Just when all the magicians and servants were very curious.

In the video, Emiya Shirou put his hand on Saber's shoulder.

Saber turned her head and nodded towards Shirou Emiya.

Then, the two of them looked at the floating Holy Grail together!

The entire video was also enveloped in that dazzling white energy light at this time!

Emiya Shirou's voice also sounded at this time

"Please return the money to us....."

The entire video also freezes at this moment.

? ? ? ?!!!!

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After hearing Shirou Emiya's wish, their eyes widened immediately.


No, you won the victory and obtained the Holy Grail.

Just make a wish like this?! this......No, not quite right.....

【Cu Chulainn:? ? ? ? ? ? No, this is the wish Emiya Shirou wants to make?! Then why did he come to participate in the Holy Grail War?!】

【Diarmait:.....I also can’t figure it out. Since his wish is to return the money, wouldn’t it be enough not to participate in this racing competition?!】

【Red A: Is there a possibility that Emiya Shirou also participated in this Holy Grail Grand Prix for Saber and others?! And it's not what you want to participate in?!】

【Tohsaka Rin: What Archer said makes sense......Shirou, he does have this kind of temperament....】

【Saber: Well, I remember someone told me before that Shirou doesn’t need the Holy Grail to fulfill any wish, just like Lord Galahad.】

【King of Conquerors: When you said this, I also remembered it. It is indeed true. Although Emiya Shirou has many wishes that he wants to realize, he does not have any wishes that require the Holy Grail.....What a fun guy!】

【Jin Shining: Humph! What an eyesore! What a perfect match for the Mad King of Britain!!】

【Emiya Shirou;......】

Magicians and servants in various worlds saw the golden barrage.

All smiled.

Obviously, this hero king is angry!

Also, no matter who is overtaken by that rocking car, they will be in a bad mood!

It was also at this time that the inventory video on the parchment turned into energy particles.

Integrated into the entire parchment.

Then, the parchment scroll was closed.

Disappeared from every world.

And the magicians and servants in various worlds looked at the disappearing parchment.

I can't help but look forward to it. , next time, what kind of inventory video will this parchment bring them?!

Really, looking forward to it!

As time goes by.

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

They all continued their work.

This parchment will appear on its own. They just need to do their job well, and this parchment will pop out on its own when the time comes.

It was at this time.

The parchment scroll also appeared in various worlds from time to time.

Magicians and followers in various worlds also focused their attention on this parchment at this time.

【Amakusa: Are you here?! What kind of video will be produced this time?!】

【Joan of Arc; I don’t know, but it shouldn’t be a serious inventory video.】

【Cu Chulainn;? ? ? Your Majesty the Holy Lady, how do you know this is not a serious inventory video?!】

【Joan of Arc: Since the list was changed, when did these inventory videos pass?!】

【Red A is indeed like this. These inventory videos are becoming more and more different from before, but they are indeed good-looking.】

【Matthew: Servants and magicians can’t spend their days fighting each other. They also need some adjustments.】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka: Mashu is right! 】

That is, when magicians and followers in various worlds are discussing.

On this parchment roll.

The entire parchment scroll also unfolded, and the large golden characters emerged at this time.

【Model moon world list!】

【TOP8: Servant Special! 】

? ? ? ?!!!!

What is this?!

Special chapter for Servants?! what does this mean?!

Magicians and followers in various worlds already know that these inventories are not too serious.

But I never expected that it would be so improper.

Just this title makes them feel a little unaware.

【Cu Chulainn: Archer, you have a lot of experience. Can you explain what this means?!】

【Red A, well, it should be specifically used to take inventory of a certain servant, but I don’t think it’s right. During this period, the title of this inventory video is always like this】

【Two rituals; this may be what it means, but it’s not absolute, who knows?!】

【Qingzi: Yes, these videos have changed, and the title has also changed. It’s really hard to see through......】

【Diarmait: That’s right. It was very clear before, but now, it’s not like this anymore. ]

The magicians and servants in each world nodded.

Agree with this view.

It was at this time that the large golden characters on the parchment turned into energy particles.

Integrated into the parchment.

Then, a pitch-black video appeared in the parchment.

Along with this parchment roll lights up.

A fox girl wearing very large high-top shoes also appeared in this video.

On her back was a large sword.

In order to make it easier to draw the sword, this sword is placed horizontally.

"I’m really happy that people can come to Ganliu Island, which they long for..!"

Maybe it's because of this fox girl's grade, her voice is a little bit weird......

Then, in front of the fox girl, the female version of Musashi and the female version of Musashi's friends appeared in front of the fox girl.

And the fox girl immediately became excited after seeing Musashi.

"Difficult - I got it, if I could compete with Ms. Musashi..."

As she spoke, the fox girl showed an embarrassed expression.


Musashi's friends were immediately confused after hearing this.

