Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 29 Market and Purple

If you want to enter the market, you have to pay spirit stones.

However, because Zhang Yan is a disciple of the Qingheng Sect, he is exempted from paying spirit stones.

But the rest of the Liu family cannot enjoy this treatment.

Fortunately, the price is not expensive, and each person only needs one spirit stone per day.

Moreover, when entering, they were told that they could not practice here at will. Otherwise, they would be permanently expelled from the market at the least, and their cultivation would be abolished at the worst.

The reason for this rule is that there is a second-level spirit vein in the market, which needs to supply spiritual energy to the large formation of the market on weekdays. If there is no such rule, the spirit vein will be difficult to bear for so many cultivators to practice together.

However, if you rent an inn or a cave in the market, you can use the spirit vein in the market to practice.

But this price is not cheap, and most people don’t have such luxury.

Entered the market.

There was a lively sound around immediately.

"Spiritual rice, spiritual rice, spiritual rice that has just matured, the price is cheap, come quickly if you want to buy it~"

"A first-level late-stage demon beast was found in the wild, come and sign up if you are willing to hunt together!"

"Selling magic tools, ancestral magic tools!"

This Qingheng Market and the market in the sect are two completely different things.

The most intuitive manifestation is that there is almost no noise in the market in the sect, and everyone sells at random.

The stall owners in this Qingheng Market are more like the small stall vendors in the previous life, with shouting and cursing.

The reason for the difference between the two is also very simple.

Most people in the sect have to practice, and only occasionally go to the market to sell their own products, or exchange some items.

But the people in this Qingheng Market are all people sent out by various families in the Tianmu Mountains to do business.

Or they are casual cultivators who have finally saved some money and want to make a fortune in the market.

"We have one day in total. You can move freely and come back to gather in the afternoon." The foundation-building cultivator of the Liu family saw that everyone in the Liu family had become hot-eyed, and he immediately spoke.

"Be careful not to cause trouble, otherwise I can't do anything if you are caught by the law enforcement disciples of the Qingheng Sect." The elder of the Liu family reminded again.

"Yes, elder."

The Liu family cultivator nodded excitedly immediately.

Especially those younger generations, who were very interested in the market, could not hold back. After receiving the order from the elder, they immediately dispersed.

Only Zhang Yan and the foundation-building elder were left.

After the two talked for a few words, Zhang Yan chose to go alone.

Walked into the crowd.

Zhang Yan took out a bamboo hat from the storage bag and put it on his head.

Then he equipped the hidden mask on the equipment bar.

In this way, others would not know who he was.

But this is just a safety measure, which is basically useless.

You know, this is a market.

And this market is called Qingheng Market.

In the market, not only is there the Jindan Patriarch in charge, but there is also a patrol team formed by the Qingheng Sect disciples, who are constantly patrolling.

Basically, there will be no danger.

In addition, as a disciple of the Qingheng Sect, he does not bully others in the Qingheng Market, which is considered a blessing from others.

Strolling along with the crowd.

Zhang Yan can only say that the Qingheng Market is worthy of being the only market in Tianmu Mountain. There are too many people here.

It is precisely because of this that a large number of strange and weird things are gathered.

Let alone.

Even the Qingheng Sect has set up a receiving point in the market, so you can know how many natural materials and treasures can be produced here every day.

And along the way.

He not only saw various magic tools.

He even saw talismans, formations, elixirs, and even living monsters and monster corpses.

But unfortunately, there are no excellent entries on those magic tools.

Instead, he collected a few rare spiritual herbs and prepared to transplant them back for planting.

It would be great if he could open a second-hand magic tool store here.

Zhang Yan sighed.

But he also knew that this was not realistic at all.

Every store in Qingheng Market is a hen that lays golden eggs.

And they all belong to Qingheng Sect.

Only those aristocratic families are qualified to buy stores from Qingheng Sect.

The remaining stores all have to pay rent.

The rent for just one year is several thousand or even tens of thousands of spirit stones.

He can't afford it at all.

Moreover, the water in second-hand magic tools is very deep.

He picked up some magic tools with entries separately. It doesn't matter if he uses them himself, but if he wants to open a special second-hand magic tool store, he will be cheated to death and don't know how he died.



"Why are the entries of these people's second-hand magic tools so weird?"

Zhang Yan had a toothache.

There are too many weird entries on these second-hand magic tools.

There are often entries such as [Vulnerable] and [Mining Wizard].

The so-called [Vulnerable] means that after equipping this entry, there is a greater chance of damaging the magic tool when using it.

And the [Mining Wizard] is attached to a mining pick.

After he was equipped with the equipment, he was an insurmountable genius in mining.

In this regard, Zhang Yan could only say that these terms were not completely useless, at least they could disgust him.

He turned around for a long time.

Zhang Yan suddenly saw a good second-hand magic weapon.

It was a ring.

[Equipment Name]: Flame Ring

[Equipment Quality]: Green

[Equipment Effect]: Flame Attachment (your attack will be added with a layer of flame element), Flame Shock (after use, a flame shock will be generated with you as the center.

"This is good."

Zhang Yan's eyes lit up when he saw this Flame Ring.

This Flame Ring is a medium-grade magic weapon, and the price is about 300 to 500 spirit stones.

However, considering that second-hand magic weapons will have a price drop.

So it should only take more than 100 spirit stones to buy it.

Fortunately, Zhang Yan worked in the stone cutting field for a period of time before and gained a lot of contribution points.

And those contribution points were exchanged for spirit stones before he came to the market.

Now he has more than 300 spirit stones on him.

It is more than enough to buy this Flame Ring.

Go up to the other party to exchange After the intervention, Zhang Yan spent 103 spirit stones to buy this flaming ring.

It is worth mentioning that the effect of this flaming ring itself is actually to instantly cast a fire snake spell.

The power is almost equivalent to a blow in the middle stage of Qi Refining.

Therefore, this flaming ring is a good magic weapon.

He accepted the flaming ring with satisfaction.

Zhang Yan was strolling to leave, but just a turn, his eyes were firmly attracted by the things in front of a stall.

He couldn't move at all.

It was a piece of iron, but in Zhang Yan's eyes, the iron was shining with purple light!

[Equipment Name]: Water Yuan Book (Fragment)

[Equipment Quality]: Purple

[Equipment Effect]: Water Yuan Shu Perfection, Information Inheritance

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