It was at this time.

On the parchment scroll, the entire inventory video also turned into energy particles at this time and merged into the parchment scroll.

Then, the parchment rolls were closed.

Disappeared into various worlds.

As time goes by.

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

They are also engaged in battles and other activities in their own world.

It was at this time.

Parchment scrolls also appeared in various worlds.

Magicians and followers in various worlds also focused their attention on this parchment scroll.

【Emiya Shirou: Ah, this parchment has appeared again. I don’t know what will be included this time.!】

【Saber: I’m not sure, but it probably won’t be something very good. The videos I’ve reviewed these few times are all not very good.】

【Cu Chulainn: Saber, it’s actually okay. Apart from shocking us, there’s nothing more.】

【Red A, but this inventory video is not necessary.Is this the effect?! Inventory video, how boring it would be if we all knew it】

【Cú Chulainn; that's true. 】

It was at this time.

The parchment scroll also slowly unfolded.

The big golden characters also bloomed out.

【Taking stock of the top ten famous battle scenes in the moon world!】

【TOP0 (tied): Emiya Juha VS Kotomine Kirei! 】

? ? ?

No, what does this mean?!

Emiya Shirou VS Kotomine Kirei?!

【Kotomine Kirei:? ? ? ?】

【Tohsaka Rin: Master...The battle with Shirou......】

【Emiya Shirou: I fight with the priest?! Even though it’s me in a parallel world....But even so, I feel.....Something's not quite right.....】

【Cu Chulainn: This is not only wrong, this is simply unbelievable! I don't think you can beat that guy!】

【Tohsaka Rin; Lacner is right, how can Shirou be the master's opponent? Even Shirou in another world is very likely not the master's opponent.】

【Red A, let’s take a look first, it won’t be that simple. 】

Other magicians and servants, after seeing the barrage of red A.

They all nodded.

They all think so too.

If it were really that simple, this inventory video would not include this inventory.

Maybe, in this review video, Emiya Shirou has the advantage?!

After all, he is Shirou Emiya in the parallel world, who knows?

It was at this time.

The large golden characters on the parchment also disappeared at this time.

Later, a paint color video.

It was also at this time that it emerged. when this video lights up.

A burly figure emerged at this moment.

This burly figure is Kotomine Kirei.

Or rather, Mapo.

There were dark marks on Mapo's chest.

With just a cursory glance, it could be seen that Mapo's chest had been opened.

On the other side, stood Emiya Shirou.

However, this Shirou Emiya is also a little abnormal.

On his body, several sharp sword blades pierced the skin and were exposed in the air.

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

Watch this video.

These are obviously the abnormal Emiya Shirou and Kotomine Kirei.

For a moment, I was a little confused.

No, what is going on?!

In the past, the two opponents who were fighting were still normal existences.

Why is it that in this inventory video, both sides are not normal?!

【Tohsaka Rin;....this...What exactly is going on?! How could it become like this?!】

【Cu Chulainn: Although it’s not clear what happened, it is obvious that the two people in this video were seriously injured.】

【Medusa: That's true, but is this situation similar in some way?】

【Matthew: In the previous review video, it is somewhat similar to the final battle between the senior and the first demon king Goetia, but it is not the same.】

【Red A is certainly different! Shirou Emiya in this video obviously used my power to cause the magic circuit to go berserk and his entire body became a sharp blade covered in human skin! And that Mapo is even more interesting. His heart is gone, but he can still move normally. No matter how you look at it, both parties are very interesting!】

【Cu Chulainn: So that’s it. I said, why does that Mapo look so weird? ]

Red A’s barrage also made some magicians and servants frown.

Putting aside Emiya Shirou who has become a sharp blade, please explain to us why a human.

Even without a heart, you can still carry out normal activities.

Or is it even possible to have a high-intensity battle?!

Even though the Mapo in this video is a magician, this is too exaggerated!

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Jin Shining looked at Kotomine Kirei whose heart disappeared in this video.

Also a little surprised.

But soon, an interested smile appeared on his face

"Interesting, who can crush your heart?!"

"Kirei?! This really makes me curious!"

It was at this time.

In the video

, he stretched out his hand and pulled off his cross pendant, and then stretched out his hand to let the cross pendant fall down!




The dull sound of collision also sounded at the moment when the cross pendant hit the ground!

Mapo's fist directly hit Emiya Shirou's face.

And Emiya Shirou's fist also hit Kotomine. Kirei's face


When both sides retreated slightly due to their own strength,

Emiya Shirou roared and punched Kotomine Kirei in the face.

As for Mine Kirei, he also reacted at this time He came over and punched Emiya Shirou in the face.

He staggered!

Then, he punched Emiya Shirou in the head again!


However, when this punch knocked back Emiya Shirou, several wounds appeared directly on Kotomine Kirei's fist!

Blood spurted out directly.

Looking at the blood on his fist, Kotomine Kirei was also a little surprised

"Your body is really troublesome, and those who do it will be in danger."

Magicians and followers in various worlds.

After seeing this scene, they were a little bit unable to recover.

Although, Red A had already said before that the people in this video Emiya Shirou is now a sharp blade covered in human skin.

But this situation still made them unable to understand it for a moment.

Who was injured during the battle, and what came out was not blood, but the blade! (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is simply...It’s beyond the understanding of mages and servants in all worlds!