Musashi did not expect that this girl would say such words. She was also a little dazed for a moment.

Magicians and servants in various worlds looked at Watching this video, it was Musashi who was in a daze.

And Musashi's friends.

And the fox girl who seemed very deliberate and artificial.

For a moment, they all didn't know what to say.

【Joan of Arc:......Really...Even I can't stand it...】

【Cu Chulainn: Well, this is nothing! Is this sound a normal sound that a normal person can make? It really gave me goosebumps all over my body!】

【Diarmait: I can’t stand this either! It's simply too bad!】

【Matthew:....This looks like Ms. Tamamo.....senior...】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka; I really miss Tamamo Mae....However, she shouldn't be in this posture, right?...It can't be, it's another form of Goyanskaya, right?! That......Well......】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Da Vinci: If it is ....It is indeed possible...but this....Somewhat exceeded my expectations. 】

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

They all nodded.

This is indeed....It exceeded their expectations.

Who would have thought that the fox girl in this video would look like this....

It was at this time. in the video.

At this time, the sword-level fox girl kept looking at Musashi with a cute expression.

Musashi, on the other hand, fell directly into it.

"It's not often that you can be challenged by such a cute girl!"

"Have I reached the peach blossom stage too?!"

All kinds of thoughts immediately appeared in Musashi's mind.

But in the next second, Musashi opened his eyes and agreed.

"The new Musashi is super happy to be the lady’s opponent!"[]


Whoever was next to him, when he heard Musashi's words, he was immediately speechless.


Just after Musashi agreed to the challenge.

Musashi and the fox girl all set up their postures.

Musashi's friends acted as referees at this time!

Under the statue of the duel between the two samurai.

The fox girl took the lead and said


As she said that, she touched the handle of her knife

"Glad to accept it!"

Musashi directly pulled out his two swords and took a stance!

"Are you happy to accept it?!"

Musashi's friends were a little confused when they heard Musashi's words.

No, what do you mean?!

What do you mean, accept it happily?!

It was at this moment!

The fox girl made a confused voice.

"Ah, hey?!....Wait, huh?!"

After hearing this voice, Musashi and his friends also looked over.

Only then did they realize that the fox girl's hand was not long enough and could not reach the handle of the knife at all....

Now he was just trying to pull out the hilt of the knife, spinning like a cute puppy chasing its own tail....


Magicians and followers in various worlds looked at the scene in this video.

My forehead is covered with sweat....

No, this.....you.....

【Diarmait:...Even though my hands are not long enough, I still have to use such a long tachi.....It's really puzzling....】

【Cu Chulainn: It’s really puzzling......I'm confused, what does this mean?....】

【Amakusa: I haven’t figured it out either...So cute....But she was thinking that Musashi had launched a challenge! this.....】

【Saber: Ah, this is Musashi who cut off the connection between that ceiling-level guy and the Chaldean world with one strike!...I really don’t understand what this girl is thinking.....】

【Red A: Maybe, this girl didn’t expect that she would be unable to pull out this sword.....】

【Emiya Shirou;? ? ? ?】

【Tohsaka Rin:? ? ? ? ?】

【Cu Chulainn:? ? ? ? Archer, are you serious?!】

【Red A Lacner, if you look at this video carefully, you will know. Why do you have to ask again? You can’t. She looks like this just to be cute, right?!】

【Tohsaka Rin: That’s right...】

Magicians and followers in various worlds are watching the barrage of red A in this video.

Everyone nodded along, it was indeed possible!

However, is this some.....Not very good....

For a samurai, shouldn’t the katana be his second life?!

How could a scene like this still happen?

It really makes them feel Nanbang!

"`Ah!!"(Wang Haozhao)

"Ah, hey!!"

The fox girl is still spinning around at this time.

She wants to grab the handle of her sword and pull out the katana.

But it's just that...It seems that my brain is not working well enough.....

Musashi's friends also sighed helplessly after seeing this.

She regrets a little and wants to be the referee

"Forehead...This is..."

Musashi on the other side became excited immediately after seeing this!

"Woo oh oh oh oh!!! No more, no more! so cute!!!"


It was at this time that the sweating fox girl finally....

He fainted and fell directly to the ground.


Musashi looked at the fox girl who fainted on the ground.

She was also a little confused.


The referee also coughed twice at this time.

After confirming that the fox girl had truly lost her fighting ability, she said

"...The outcome has been decided...."

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing the scene in this video.

All were speechless.

Just now, they were still thinking about what would happen if the fox girl couldn't pull out her katana.

How to fight Musashi.

Musashi's fighting power is not weak!

As for the result, they haven't thought of it yet.

This fox girl fainted herself. , and then smashed it to the ground......

This truly exceeded the expectations of all the servants and magicians!

They never thought that a situation like this would happen!

Could it be said that this is the true meaning of Musashi's victory without fighting?!.

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