strength is a bit weak."

Zhang Yan stood beside Lei Kunhai, doing self-examination.

And at this moment.

Lei Kun Hai no longer knew what to say.

Lei Wanbao was even more confused.

No, brother, what do you mean!

You are a newbie, making a magic weapon for the first time, and then it succeeds immediately. You are not happy, and you are still here to review it?

Please, be a human being!

He really wanted to strangle Zhang Yan's neck, and then ask him fiercely: "What good will it do to you if you drag me to death!"

Is this how you geniuses deny others a way to survive? "

He was very angry.

But looking back, he didn't dare to say these words in front of his grandfather!

He didn't even dare to threaten Zhang Yan.

Otherwise, with his grandfather’s temperament, he would definitely look good on himself!

At that time, just as Grandpa Zu stood up for him, he would stand up for Zhang Yan, and he would beat him no matter how he beat others!

Thinking of this, he shuddered hard, it was so terrifying!

No, absolutely not, that would be too scary.

It seemed that he still had to hold Zhang Yan's thigh properly.

Although it is the N generation of immortals.

But Lei Wanbao had a clear understanding of himself, and after crossing paths with the true disciples again and again, he also knew it.

The reason why he is able to achieve what he is now is not because of how talented he is and how strong his spiritual roots are.

Simply because he has a good thigh.

Although this thigh seems to have some objections to him now, it doesn't matter, after all, it is his own.

Moreover, in addition, he felt that with Zhang Yan's talent, he would definitely have an extremely thick thigh in the future.

Before anyone notices it yet, I can hug it in advance!


You ask him, is it shameful to hold the thigh of the Qi training period during the foundation building period?

Excuse me!

Lei Wanbao said that he was often beaten into a pig's head by his grandfather, so why not still show off outside?

As long as you don’t feel embarrassed, there’s no shame in it!

Anyway, it’s all about hugging my thighs!

Not shabby!

Thinking of this, he tried his best to squeeze out a smile on his bruised and swollen face, and then wanted to get closer to Zhang Yan and Lei Kunhai.

"what are you doing?

Like a ghost, leave me alone! "

Lei Kunhai just looked up and saw a ghost-like face approaching with a scary expression.

He almost raised his hand and saw a magical power.

"You're so ugly and you're embarrassing yourself!"

After Lei Kunhai scolded Lei Wanbao, he turned his head, looked at Zhang Yan, and said in a gentle tone: "Don't worry, don't be afraid, I usually have a very good temper!"

"There will definitely be no fighting or scolding." When Lei Kunhai spoke, his chest was beating loudly.

Zhang Yan looked at him, then looked at Lei Wanbao, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, and nodded lightly. He completely believed in Lei Kunhai!

He is definitely not a violent person!

"The magic weapon you made is okay, but it does have a lot of small flaws. Let me tell you, you can go back and have a good understanding of it. And as an weapon refiner, your body really cannot be too weak. I have a copy here. You can take the exercises back and practice them.

This is a body-building exercise that can be practiced at the same time as Qigong. "

Lei Kunhai said as he took out a token from somewhere and handed it to Zhang Yan.

"With this token, you can go to the Mission Building to learn the Thunder Flame Body Training Technique!

If you have any questions, you can always come back and ask me.

When will you learn the Thunder Flame Body Training Art and when will you return the token to me? "

"Thank you, Senior Lei!" After receiving the token, Zhang Yan quickly thanked him, and the moment he picked up the token, Zhang Yan also saw the attributes on the token.

Unexpectedly, the entries on this token are a bit fierce!

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