Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 7: Magic and Supernatural Powers

"Yes, if you want to master magical powers, you must perfect your spells during the Qi training period!

Our leader of the Qingheng Sect has mastered three spells before the foundation building period! After building the foundation, there are few opponents within the same level! "

Seeing everyone's stunned expressions, Mu Sen smiled even more.

"Three spells completed??"

"so smart!"

When all the disciples heard this, their eyes widened immediately.

This is so cool!

The three spells are perfect!

Some of them are old disciples, not newcomers.

I have a profound understanding that it is very difficult to practice one spell to perfection, let alone three spells?

"The three gates are perfect!"

"It would be great if I could find those magic weapons with perfect spells." Zhang Yan's eyes were also a little hot.

The spell is complete.

To him, it is very important.

Moreover, because of the equipment slot, the conditions for him to complete it may be simpler than ordinary people.

"Before building the foundation, I must master a spell!"

Think of this.

His eyes became determined.

"The practice of magic is also quite difficult. You just need to know about this. After all, whether it is foundation building or perfecting magic, it is still too far for you now." Mu Sen saw it as if he had been beaten to death. Everyone, who was as bloody as blood, nodded slightly, and then began to lecture.

have to say.

Musen is really capable.

It is indeed a major overhaul in the foundation building period.

Boring spells become interesting in the opponent's mouth.

Everyone was intoxicated after hearing this.

Before I knew it, two hours had passed.

"Okay, that's it for today's class. If you are interested in Mu Yuan Shu, you can come back in seven days." As Mu Sen finished his words, many disciples quickly stood up from the futon and saluted respectfully.

The grace of preaching is not small.

After thanking him, many disciples quickly left.

Zhang Yan rolled his eyes a few times and finally came to Mu Sen.

"What's the problem with you?" Although Musen was in the foundation building stage, he was still kind to his disciples.

"Teacher, I think these futons seem to be useful for enlightenment. I wonder if the disciple can buy one?" Zhang Yan asked in a respectful tone.


"You feel it?"

Mu Sen looked surprised when he heard Zhang Yan's words.

Although these futons do have the effect of increasing understanding.

But in reality, the effect is minimal.

If the understanding of an ordinary person is 100.

Then the added effect of this futon is only 0.01, and the effect is almost nonexistent.

Only those whose understanding goes against heaven's will are useful.

Ordinary people can't even notice it.

"Since you can feel it, it means you have a good understanding. Yes, these futons require ten contribution points each." Generally speaking, these futons are not for sale.

But in Mu Sen's view, Zhang Yan could actually feel that his understanding had increased.

Presumably his own understanding is also good.

In this case, what is impossible can be done.

The world is like this. The so-called rules will give in to your qualifications and strength.

"Thank you, teacher!" After hearing Mu Sen's words, Zhang Yan quickly transferred ten contribution points.

Then she came to the girl without hesitation.

"I'm sorry, fellow Taoist, I bought this futon."


Hear Zhang Yan's words.

Not only this girl, but also Mu Sen couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Now Mu Sen has serious doubts.

This boy, the so-called buying a futon to increase understanding is a lie, but the fact that he wants to take the opportunity to strike up a conversation with a girl is the real thing!


The girl's face turned red with embarrassment.

"There are so many futons here, can't you get something else?"


Zhang Yan spoke without hesitation.


He, Zhang, is not a casual person!

This futon is all he wants.

Other futons don't have the effect of Mu Yuan Shu's great success!


The girl's face turned redder.

He could only stand up angrily and hand over the futon.

"Thank you."

Zhang Yan took the futon and felt a touch of warmth on it.

Obviously, this is the body temperature of a girl.

At this time, the girl's face was so red that she was almost dripping with water.

But Zhang Yan didn't care.

He grabbed it directly and put it into the storage bag.

Then leave satisfied.

"What a scoundrel!"

Seeing Zhang Yan's back, the girl lightly stamped her feet, her soft words mixed with a hint of anger.

Thoughts about girls.

Zhang Yan himself didn't know.

At this moment, he got the futon and was full of joy and ready to go and see it.

Maybe that’s why it’s so rewarding.

He returned directly to Lingzhi Garden.

Maybe because it's still early.

Senior Brother Lin hadn't come back yet, so Zhang Yan went directly to the room.

Take out all the gains.

An alchemy furnace.

A enlightenment futon.

"First try what it feels like to use the Muyuan Alchemy Furnace."

Of these two pieces of equipment, Zhang Yan was most concerned about the Mu Yuan Alchemy Furnace.

This thing is a money-making tool!

Thinking of this, he equipped the Muyuan alchemy furnace without hesitation.


The alchemy furnace disappeared.

And streams of information appeared in his mind.

"So this is alchemy, this is fire control!"

Zhang Yan made a sound of emotion.




Zhang Yan suddenly discovered something was wrong.

He equipped the Mu Yuan alchemy furnace.

But the Jade Slip of Chuan Gong was not removed!

Close your eyes.

Two equipment columns suddenly appeared in his mind.

"what happened?"

"One more equipment slot!"

Zhang Yan's eyes widened. Originally he only had one equipment slot, but now there are two!

"Is it because I'm in the Qi training stage?"

After thinking about it carefully, apart from the increase in cultivation, there really was no other change in him.

"It seems that the number of equipment slots is not fixed, but can be unlocked continuously!"

"In this case, my maneuverability will be greatly improved."

Zhang Yan was extremely pleased with his discovery.

Now that he has two equipment slots, the effect is not as simple as 1+1=2.

The combined effect of the two equipment slots is much greater than three.

The reason is also very simple.

For example, the equipment effect of the Jade Slip of Chuan Gong is Changchun Gong Xiaosheng.

The Enlightenment Futon can increase a little understanding.

The two of them are equipped together.

Then you can comprehend Changchun Gong faster.

Let him master Changchun Kung naturally and quickly.

In this way, even if he takes off his equipment, he can still achieve great success.

In addition, there are some special matching methods.

But unfortunately, his current equipment is still too little.

If the number of equipment is larger, there will be more ways to play.

"You still have to make money first and buy magic weapons. In this way, you can have more choices."

"Besides, my current cultivation level is too low, so I have to speed up my cultivation." Thinking of this, he stopped delaying and started practicing cross-legged.

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