"I've met Senior Sister Lin."

Zhang Yan spoke to Lin Qiuying very politely.

"Junior Brother Zhang, have you just come back from Enlightenment Peak?"

Lin Qiuying asked casually.

"Yes, I learned a spell."

"I wonder what the spell is?"

"Mu Yuan Jutsu."

Zhang Yan didn't hide anything.

"Mu Yuan Technique is indeed a very good spell for spiritual farmers."

Lin Qiuying suddenly said this without any reason.

Inside and outside the words.

Full of disdain for spiritual farmers.

"Yes, I think it's good too."

Zhang Yan seemed to not understand the other party's sarcasm and spoke with a smile.

"A person like you will just be a spiritual farmer for the rest of your life."

"Then you don't know where Senior Sister is employed?"

Hear this.

Zhang Yan sneered.

He didn't know why Lin Qiuying was so malicious towards him.

However, for the sake of Mr. Lin, he had already shown courtesy once before.

Unexpectedly, the other party still refused to let go.

Although Zhang Yan's character is relatively kind.

But he was definitely not a soft persimmon. He immediately said it and pushed back. In particular, the other party's malice was simply inexplicable. He didn't do anything, so why did the other party treat him like this?


"I am a disciple at Wanfu Peak!"

When she said this, Lin Qiuying showed a look of pride on her face.

Wanfu Peak is the same as Muling Peak.

They are all one of the five main peaks of Qingheng Sect.

Mainly responsible for the production of talismans.

The remaining three peaks.

They are Qianbao Peak, Qingheng Peak, and Hundred Formation Peak.

Among them, Qianbao Peak is a place specialized in refining magic weapons.

Hundred Formation Peak is the place where formations are studied.

And Qinghengfeng, as the name suggests.

It is the main peak of Qingheng Sect.

The disciples inside are all disciples majoring in combat power.

It was their force that ensured the safety of the Qingheng Sect.

The above four peaks, plus Mu Ling Peak, these five peaks together form the Qingheng Sect.

Even theoretically speaking, there is no clear distinction between the four peaks.

It's just that Qingheng Peak has more outstanding combat power, and the following four peaks are all split from Qingheng Peak.

Therefore, Qingheng Peak is still called the main peak.

The disciples of Wufeng are divided into two types.

One is to be accepted as a disciple by the peak master and elders, and the other is to join the main peak. There is no special master, but they all have certain talents. These people can come into contact with the inner sect's techniques, skills, and skills every time. , there will be specialized elders or senior disciples to explain.

Lin Qiuying is this kind of disciple.

Although the treatment is definitely not as good as the first one.

However, in the Qingheng Sect, these disciples are also extraordinary beings.

No matter what, she is an inner disciple!

Just this identity weighed down Zhang Yan on more than one end.

"You now know the difference between me and you, right?"

“So don’t think about some things that are available or not!

We are not from the same world at all!

A spiritual farmer is a spiritual farmer, and I will become a Talisman Maker in the future! "

When Lin Qiuying said this, her expression became even more arrogant.

Zhang Yan: "???"

He doesn't understand more and more now.

Is this woman sick?

Why are you telling him this?

However, at this time, Mr. Lin walked over quickly, pulled Lin Qiuying behind him, and looked at Zhang Yan with an apologetic look.

"Zhang Daoyou, I'm sorry, Qiu Ying's personality is like this. Originally, I thought you were about the same age and could get along with each other, but I didn't expect a misunderstanding!" Mr. Lin's face was also a little ugly.

Lin Qiuying is her daughter.

He has good talent and is an entry-level disciple at Wanfu Peak.


His personality is so strong that it even offends people a bit.

In this life, Mr. Lin has not been very strong, but he still has good eyesight.

Through this period of time together, he clearly felt Zhang Yan's potential.

Whether it's an introduction to Qi training or a small mastery of spells.

It all made him feel that Zhang Yan was by no means an ordinary person.

Especially coupled with the other party's attitude towards people and things, he believed that given time, this child would become a great person!

Therefore, he wanted to introduce his daughter to Zhang Yan.

After all, the other party is just a grassroots person.

Over the years, he has also saved some money, which can be used to support his daughter and Zhang Yan.

But I didn't expect it.

His daughter's character was so bad. He just said a few words casually and wanted to question her in front of Zhang Yan.

"It doesn't matter." After glancing at Lin Qiuying, Zhang Yan nodded lightly. As for Lin Qiuying, she was just a self-righteous guy.

The identity of the disciple of Wanfu Peak that the other party relied on was nothing to him!

do not forget.

Mu Sen promised to introduce him to his master as long as he mastered Mu Yuan Shu to perfection.

Mu Sen’s master is the peak master of Mu Ling Peak.

The existence of a golden elixir period.

The most important thing is that he has the Enlightenment Futon, and can even bluntly say that he has mastered Mu Yuan Technique.

It's just that he felt that doing so was a bit eye-catching.

He doesn't hide his talents.

But at the same time, you have to control it and don't be so outrageous.

After all, he just wants to be an ordinary genius quietly.

If you go too far, you will easily be targeted by others. Even if no one in the sect targets you, what about the hostile sect?

And ordinary geniuses are just fine.

You can enjoy the benefits of the sect without attracting too many people's attention.

"I'm hosting today, let's have a drink. Although Ying'er has a bad temper, she's not a bad person." Mr. Lin looked at Zhang Yan with a smile.

Lin Qiuying originally wanted to say something.

But, suddenly, there was a sword light coming from outside.

Finally, it stopped over the Lingzhi Garden.

"This is……"

"Senior brother in the foundation building stage..."

Feeling the fluctuations in the sky, the aloofness in Lin Qiuying's eyes immediately disappeared without a trace, replaced by respect.

The flying sword in the sky stopped.

The figure above was exposed.

"Meet the deacon!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Qiuying and Mr. Lin immediately stepped forward to pay a visit.

But Feijian only frowned slightly and didn't even pay attention to them.

And all this seems normal to them.

This is a major overhaul in the foundation building period.

In the inner gate, they are basically all deacons.

The power in his hands is so great that ordinary disciples cannot afford to offend him.

Only true disciples can compete with deacons.

"Senior Brother Mu, why are you here?"

At this time, Zhang Yan also saw the figure on the flying sword.

This person is no one else.

It was Musen who had just parted ways.

"I just finished my lecture, and suddenly I remembered that there are some things that I haven't told you yet, so I came here to talk to you." I saw Zhang Yan.

Musen immediately withdrew his flying sword and walked to Zhang Yan's side.

"I wonder what Senior Brother Mu is talking about?" Zhang Yan also asked curiously.

"As for the issues that need to be paid attention to when cultivating some elixirs and plants, some of the seeds I gave you require special conditions to take root and sprout. This is common sense in our Mu Ling Peak. I forgot. I will tell you briefly first. Tell me some, and you will know the rest naturally after you enter Mu Ling Peak and meet the Master."

"Thank you, senior brother!"

When Zhang Yan heard this, he quickly thanked him.

At the same time, on the other side, Mr. Lin and Lin Qiuying were completely stunned.

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