Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 55 Mastering the Divine Power

Hearing the sound, Zhang Yan quickly turned around and looked.

What caught his eye was a middle-aged woman in palace attire. Although she was very beautiful, she could not hide the meanness on her face.

And as soon as this woman came out, she was tit for tat with Zhuge Wan.

At this moment, Zhang Yan had already guessed who this woman was.

He should be someone from Cuiling Sect.

And it seems that he is extremely difficult to deal with his master. Otherwise, Zhuge Wan would not have told him to pay attention to Cuiling Sect three years ago.

"Hey, who is it? She is the senior sister of Cuiling Sect!"

After Zhuge Wan saw this woman, his gentle face immediately turned cold.

He spoke without any emotion.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, even though it has become a golden elixir, you are still so naive. The master agreed to what happened back then." The woman in palace clothes in front of Zhuge Wan looked at Zhuge Wan with a smile and said every word.

"Shut up!

It's not that you didn't know that the Cuiling Sect's people injured the master back then.

You said you were going to avenge your master, but what next?

You actually fell in love with someone from the Cuiling Sect, and even wanted to risk your life to marry into the Cuiling Sect. The master didn't agree, and you even stole the master's spiritual plant.

The master died and you didn't even show up. How dare you call me junior sister now?

I don’t have a senior sister like you who betrays and forgets his ancestors! "

Facing this woman in palace attire, Zhuge Wan was full of firepower.

"What do you mean I stole the master's spiritual plant? I told you, the master gave it to me!

And I was very sad when the master died, but I had important things to deal with at the time and didn’t have time to go back! "

In response to Zhuge Wan's accusation, the woman in palace clothes showed no sign of weakness.

Zhang Yan and others could only stand by and shrink their heads, for fear of implicating them.

It can only be said that even the ancestor of Jindan is still a human being, with seven emotions and six desires, joy, anger, sorrow and joy. Family members, who would have thought that the ancestor of Jindan would curse the streets like ordinary people!

Horrible, terrible.

Zhang Yan wished he could poke his eyes out.

Fortunately, the two people only argued for a few words. They probably knew that it would be embarrassing to talk too much, so they did not continue, but focused on the other's disciple.

After all, they are here to compete!

Unlike Zhuge Wan, the woman in palace clothes only brought one female apprentice.

She is young and looks a bit like a woman in palace clothes.

"Is this your daughter?"

"Not bad, it looks like you. Work hard." Although Zhuge Wan was full of malice towards the woman in palace attire, his attitude towards her daughter was quite friendly.

"Zhang Yan."

Zhuge Wan waved, and Zhang Yan quickly walked over.


"Well, this is your senior aunt, senior sister. When you go on stage, remember to show your senior aunt what you are capable of!"

Zhuge Wan said to Zhang Yan.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhang Yan nodded quickly.

He will definitely not let Zhuge Wan down!

"Zhang Yan, since you call me Senior Aunt, I have to express that I have a spiritual weapon here, and I will give it to you."

The woman in palace attire said as she took out an object with spiritual light from her storage bag.

Spiritual weapon!

Hearing these two words, Zhang Yan's eyes lit up.

The value of spiritual weapons is too high.

That is something that can only be used during the foundation building stage.

Although the spiritual weapon was tempting, Zhang Yan still looked at Zhuge Wan immediately.

"Take it, this is what she should give."

Zhuge Wan nodded slightly.

"Thank you, Master!"

Zhang Yan also thanked him very politely, and then got the spiritual weapon.

[Equipment name]: Broken jade hoe

[Equipment Level]: Middle-grade spiritual weapon

[Equipment Quality]: Green

[Equipment Effect]: Magical power spreads beans to form soldiers (small success), spiritual plant identification is a big success, sharpness (lv3).

Seeing the effect of this equipment, Zhang Yan's eyes almost popped out.

What kind of magical effect is this?

He actually has a magical power?

Miraculous powers are something that only monks above the Foundation Establishment stage can master.

If he was equipped with this spiritual weapon, wouldn't it be equivalent to mastering a magical power?

But he didn't try it rashly.

Instead, he followed Zhuge Wan to the place where they rested.

The place prepared by Wanhua Palace is very large, and everyone has a dedicated room.

And a formation was also set up.

Can prevent others from detecting.

After arriving in his own room, Zhang Yancai couldn't wait to equip the broken jade hoe into the equipment slot.

Just for a moment.

A huge amount of information rushed into his mind.

What followed was an indescribable and terrifying Taoist rhyme.

No more than one breath before and after.

Zhang Yanqu immediately started to sweat profusely.


"Is this magical power?"

In just one breath, he seemed to have seen the most essential thing in this world.

But fortunately, that feeling came and went quickly, otherwise, he might have died.

"Throwing beans makes an army..."

Zhang Yan took out a grain of spiritual rice in his hand.

The moment he saw Lingmi, the stupid bird came out of his sleeves and was about to eat it.

"Get out of here."

Zhang Yan slapped the stupid bird aside hard.

Then he threw the seed out at the same time.

At the moment of throwing it, a large amount of mana in his body was consumed.

It was completely consumed in the blink of an eye.


Zhang Yan cursed.

This magical power is too terrifying. He just tried it casually and was sucked dry.

At this moment, his body is empty, not a drop left!

However, although the Bean-Solving Soldier squeezed him out, he really used it.

"So, this is the magical power of Bean-Solving Soldier?"

Zhang Yan looked at the millet man in his hand, feeling a little bit amused.

Although the Bean-Solving Soldier worked, it didn't work.

In the records, the Bean-Solving Soldier was a large number of bean soldiers and generals with a wave of the hand, each of which was extremely powerful.

However, the Bean-Solving Soldier used by Zhang Yan only formed a rice man that was only three inches in size.

Its strength was even pitifully low.

Judging from its aura, its strength was only at the fourth stage of Qi training, and it looked stupid, waiting for Zhang Yan to give orders.

"It's better to do it myself than the middle stage of Qi training!"

Zhang Yan was a little numb. He used all the mana of the fifth level of Qi training, but he only got a rice man at the fourth level of Qi training.

What's going on.

The world of cultivating immortals also has to respect the law of conservation of energy?

However, although Mi Ren's strength is not very good and he has almost no IQ, Zhang Yan is still very happy besides complaining.

He can actually gain magical powers by equipping spiritual tools!

"But unfortunately, I can't learn these magical powers..."


Although the equipment column provides him with magical powers, he can't learn them. He can only comprehend and feel the inner nature of the magical powers.

"But although I can't learn them, what if I add that spell?"

Thinking of a certain spell he mastered, Zhang Yan chuckled and found that he seemed to be invincible!

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