Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 64: First, six-item magical instrument. (Please read on)

The competition of spiritual plant competition is over.

Originally, everyone came to participate in the competition with great interest, but by the second half, everyone's attention had changed.

They care more about Zhang Yan's performance.

Further back, some people even left early.

My family gave up, and a new secret realm appeared, so some people have already made preparations.

"Master, don't we need to prepare in advance?" Zhang Yan asked softly next to Zhuge Wan.

"No need." Zhuge Wan shook his head gently: "Most of those who left were from the Foundation Establishment Sect. They knew nothing about the secret realm and just wanted to try their luck.

We are different.

The Qingheng faction has specially followed up, and has already got the exact information, and even the allocated quotas have been released.

As for those casual cultivators and people from small sects, they can go if they want, but they can't get in anyway. Do you really think that the secret realm of Taiyi Sect is so easy to enter?

Zhang Yan fell silent immediately after hearing Zhuge Wan's words.

Otherwise, why is it said that it is better to enjoy the shade under the big tree?

You see, those small sects, as well as casual cultivators, went to prepare early for a secret realm that they didn't know about. But they didn't know that this secret realm had already been divided up by the big sects.

Their efforts are destined to be in vain.

"You don't need to worry about the quota now. We can wait until after the Spiritual Planting Competition." There is no suspense about the winner of the Spiritual Planting Competition.

Wanhua Palace announced the results soon.

Zhang Yan won first place.

And he was called over alone by the people from Wanhua Palace.

"Young boy, what's your name?" The person who spoke was the dark-skinned old man. Although his skin was rough, he looked kind.

"Junior, Zhang Yan." Although I don't know who the opponent is, to be in charge of this game, the opponent's level should be high.

"Yes, yes, you performed quite well in this competition. Here, I have a list. You can choose three items as your rewards.

At the same time, the next spiritual planting competition is scheduled to be held by your Qingheng sect. "The old man said to Zhang Yan with a smile.

"Thank you, senior!" Zhang Yan took the list and started reading it immediately. Just one glance and he couldn't help himself.

There is just too much stuff in here.

And almost all of them are about Ling Zhiyi.

From spiritual plant seeds, to spiritual plants, and even spiritual plant planting methods, there are hundreds of things to choose from.

But it's a pity that there are no magic weapons in it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yan looked at the old man and said softly: "Senior, I wonder if this junior would like a set of spiritual planting instruments. I don't want new ones, just the ones you have used before."

Zhang Yan just tried it casually.

After all, even if the other party doesn't agree, it's impossible to do anything to him.

The main reason why he wanted a spiritual plant-like magic weapon instead of a magical weapon directly was because this was a spiritual plant competition, and it seemed a bit unruly for him to want something other than spiritual plants.

Moreover, for the image of the old man, it seemed that he had devoted his whole life to studying spiritual plants, so he asked about spiritual plant instruments.

"Do you want the spiritual plant magic weapon I used?" The old man was silent when he heard Zhang Yan's words, but soon he nodded and said: "Okay, but I don't have the magic weapon anymore, only one The spirit hoe I have carried with me since I started learning spirit planting is not something I cherish, so I will give it to you.”

After the old man finished speaking, he patted the storage bag on his waist.

A spiritual hoe that looked a little older also appeared in his hand.

This is indeed a very ordinary spiritual hoe, just like the ordinary spiritual hoe that Old Man Lin gave Zhang Yan when he first started.

Even outside, you can buy it with just a few spirit stones.


Seeing the old man take out this spiritual hoe, Zhang Yan had no reaction, but the rest of the people became uneasy.

Although this spiritual hoe is very ordinary.

But its owner is famous.

The originally ordinary spiritual hoe had a different value because it had been used by him.

Especially this spiritual hoe that the old man has kept with him since he just learned spiritual planting.

The value in it is even more thought-provoking.

"It's just a spiritual hoe. Just give it away. If you still have time, you can discuss it with me more." The old man said to Zhang Yan with a smile. No matter how you look at it, he really looks like an ordinary person. Just like the uncle next door.

"Okay, thank you!"

Zhang Yan took the spirit hoe.

With just one glance, he was shocked by the entries on Ling Hoe.

[Equipment name]: Spiritual hoe

[Equipment Level]: Low-grade magic weapon

[Equipment Quality]: Purple

[Equipment Effect]: Spiritual Planting Master (In the spiritual planting field, you can be called a master.) Spiritual Plant Conservation LV3 (you can care for all spiritual medicines below the third level), Spiritual Plant Breeding LV2 (you can cultivate some Excellent spiritual planting. ) Spiritual planting experience +30% (the experience of learning spiritual planting is increased by 30%.) The transfer of flowers and wood is perfect (this spell has been perfected), and the wood element technique is perfect.





An ordinary spiritual hoe has six more entries because of the old man in front of it.

Who is this old man?

Zhang Yan only felt his scalp was numb.

He is probably aware of the creation of equipment entries. To put it simply, the more awesome the entry is, the more awesome its owner is.

Zhang had seen so many magical instruments.

He had even seen golden magical instruments, but this was the first time he had seen one with six entries.

And these six entries were all top-quality entries.

There were even two perfect-level spells!

It was outrageous, wasn't it?

Unfortunately, he had already perfected the Wood Yuan Technique.

But it didn't matter. Except for the Wood Yuan Technique, the other entries were all very high-quality entries.

"This magical instrument will not be counted in the number of rewards. You still have three chances to choose." After presenting the spiritual hoe, the old man handed the reward list to Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan was not polite.

He started to choose immediately.

Because most of them were about spiritual plants.

So he directly chose a seed of a third-level spiritual plant, a second-level spiritual plant, and a spell specifically used for ripening.

The most valuable one was the seed of the third-level spiritual plant.

Spiritual plants are also divided into levels.

The first-level spiritual plant corresponds to the Qi Refining Stage.

The second-level spiritual plant corresponds to the Foundation Establishment Stage,

and the third-level spiritual plant corresponds to the Golden Core Stage!

Although the maturity period of the third-level spiritual plants is very long, it may take hundreds of years.

He may not be able to use them, but he can give them to the sect.

After all, the Qingheng Sect has been good to him.

They have poured a lot of resources into him, so he should give them a proper return.

The most important thing is.

The Qingheng Sect has never been stingy. Since he gave the sect the seeds of the third-level spiritual plants, how could the sect still need his?

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