【Tokiomi Tosaka;....It turns out that the sharp blade I'm talking about refers to this.....I thought his arms would turn into weapons....】

【Kenneth; the head of the Tohsaka family has quite a good imagination....I didn't even expect to come here】

【Tohsaka Rin: Just, why did it become like this?! It shouldn't be like this when the magic power goes rampant, right?!】

【Red A is actually very simple, mainly because after Shirou Emiya in this video was injured, the magic circuit would always be on his hand, and he would just repair it with the blade. There is nothing strange about it, mainly because of this method. , you look a little weird】

【Cu Chulainn: Archer, I think I need to redefine it. There is nothing weird about what you said......This sentence】

【Emiya Shirou:...I also...Even though that was me in the parallel world, I still thought this was so strange! how so?!】

【If you see red A too much, it won’t be strange, but it will feel quite normal.】

【Emiya Shirou:.......】

Magicians and servants in various worlds looked at the barrage coming from Red A.

They were all a little speechless.

What does it mean that if you see it too much, it won’t be surprising?!

We all know that you are a heroic spirit from the future, but in the future, those magicians will be.....Is it so abstract?! at this time[] in the video.

Emiya Shirou had no reaction after hearing Kotomine Kirei's words.

He just steadied himself, shook his head slightly and blurred his vision, and rushed towards Kotomine Kirei again.

Komine Kirei looked at Emiya Shirou who was charging towards him again.

The corners of his mouth were also slightly raised.

The left foot suddenly exerted force, and the body turned accordingly. While avoiding Shirou Emiya's attack, his right foot also caught the strong wind and kicked towards Shirou Emiya's heart.

Emiya Shirou's condition is not very good, and Kotomine Kirei's condition is also not good!

In addition, knowing Shirou Emiya's physical condition, Kotomine Kirei certainly wanted to kill him with one strike!

As for Emiya Shirou, the moment he saw Kotomine Kirei dodge his attack, he already felt something was wrong.

He quickly adjusted his body


That is, at the moment when Shirou Emiya had just finished adjusting, a huge force directly hit his abdomen.

Immediately, Shirou Emiya was kicked out!

Kirei Mine watched as he avoided his fatal blow. Shirou Emiya, who was struck by the blow, also let out a tut. He immediately rushed towards Shirou Emiya who was kicked out by him without hesitation!

He was going to kill Shirou Emiya with one blow!

His time was running out. More!

Shirou Emiya also stood up at this time.

On his abdomen, several sharp sword blades directly broke through the skin of his abdomen and were exposed.


The moment Emiya Shirou stood up, Kotomine Kirei hit the iron mountain support and directly hit Emiya Shirou.

Once again, Emiya Shirou was knocked away! He even landed before Emiya Shirou. After that, a huge gully was drawn on the ground!


The clothes on Kotomine Kirei's shoulders split into several cracks in an instant.

Dark red blood spurted out at this time.

However, Kotomine Kirei didn't pay attention to the wounds on his shoulders. His eyes were always It was focused on Shirou Emiya on the opposite side.

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

They watched the video of Kotomine Kirei beating Shirou Emiya violently.

There was no big fluctuation.

On the contrary. They felt that this was normal.

Naturally, they also saw the red A arm on Emiya Shirou.

But it didn't mean anything.

In close combat, just the power of some servants was not enough. Yes!

Fighting skills and experience are still needed!

In this aspect, Mine Kirei just crushed Emiya Shirou!

【Tokiomi Tosaka: Judging from the current situation, this Shirou Emiya has been suppressed by Kirei.】

【Matou Kariya: Isn’t this normal?! Kotomine Kirei's fighting skills and fighting experience were all enough to crush Emiya Shirou, so he was naturally able to suppress him. However, the further he got to the back, the worse the situation became. ]

The (Qian's) magicians and servants in each world nodded.

The further you get to the back, the more sword blades Emiya Shirou has on his body, and the harder it is to strike.

Speaking of which, Kirei Mine had lost his heart and had to fight such a high-intensity battle again.

The most important thing is that because Emiya Shirou is covered with sharp blades, every attack he makes.

They will all hurt themselves.

A lot of blood will spurt out every time.

Judging from this situation, if it drags on for a while, I'm afraid Kotomine Kirei will be eaten alive!

【Cu Chulainn: Well, the current situation is like this. However, Shirou Emiya in that video was also consciously protecting his fatal parts. Now it seems that it will be difficult to distinguish in a short time. Win or lose】

【The King of Conqueror; and, the most important point is that as long as Shirou Emiya is not killed with one blow, then Shirou Emiya can continue to drag him down. You all should understand how terrifying Shirou Emiya's belief is.】

【Jin Shining: Well, that’s true. Even this kid’s belief is recognized by me. No matter which world he is in, this kid has extremely terrifying beliefs. This really makes me....I feel a little uncomfortable, but I appreciate it very much. 】

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing the barrage of Cu Chulainn, the Conqueror King and the Hero King.

They all nodded slightly.

It has already gone through so many inventory videos.

Whenever Emiya Shirou's inventory video appears in it.

No matter which world he is in, Shirou Emiya will always show extraordinary willpower!

That has surpassed the willpower of humans, even the followers, and the vitality that is stronger than Xiaoqiang!

Sometimes, they all wonder if this Shirou Emiya is a pure human!

How could a pure human being have such terrifying willpower and vitality?.

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