Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 15 At this moment, Qi training second level

"We have to see what is suitable for planting in this spiritual field."

Zhang Yan did not plant the elixir immediately, but first built a thatched cottage in the valley.

If nothing unexpected happens, this will be his base.

Then observe this valley carefully.

Although this valley is large, there are many places that are not spiritual fields, but just ordinary land. There are not many places that can be called spiritual fields, only a small piece.

According to Zongwudian, this valley is a newly opened spiritual field.

No one has planted it yet.

Zhang Yan was among the first batch to come to plant.

This has pros and cons.

The advantage is that the spiritual field in this area is relatively fertile and has abundant spiritual energy.

The disadvantage is that no one knows what is suitable for planting in this spiritual field. You can only rely on your own experience to judge.

For this, Zhang Yan was already prepared, equipped with a spiritual hoe, and began to seriously explore the spiritual field.

"These one hundred acres are suitable for planting spiritual rice. The spiritual energy in these twenty acres is a little stronger, and I feel like I can grow some spiritual medicines."


Zhang Yan planned everything where and what should be planted.

After the exploration, they wandered around the valley again.

To his surprise.

He unexpectedly discovered another large piece of land containing spiritual energy.

This piece of land is roughly estimated to be more than three hundred acres.

However, these three hundred acres of spiritual energy are relatively small and are not considered spiritual fields. They will not be registered by the sect at all.

However, just because the sect doesn't like it doesn't mean it's useless.

"This large semi-spiritual field can be planted with some semi-spiritual grasses or big-leaf vines." Zhang Yan already had a plan in mind for these more than 300 acres of spiritual fields.

Semi-spiritual grass is actually a kind of weed containing spiritual energy. Apart from being used as forage for spiritual beasts, the rest has no higher value.

The big leaf vine is a plant that can be used to make talisman materials. It is of very low grade, but it is easy to maintain. You only need to scatter the seeds casually and it will grow on its own without careful care.

These semi-spiritual fields are very suitable for big leaf vines and semi-spiritual grasses. Although they don't earn many spiritual stones, they don't have to pay rent to the sect, let alone take care of them, so it's very cost-effective.

Planning is complete.

Zhang Yan immediately took action.

He first wanted to cultivate 200 acres of spiritual land.

"It's a pity that I don't know earth magic." Zhang Yan sighed. If he knew earth magic, the reclamation would be much faster.

But it doesn't matter. Although he doesn't know earth magic, his spiritual hoe has a sharp entry, and his Golden Bamboo Sword also has a sharp entry.

Equip both directly.

He began to plow the land, and the originally solid land was immediately dug up easily.

He can even use the sword energy of the Golden Bamboo Sword from time to time.

A sword energy passed by and opened up a hundred meters of land.

"The sword energy of this Golden Bamboo Sword is very useful for turning over the ground!"

After another sword energy, Zhang Yan looked at the ground that had been turned over and was very satisfied.

If others knew that he actually used flying swords to farm, I don't know how many people would scratch their heads. You must know that magical weapons such as flying swords are relatively expensive among many magical weapons.

A normal low-grade magic weapon can be purchased for twenty or thirty spirit stones.

As for flying sword magic weapons, they cost at least fifty spirit stones.

The main reason is that Feijian is versatile enough.

It can both attack and defend, and can even serve as a flying magic weapon.

It is precisely because of this that whenever a monk gets a flying sword, he must take good care of it for fear of something going wrong, and now Zhang Yan is using it for farming!

can only say……

Others cannot experience the joy of farming.

All the spiritual fields have been cultivated.

Zhang Yan just started sowing seeds.

Where spiritual rice was planted, he directly used Wang Ping's spiritual rice seeds.

He has observed these seeds, and each one is much fuller than normal spiritual rice seeds, and even the spiritual energy inside is stronger.

I believe that if you plant such seeds, you will surely reap more.

After planting the spiritual rice, Zhang Yan began to plant the spiritual medicine.

Most of the elixir seeds on his side are low-level elixirs.

Only some of the seeds given by Musen were of relatively high quality.

But he didn't plant it.

There are two reasons.

First, these spiritual fields do not have enough spiritual energy.

Second, although high-end elixirs are expensive, their maturity period is too long, often taking several years, and he does not have such a long time to wait.

In summary.

Or low-level elixirs like spiritual rice, which are harvested three to four times a year, and which are harvested once a year, are more suitable for him.

At least it would allow him to quickly obtain spiritual stones.

After planting all the seeds of low-level elixirs again, Zhang Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he took out Jingyu Fuchen.

Although this Jingyu Fuchen is just a low-level magic weapon.

But it’s very effective.

After it was cast, a dark cloud immediately formed in the sky.

The area of ​​the dark clouds is not large, only a dozen square meters.

But as his mana continued to pour in.

In the end, it was barely enough to cover an acre of spiritual land.


Zhang Yan shouted lowly.

There were faint flashes of lightning in the dark clouds.

And the water vapor accumulated more and more. Finally, the water vapor in the dark clouds reached a critical value, condensed into a drop of rain, and dropped to the ground with a 'plop' sound.

The rain condenses faster and faster, but after three or four breaths, the raindrops turn into continuous thin lines.

The fine drizzle soaked the spiritual field below.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yan couldn't help but sigh that magic is indeed magical.

Although there was artificial rainfall in the previous life, it was not 100% successful, and if there was not much water vapor in the air, it would not succeed.

But magic is unreasonable. As long as you cast a spell, it will succeed.

"With the blessing of these spiritual rain spells, I believe these spiritual fields will definitely have a good harvest."

Because of the spiritual energy in his body, Zhang Yan can only irrigate one acre of spiritual field with one spiritual rain spell.

And he added half of the spiritual field, which is a full 500 acres!

It has to be irrigated 500 times!

So after the successful casting, he immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and began to recover his magic power.



Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

This day.

After Zhang Yan cast the spiritual rain spell, he was planning to recover his magic power.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came.

He began to circulate his magic power and impact the acupoints.

"Hua La La~"

The flow of mana was like a raging sea, constantly washing the acupoints, and the solid barrier of the acupoints began to gradually show some cracks under the washing of mana.

"There is a chance!"

Feeling the changes in the acupoints, Zhang Yan was delighted.

He had discovered before that every time he used magic, used up the mana in his dantian and practiced again, he would have a little improvement.

These days, he used magic every day and practiced again, and it has been cycled hundreds of times.

Now, it is time to harvest.

As he continued to increase his strength, he even took out a spirit stone to absorb the spiritual energy in it. Finally, the solid barrier was finally opened by the vast mana.

At this moment, it was the second level of Qi training!

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