This competition in the Ten Thousand Flowers Palace will last for more than half a month.

During this period, several auctions and trade fairs will be held.

This is what Zhuge Wan told him before.

"I have to search for spiritual weapons and magic weapons inside."

Zhang Yan still has a large amount of spiritual stones on him. It is useless to keep these spiritual stones on him. It is better to replace them with things that are useful to him.

For example, it is a magic weapon, and another example is a spiritual weapon.

Zhang Yan is looking forward to these things.

After all, this competition brought together many immortal cultivating sects in the Zhao Kingdom, and it is estimated that there will be a lot of things he wants in it.

The next day.

Zhang Yan found Zhuge Wan early.

"You want to go to the auction?"

"Yes, Master, I would like to expand my knowledge." Zhang Yan said while saluting.

"Okay, but pay attention to safety. In three days, the competition will begin."

Zhuge Wan thought for a moment but did not stop Zhang Yan.

After all, this place is already the territory of Wanhua Palace, and generally no one would dare to run wild on the territory of the Yuanying old monster.

Zhang Yan also has a quite stable personality and is not a troublemaker.

"Thank you Master."

Zhang Yan got permission and was ready to leave.

"Wait a minute, do you have enough spirit stones?" Zhuge Wan asked Zhang Yan.

"Master, don't worry, the disciple has enough spirit stones."

The last time he got the ten-year spiritual stone, he basically left it untouched. Now it is really suitable to use it to buy equipment.

The auction at Wanhua Palace is very easy to find. It is located in Fangshi in the center of their open area.

The reason why Wanhua Palace wants the spiritual value competition to be on its side and also distributes various rewards is because it is profitable.

This interest lies in the market and auction during the competition.

Every three-month spiritual value competition, Wanhua Palace made a lot of money, and everyone protested against this.

But Wanhua Palace also gave a plan.

Whichever family's disciple wins the first place in the spiritual value competition will be the next spiritual value competition held in that family.

But it's a pity.

This spiritual value competition has been held for hundreds of years, and there are disciples from other schools who can get first place.

The main reason for this is because of the magic of transplanting flowers and trees.

After Zhang Yan walked out of the room, he equipped the Mask of Hiddenness. Under an invisible wave, his aura suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Plus a hat.

Zhang Yan successfully concealed his figure.

After entering Fang City, Zhang Yan's eyes immediately lit up. There were really many things here, even many times more than those in Qinghengfang City.

In fact, it’s normal to think about it.

Wanhua Palace is counting on this market to make money. If it doesn't come up with something real, how can others give up the flower spirit stone?

He picked through it and found a lot of good things.

For example.

He found a talisman pen.

This is a second-hand talisman pen. It can be seen that its original owner has used it for a long time, and the patterns on the pen barrel have been obliterated.

There are a lot of fewer bristles on the pen.

However, it may be precisely because of this that there is an entry about making talismans on this second-hand talisman pen.

[Equipment name]: Langhao pen

[Equipment Level]: Middle-grade magic weapon

[Equipment Quality]: Green

[Equipment Effect]: Initial solution of Talisman (Dacheng), Production of Divine Walking Talisman (Small Success), Fireball Talisman (Dacheng)

This talisman pen successfully taught Zhang Yan how to make two talismans.

And there is another one who is Dacheng.

This means that when he makes the fireball talisman, his success rate can be controlled at about 60%.

If he changes his profession and becomes a Talisman Master, Zhang Yan will be able to make money immediately.

But you can't earn much, because the fireball talisman is a low-level talisman, and you can only earn a few spiritual stones from a dozen talismans.

It also takes a lot of effort.

It's really troublesome.

How can the landlord feel comfortable?

Despite saying this, Zhang Yan still bought this talisman pen.

After all, it’s one thing to make something or not.

Whether it will be is another matter.

Zhang Yan can look down on the number of spiritual stones he earns by making fireball talismans, but he cannot help but make fireball talismans.

It's that simple.

Zhang Yan was very satisfied after finding a talisman pen.

But his ultimate goal is still this trade fair.

There are such gains in the market, and when it comes to the trade fair, the gains will only be even greater.

He doesn't care about auctions, but more about trade fairs.

The reason is also very simple.

The quality of the auction was too high, and he might not be able to buy anything good in it with ten thousand spirit stones. After all, those who usually participated in the auction were foundation building and golden elixir monks.

Even if the monks in the Qi refining stage go, they should open their eyes.

Of course, in addition to this, the most important thing is that the magic weapons and spiritual weapons in the auction are most likely new.

There were no entries that Zhang Yan needed.

The trade fair is different.

Most of the trade fairs are held by poor people who do not have spiritual stones. The magic weapons they use to trade are most likely the magic weapons they have eliminated.

Therefore, these people are more suitable for Zhang Yan.

The price is cheaper and there are more entries!

As a person, you should be pragmatic, not expensive, just right.

This trade fair is not hard to find.

They are usually organized by people from Wanhua Palace.

You only need to pay a certain transaction fee, and they can take you to various trade fairs.

Zhang Yan found a contact person and paid twenty spirit stones, and then the other party enthusiastically took him to a banquet.

This is a trade fair.

And it is in full swing.

The trade fair here is quite interesting.

Everyone sat on the futon in a circle, and there was a platform in the middle.

Everyone took turns to go on stage, take out their own things, and then say what they want to trade.

If there is no suitable thing, you can also take spirit stones or other things to discuss.

When Zhang Yan came, there was a female cultivator standing in the innermost part to exchange things.

"I have three spirit fruits here. After eating, you can increase your cultivation and break through the shackles. I want to exchange for a medium-grade magic weapon." Although the female cultivator was in a black robe and her figure could not be seen clearly, it could be heard from her voice that the other party was not very old.

Zhang Yan looked down on these three spirit fruits, but for these ordinary cultivators, they were already very good.

Especially with the function of breaking obstacles.

"I have a medium-grade magic weapon here, the bone-eroding needle, which is very suitable for sneak attacks."

While speaking, someone took out a medium-grade magic weapon.

"I have a Earth-turning Seal here, which is also a mid-grade magic weapon, but not powerful enough."

This is the second magic weapon. To be honest, both of them are good.

In the end, the female cultivator chose the Earth-turning Seal, but because the value of the spiritual fruit is not as good as the mid-grade magic weapon, the female cultivator gave others some spiritual stones.

At this time, Zhang Yan had already sat on the futon, waiting for the items below.

"I brought a ten-thousand-year bamboo this time. I wonder if you Taoist friends are interested?"

"Ten-thousand-year bamboo?"

Zhang Yan's eyes lit up when he heard the name. After searching for so long, he finally found it!

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