Tea, to some extent, has never been a consumable product.

It's a gift and face.

Although this is a world of cultivating immortals, as long as you are human, you will have such needs.

Therefore, Zhang Yan planned to make Baihua Tea into a luxury product, selling a small part of it and giving away the rest.

After all, it contains some second-order spiritual tea, which is valuable in itself. Plus there are so many spiritual plants and elixirs in it, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a luxury product.

Moreover, this business is exclusive.

after all……

Even if ordinary people have the skills of a spiritual planter, they don't have second-level spiritual tea.

"But you can try to see if ordinary spiritual tea has this effect. But this may require specialized people to prepare it." When Zhang Yan first paired spiritual tea, he matched it based on the medicinal properties of spiritual plants.

But he has not specifically studied spiritual tea.

This effect can be achieved partly because of good luck, and partly because of the high grade of spiritual tea.

If you use ordinary spiritual tea, you may need someone to prepare it.

Anyway, the most basic things of Baihua Tea are already here. It’s just a matter of making adjustments. Although it’s a waste of time, it’s not difficult.

With the spirit stone.

Zhang Yan wandered around the sect's market again.

Looking for some good stuff.

But it was a pity that the magical instruments here were either of poor quality or had mediocre entries. In short, they all made him lack interest.

"No, you can't always rely on me to find them alone. You still have to open a shop." Zhang Yan looked at the market of Qingheng Sect.

Although it is a small market within the sect, because there are many disciples of the Qingheng sect, there are also a lot of people, so it should be possible to open a shop.

It's just that the prices in the shops within the sect are not cheap either.

He doesn't have enough spiritual stones, so he can only consider opening a shop after the spiritual fields are harvested again.


"This thing is pretty good!"

When walking through a tavern, Zhang Yan suddenly saw a wine gourd.

[Equipment name]: Wine-making gourd

[Equipment Quality]: Blue

[Equipment Effect]: Not drunk after a thousand cups (as a brewer, how can you get drunk after just one cup?), Brewing Mastery (You can brew delicious spiritual wine.)

"Fellow Taoist, how do you sell this wine gourd?"

Seeing the properties of this wine gourd, Zhang Yan immediately stopped and then asked the shopkeeper in the store.

"Wine gourd?"

The shopkeeper of the wine shop looked at Zhang Yan blankly, not knowing what he was asking.

He only sells spiritual wine here, not any wine gourds.

He thought Zhang Yan was interested in the wine gourd holding wine behind him, so he spoke quickly.

Those wine gourds were not even magic weapons, so Zhang Yan naturally looked down on them. What he was interested in was the wine gourd on the owner of the wine shop.

"This is my own wine gourd. I won't sell it. I won't sell it." The shopkeeper looked at Zhang Yan as if he was a lunatic.

He was a seller of spiritual wine, not a wine gourd, and it was his own wine gourd, so how could he sell it?

"50 spirit stones."

Zhang Yan acted as if he didn't hear the shopkeeper's rejection and instead quoted a price.


"50 spirit stones?"

Hearing Zhang Yan's words, the angry smile on the shopkeeper's face immediately became gentle. After another second, it turned out to be flattering: "Okay, guest, this wine gourd is yours. Do you want it?" Help me fill up the wine? I’ll treat it as a gift to you!”

"No need for the wine, just give me the wine gourd."

Zhang Yan shook his head with a smile, took the wine gourd, turned and left.

The shopkeeper looked at Zhang Yan's back and muttered something. He couldn't figure out if there was something wrong with Zhang Yan that he spent 50 spirit stones to buy his wine gourd.

Although the wine gourd is quite spiritual, it is not a magic weapon. It can only keep the spirit of the spirit wine alive.

Its value is only two or three spirit stones, not to mention that she has used it for so long.

All I can say is that I met a fool today and made a lot of money.

This is the idea of ​​the wine shop owner.

On the other side, Zhang Yan spent fifty spirit stones.

But I was in a good mood.

With only fifty spiritual stones, the wine shop owner passed on his wine-making skills to Zhang Yan. He really made me cry to death!

Returned to the cave.

After summoning Liu Yiting and getting some spiritual rice, Zhang Yan was ready to start brewing wine.

"Master, are you sure that's what you did?" After following Zhang Yan, Liu Yiting changed her name to him as master.

"You believe me, you can definitely do it!"

After Zhang Yan was equipped with a wine gourd, he was very proficient in the steps of making wine. Although Liu Yiting had doubts, she did not dare to say anything.

I can only watch Zhang Yan doing it back and forth.

Soon he finished the preliminary work, and all that was left was fermentation. Since it was his first time doing it, the spirit wine he chose was not complicated and only needed to be fermented for more than ten days.

In this way, after a month of busy work, Zhang Yan finally brewed the spirit wine.

After the spirit wine is distilled, its aroma is overflowing.

"Silly bird, silly bird, come here quickly and give you something nice to drink."

Zhang Yan waved to the silly bird not far away.

When the stupid bird saw the smile on Zhang Yan's face, he spread his wings and ran away.

But it's a pity.

How could Sun Wukong escape from Wuzhishan?

Zhang Yan grabbed him directly.

"Still want to run?"

Zhang Yan snorted coldly, then directly picked up the spirit wine and poured it into its mouth. This guy has been raised for such a long time, and he is becoming more and more spiritual, but at the same time, he is becoming more and more disobedient.

After drinking the spirit wine, the stupid bird immediately began to flutter in the air, and it was a little crooked when flying.

In the end, it fell down before it flew into the sky.

"It's bad, young master, the wine you brewed won't be poisonous!"

Seeing the stupid bird fall from the sky, Liu Yiting hurried forward to check.

Finally came to a conclusion.

The wine is fine, but the bird is not.

After just a few sips, he was drunk.

Confirming that it was not poisonous wine, Zhang Yan couldn't wait to taste it. Don't say, it tastes really good. It tastes refreshing and long after a mouthful.

"It seems that the boss is really good." Zhang Yan admired the owner of the wine shop even more in his heart.

"You try it too." Zhang Yan poured another bowl and handed it to Liu Yiting.

Liu Yiting took the bowl and took a sip. She was so spicy that she kept sticking out her tongue, breathing in and out.

"Master, this wine is too spicy." Liu Yiting had never drunk wine before.

"Since you can't drink it, don't drink it." Seeing that she couldn't drink it, Zhang Yan didn't force her.

Just when he was about to say something.

A talisman suddenly came from outside the cave.

"Master, there seems to be someone. I'll go and see."

Liu Yiting turned around and hurriedly went outside the cave. After a while, she came back with a talisman.


"Well, let me see." Picking up the communication talisman and seeing the content inside, Zhang Yan frowned slightly.

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