Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 36 Gengjin Grass Pheasant Sword


The red-faced monk was suddenly shocked when he heard Zhang Yan's words.

Before he could react, Zhang Yan stretched out his hand and a bright sword light shot out from his hand.

The speed is astonishing.

Seeing Zhang Yan using the spell so quickly, the red-faced monk showed a trace of uneasiness on his face. Why is this spell so fast?

However, when he saw the spell clearly, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"What kind of spell did I think it was? It turned out to be the Geng Jin Pheasant Sword Technique?" The red-faced monk almost cried with laughter at the spell that Zhang Diffrix fired!

The Geng Jin Pheasant Sword is indeed very famous

Because this spell consumes little, is fast, can be released by raising your hand, and has high accuracy, so you can hit almost wherever you point it, it is almost a perfect spell for getting rid of insects.

But, that's for pest control.

If you want to use it to attack humans, it is almost impossible, because the Gengjin Pheasant Sword can achieve the above advantages, but it all comes at a price, and the price is its power.

The power is too small!

Let alone a monk, even an ordinary person would be difficult to kill with one blow as long as the attack does not hit the neck, heart or other fatal parts.

So when the red-faced monk saw Zhang Yan actually attacking him with the Geng Jin Pheasant Sword, he almost laughed out loud.

It seems that this little guy only knows this one spell!

"It's time for you to experience the shock from the late stage of Qi training!" The red-faced monk said and took out a talisman. The talisman shattered in the air and turned into a transparent shield in front of him.

Although I don't care about the power of the Gengjin Pheasant Sword.

But it is impossible to be a living target for the opponent to hit. Protection is a must. Otherwise, what if the boat capsizes in the gutter?

But now that he has a protective shield, he can kill Zhang Yan calmly.

"Be careful when you do it later, so as not to damage the spirit boat." The red-faced monk looked at the spirit boat with greedy eyes.

And at the same time.

Zhang Yan's Gengjin Pheasant Sword has already arrived in front of the opponent.

A slight sound of 'poof' sounded.

The red-faced monk looked in disbelief as a transparent protective shield with holes appeared in front of him. This protective shield could protect against spells in the middle stage of Qi training!

How could it be penetrated by a Gengjin Pheasant Sword? ? ?

"Stoneskin Technique!!!" The red-faced monk roared, and the skin all over his body instantly turned pale, with a texture like marble.

He didn't know what was wrong with Zhang Yan's Geng-gold Pheasant Sword, but he knew that if the Geng-gold Pheasant Sword hit him, he would be in serious danger!

"Tsk~" After the Gengjin Pheasant Sword pierced the shield, its remaining power remained unabated and stabbed directly into his chest. The skin of the red-faced monk burst open like a rock in an instant, and blood spattered everywhere.

But fortunately, the mana of Gengjin Pheasant Sword has been consumed, and this sword did not kill the opponent.

However, before the red-faced monk could be happy, he heard the sound of rapid movement in the air. When he raised his head, his red face turned black.

Zhang Yan's fingers were constantly pointing in the air.

One after another, Gengjin Pheasant Swords shot towards him, like a golden rain of swords. Just looking at them made people feel cold all over!

This is another characteristic of the Gengjin Pheasant Sword.

Casting is fast.

The spell can be released directly without any preparation.

The moment Zhang Yan fired the first Gengjin Pheasant Sword, he added thirteen more.

"Puff puff puff~"

Although the red-faced monk was lucky enough to withstand the first Gengjin Pheasant Sword, he could not block the thirteen that followed, and was shot directly into a sieve in the end.

A monk in the late stage of Qi training died!

It sounds complicated.

But this was actually only a few breaths before and after.

Just killed the red-faced monk.

Liu Yiting, who was lying on the green wooden boat, let out a groan and vaguely seemed to open her eyes.

Zhang Yan saw this and kicked her unconscious without mercy.

Looking at the red-faced monk lying on the ground in the distance, he stretched out his hand and punched a hole in the opponent's head with another Gengjin Pheasant Sword.

Confirm that the other party is completely dead.

He just stepped forward to touch the body.

Clean up the opponent's storage bag and paper kite.

Then he touched the ring on his hand, and a fire snake devoured the opponent's body.

One set of operations runs smoothly.

He stepped directly onto the Aoki boat and continued towards Fangshi.

"Fortunately, the white-faced monk didn't come. Otherwise, I might not have been able to deal with the two of them."

Although he killed the red-faced monk, Zhang Yan didn't look happy at all.

Instead, I was filled with fear.

The reason why he was able to kill the red-faced monk.

Mainly for three reasons.

First, the red-faced monk's own strength only belongs to the kind that has just reached the seventh level of Qi training, and barely belongs to the late stage of Qi training.

Second, the red-faced monk underestimated Zhang Yan’s Geng Jin Cao Pheasant Sword Art.

The third and most critical point is.

Zhang Yan has the blessing of the equipment column.

In order to deal with this red-faced monk, he has changed his equipment to the blessing of golden bamboo sword, spiritual hoe, purple spirit hammer, and other equipment.

Among them, the spiritual hoe has a sharp entry.

In addition to the entry for sharpness, Golden Bamboo Sword also has an entry for sword energy.

Although the Purple Spirit Hammer does not have the entry "sharp", it does have two entries: "giant power" and "armor breaking".

With so many entries superimposed together, his Gengjin Pheasant Sword, which could only be used as an insect-killing spell, exploded with terrifying power.

"Thankfully I bought the Purple Spirit Hammer."

The armor breaking entry on the Purple Spirit Hammer is very useful.

If it weren't for the Purple Spirit Hammer, it would be almost impossible for him to break the opponent's transparent protective shield.

"And, fortunately, the opponent didn't release the magic weapon." This is also a place to be thankful for. The opponent may not want to hurt Qing Muzhou, so he didn't release the magic weapon to fight at the beginning.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy for Zhang Yan to kill the opponent.

But no matter what.

The winner is the king.

The opponent is already dead.

He is the ultimate winner.

On the way to the market, Zhang Yan still kept his eyes and ears open. If that white-faced monk came again, he really wouldn't be able to fight.

But fortunately, his worries were a bit redundant.

It wasn't until he saw the Qingheng market in the distance that his heart was completely relieved.

The Qingheng sect market is two hundred miles in radius, which is a safe zone, and there will be patrols.

To prevent robbers and monsters from appearing.

After all, if you open a door to do business, you must let the customers feel at ease.

When he arrived at the market, Zhang Yan got off the flying boat.

After paying Liu Yiting's spiritual stones, he took her to the center of the market.

This is the station of the elders of Qingheng Sect.

There is a Jindan elder stationed here to protect the market.

In addition, there are also inner disciples of Qingheng Sect and foundation-building deacons.

When they arrived at the station, Zhang Yan showed his identity token and explained the reason. The gatekeeper of Qingheng Sect immediately showed an angry look on his face: "That thief is really hateful. He dared to attack our people of Qingheng Sect. Junior brother, wait a moment, I will report to the ancestor. This time, he must pay the price!"

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