Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 45: Take Refuge

"I still believe in your strength, my teacher." Zhuge Wan believed in Zhang Yan very much.

In fact, this is also nonsense.

Zhang Yan learned everything from her spiritual plant suit.

It's almost a replica of Zhuge Wan.

Therefore, Zhuge Wan also has great hopes for Zhang Yan, hoping that he can become famous in this competition.

Zhang Yan is also happy for this kind of competition that has no danger and can still get benefits.

The most important thing is that he is full of confidence in himself for winning the award.

Although he doesn't believe in his own level...

But he believes in Zhuge Wan's level!

After all, as an ancestor of Jindan, Lingzhi is still her special skill, and there is no way she can be inferior.

After Zhuge Wan encouraged him.

He also let him go.

When he returned to his thatched cottage, he saw an unexpected person outside his thatched cottage.

"Fellow Daoist Liu?"

Zhang Yan looked at Liu Yiting in front of him in surprise.

He originally thought that Liu Yiting would be hiding in Liu's house, but he didn't expect that the other party would come to find him.

And it looked like she was wearing clothes from the Qingheng Sect.

"I've met Senior Brother Zhang."

Liu Yiting was overjoyed after seeing Zhang Yan and quickly bowed.

"Have you joined the Qingheng sect?"

Zhang Yan looked at Liu Yiting's Taoist robe with a look of surprise on his face.

Generally speaking, the children of the Xiuxian family are not willing to come to the sect. Even if they are willing, they have to join the sect from scratch.

Generally speaking, unless it is a family where the disciples of one's own sect are flourishing, the sect is not willing to let the children of other families come in.

It's really rare for someone like Liu Yiting to become an apprentice in art.

"Yes, Senior Brother Zhang, you also know the situation of our family. The patriarch of our family has passed away, and the elder's time is coming soon. In order to preserve our family, we dedicated the family secrets to the sect."

When Liu Yiting said this, her eyes were red.

Zhang Yan also expressed helplessness and could only comfort him softly.

The world of immortality is so cruel.

Without the protection of the foundation-building monks, their Liu family is destined to decline, and may even be annexed by their former enemies.

And their Liu family has just trained Liu Changfeng, and now they have no ability to train a second foundation-building monk.

Under such circumstances, they could only join the Qingheng Sect.

Dedicate the family secrets to the Qingheng Sect in exchange for protection.

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, the reason why I came to see you this time is because our parents always meet for business."

"Okay, Elder Liu should be in the Qingheng sect, right?"

He was not surprised at all that Elder Liu wanted to see him, as if he had known about it for a long time.

"Yeah, the elder is in the Qingheng sect. Since you are willing, I will notify the elder to come see you." Liu Yiting showed a happy expression on her face when she heard Zhang Yan agreed.

Elder Liu is very fast.

It didn't take long.

Then we arrived at Zhang Yan’s residence.

In the small courtyard.

Zhang Yan opened a formation to isolate the outside world.

"It's been a long time since I last saw you, Daoist friend Zhang, and his cultivation has become more and more advanced." After Elder Liu saw Zhang Yan, he didn't care at all that his foundation-building cultivation was a little low towards Zhang Yan.

"Elder Liu is still as heroic as ever, but Elder Liu came here this time not to catch up with me, right?" Zhang Yan asked Elder Liu and Liu Yiting to sit down.

On the other hand, they took out some tea to entertain them.

"We are already acquaintances. If Elder Liu has anything to do, just tell him directly."

"Since Fellow Daoist Zhang is so happy, I won't be bothered anymore." Elder Liu took a deep breath, then looked at Zhang Yan and said, "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Zhang is short of spiritual stones."

"Of course there is a shortage of spiritual stones. Who doesn't lack spiritual stones?"

"Our Liu family is willing to give 5,000 spirit stones to fellow Daoist Zhang." Elder Liu looked at Zhang Yan deeply.

"Then tell me your conditions." Zhang Yan was not surprised by what Elder Liu said. He had long expected that Elder Liu would do this.

Elder Liu is the only foundation-building monk in the Liu family.

But the longevity will soon be exhausted.

Although he gave up his secret skills and relied on the Qingheng sect.

But the Qingheng faction will only protect them from being exterminated.

After he died, no new person with weight would stand up to speak for the Liu family.

If the Liu family encounters some minor setbacks, the Qingheng faction will definitely not care.

Therefore, Elder Liu needs to arrange everything for the Liu family before he dies.

And Zhang Yan is one of his favorite backers.

Although for now, Zhang Yan only has the early stage of Qi training.

But the other party is an introductory disciple of the Jindan Patriarch!

The future potential is endless!

The most important thing is that Zhang Yan has a good character.

When he was in danger before, he still took Liu Yiting with him.

It is enough to see Zhang Yan’s character.

If it were another cultivator, Liu Yiting might have been thrown out halfway to attract attention.

But Zhang Yan ran out with a burden.

Based on all the above, Elder Liu chose to put a bet on Zhang Yan.

"Da da da."

In a small room.

The atmosphere was a bit tense.

Zhang Yan, who was in the early stages of Qi training, was sitting on the main seat, tapping his fingers on the table.

Instead, Elder Liu, who was in the foundation building stage, looked at Zhang Yan nervously.

"I know what Elder Liu means, but if something happens that Zhang can't stop, there's nothing I can do about it."

"That's natural. If that happens, our Liu family will admit defeat."

Hearing Zhang Yan's words, Elder Liu's face lit up.

"No need for spiritual stones."

"But Master has given me 100 mu of high-quality spiritual fields in the sect. I need someone to help me repair it into a spiritual plantation, and I also need some spiritual medicine seeds."

Zhang Yan refused the spiritual stones.

He turned to other conditions.

"Are these high-quality spiritual fields yours?"

After hearing Zhang Yan's words, Elder Liu showed a look of surprise on his face.

He didn't expect that Zhang Yan had just become Zhuge Wan's apprentice and obtained 100 mu of high-quality spiritual fields.

It seems that Zhang Yan is higher in Zhuge Wan's mind than he imagined.

"Okay, leave it to our Liu family." To build a 100-mu spiritual field into a spiritual plantation, the spiritual stones needed are far more than 5,000, not to mention the spiritual medicine seeds.

But after knowing the importance of Zhang Yan in Zhuge Wan's heart, he still resolutely agreed.

But he also made a new request.

Keep Liu Yiting with Zhang Yan.

Elder Liu had a plan. Zhang Yan was the disciple of the Jindan Patriarch and was highly valued. Liu Yiting would have a place to stay even if she was a maid.

Zhang Yan thought for a moment and said with a smile, "As long as Miss Liu agrees, I have no objection."

"Just follow the elder's orders." Liu Yiting's face turned red, but she did not refuse.

"Okay, okay, okay, in that case, I will start arranging people to start the work." Seeing Zhang Yan's agreement, Elder Liu was overjoyed and immediately began to prepare to find people to start the work.

"Then I'll trouble Elder Liu."

Looking at Liu Yiting, who had delicate features and a ruddy face, Zhang Yan chuckled.

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