Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 38 The Sect's Plan

Take the elixir into your mouth.

This stupid bird suddenly started twitching continuously, and then foam kept coming out of its mouth.


This is Qi Gathering Pill! "

Seeing the stupid bird like this, Zhang Yan couldn't help but pick up the elixir bottle and look at it carefully.

It does say Qi Gathering Pill above.

After pouring out all the elixirs and looking carefully, he immediately discovered that the elixirs inside were actually mixed, but the two elixirs were very similar. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference at all.

"Is this a backup plan?" At this moment, Zhang Yan understood that the people in the world of immortality were sinister.

Fortunately, he was more alert and cautious, otherwise he would have been poisoned.

Look at the stupid bird that is about to be finished.

Zhang Yan calmly took out a bottle of antidote pill from his storage bag and fed it to the stupid bird.

This bottle of detoxification pill was given to him by Butler Bai last time. He never used it. Unexpectedly, Silly Bird used it first.

The detoxification pill works well.

After taking it, it didn't take long for the stupid bird to stop making any movement, and I didn't know if he was okay or dead.

After a while.

The stupid bird suddenly struggled and fluttered.

"Sure enough, Butler Bai is reliable. The quality of this detoxification pill is good!" Although the Qi Gathering Pill was not tested, the detoxification pill was tested, which is also a gain.

"Come on, come on, try this again." Zhang Yan poured out another pill and looked at Silly Bird.

But when the stupid bird saw the elixir, his whole body was trembling and he kept retreating.

"You idiot, I'm giving you a chance! Besides, haven't we already tested it? This detoxification pill is really easy to use!"

Zhang Yan said, regardless of whether Silly Bird wanted it or not, he directly stuffed the elixir into the opponent's mouth.

This time Silly Bird was lucky, this was indeed a Qi Gathering Pill.

After confirming again and again that there was nothing wrong with Silly Bird, he put the elixir into his mouth and used it to meditate.

After practicing for an hour, the sound of swords was heard again in the sky.

Zhang Yan also opened his eyes.

That disciple in the sky is back from Qinghengfang City, and he has brought back several people.

Not much time passed again.

Zhang Yan was summoned by the elders and explained the whole story.

This time, the law enforcement disciples of Qinghengfang City took action and directly killed two foundation-building monks and dozens of Qi-training monks of the Zhou family. The Zhou family of immortal cultivators was completely destroyed.

"It turned out to be really...the whole family was wiped out."

When Zhang Yan got the news, he couldn't help but be speechless. The Zhou family was also a monk in the foundation building stage. He originally thought that the sect would only punish him a little, but he didn't expect that the whole family would be wiped out.

For a time, Zhang Yan had a strong sense of belonging to the sect. Being in such a sect was indeed a kind of happiness.

The Liu family is relatively lucky.

The head of the Liu family, Liu Changfeng, had indeed died, but the elders of the Liu family survived by chance and were rescued by disciples of the Qingheng sect.

"Thank you so much this time, Fellow Daoist Zhang."

Elder Liu looked a little haggard, but he still thanked Zhang Yan.

"This is what the juniors should do, and if the seniors hadn't blocked the opponent at that time, I'm afraid the juniors wouldn't have been able to escape this disaster. It's just a pity for Patriarch Liu." Zhang Yan was also a little sad.

Liu Changfeng took good care of him, but unexpectedly, he passed away unexpectedly.

"Changfeng him...

well. "When talking about the head of the Liu family, Elder Liu also sighed, and finally just shook his head: "Maybe, this is fate. "

Zhang Yan didn't know what to say, he could only comfort him.

In the end, Elder Liu left with Liu Yiting, who had just woken up and was still a little dazed, feeling only pain in her neck.

Zhang Yan, on the other hand, was waiting for someone from the sect to pick him up in the market.

During this period of time, he was bored and had nothing to do, so he kept practicing magic.

It may be due to the blessing of the Enlightenment Futon.

Or maybe his unremitting efforts.

In short, with the blessing of various reasons, his Mu Yuan Technique unexpectedly broke through and reached the perfection level.

"The first perfect level spell!

finally reached! "

When Mu Yuan Shu reached perfection, Zhang Yan couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

He took out a seed from his storage bag.

With the blessing of Mu Yuan Shu, the seed immediately took root, sprouted, spread its branches and leaves, and finally turned into a spirit-eating flower with sharp teeth.

"Not bad." Zhang Yan was quite satisfied looking at the spirit-eating flower in front of him.

But it is a pity that because he did not have enough spiritual energy, the spirit-eating flower he spawned was only as strong as the middle stage of Qi refining, and it was a one-time use and could only last for half a quarter of an hour.

It is completely different from the Spirit-Eating Flower that Musen spawned at that time, which has the strength in the late stage of Qi training.

But he was very satisfied. After all, Mu Sen was a monk in the foundation building stage, and he only had the third level of Qi Refining.

We spent a few more days in Fangshi.

A speeding spirit boat broke the silence.

The sect sent someone to fetch Zhang Yan.

"It's Senior Brother Mu!" Zhang Yan was stunned for a moment when he saw the person coming. He never expected that the person who came to pick him up was Mu Sen.

"Well, after I heard about this in the sect, I was sent here because I was traveling faster." Musen explained to Zhang Yan with a smile.

"It's faster..."

Zhang Yan thought of the perfect boating technique on the Qingmu Boat.

I have to say that this seemingly dull-looking Senior Brother Mu is really fast!

The technology is also really good!

"Okay, Junior Brother Zhang, come back to the sect with me." Musen smiled and said to him.


Zhang Yan nodded.

After he finished speaking, he thought of something, then returned to his residence, took out the silly bird and kicked it into his sleeves.

Follow Mu Sen on the spirit boat.

This spiritual boat is not a magic weapon, but a spiritual weapon.

It is an existence above the magic weapon.

The speed along the way was so fast that Zhang Yan, an experienced driver, was a little frightened.

His senior brother Mu...

Anywhere is fine.

It’s just too fast! ! !

"What are Junior Brother Zhang's plans to return to the sect this time?" Lingzhou Shang Musen asked curiously about Zhang Yan's future plans.

"Farming and practicing Taoism." Zhang Yan said without hesitation.

"Farming and practicing Taoism?

Hahaha, not bad. Musen was stunned for a moment but soon burst into laughter: "Yes, Junior Brother Zhang, just farming and practicing Taoism will not make a difference. My advice to you is to become an inner disciple as soon as possible, or even find a way to become a sect disciple." True biography. Otherwise, you won’t be able to farm even if you want to. "

When Musen said this, he stopped smiling and spoke to Zhang Yan seriously.


"What does Senior Brother Mu mean by this? Is the sect making any big moves?"

"Yes, the Tianmu Mountains have too few spiritual veins and few resources to support so many immortal cultivators. If the sect doesn't think of a way, the Tianmu Mountains will be in chaos. So, you have to be promoted quickly! "

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