That is at this time. in the video.

Just after Bagette smashed those projected weapons.

At this moment, Xiao Hei opened his long projection bow!

The golden arrows were also shining at this moment!

Just like the scene where"Archer" used a bow and shot arrows!

And Bagette looked at this extremely familiar scene.

He stood up immediately and caught the golden arrow with his hand expressionlessly.

Then, with a quick charge, he threw the golden arrow back directly at Xiao Hei!


Xiao Hei didn't expect that someone could catch his arrow!

And he still threw the arrow back!

He had no room to fight back and was immediately hit by this golden arrow!


The energy explosion also burst out suddenly at this time!

It swallowed Xiao Hei directly.

It was at this time.

Magicians and followers in various worlds.

After seeing this scene, they all felt a little bit. I don’t know what to say.

Although it is true that Bagette’s rune magic is very powerful,

Xiao Hei’s combat ability is a bit... too much. It was taken away by someone. After the arrow, not only did he not have any reaction.

He even allowed the golden arrow to hit him.....This fighting consciousness has already made the servants in various worlds not know what to say.

【Cu Chulainn:....Xiao Hei in this video seems to have too little fighting awareness........Archer, aren't you going to say something?!】

【Red A Lacner, what do you want me to say?! There’s nothing to say about this! Although she used my power, it has nothing to do with me.】

【Diarmait: That’s true. Although the power belongs to the servants, how to use this power is still up to the magicians.】

【King of Conquerors: Looking at it this way, this Holy Grail War method also has big shortcomings. At the very least, it is the inability to fully utilize the power of the Servants.】

【Medusa: But it can be avoided. The Master is assassinated. I can only say that each has its own advantages and disadvantages.】

【Cu Chulainn: Indeed. 】

It was at this time.

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Illya looked at Xiao Hei in this video.

Also a little confused

"Is this little black guy also from the Einzbern family?!"

"Why do I feel close to her?!"

"However, there shouldn't be anyone with such dark skin in the Einzbern family, right?!"

"Who is she?!"

It was at this time.

In the video, after Xiao Hei was hit by the golden arrow.

The background of the entire video also changed at this time.

Several figures appeared in Bagette's hands. Rune runes.

These runes also entered Bagette's gloves one by one.

And Bagette also said at this time

"It appears the situation is more chaotic than the Association can grasp."

"Bah, bah, bah!!"

When all the runes entered the gloves, they instantly formed a rune ring, and a small blue arc also flashed at this time.


The next moment!

All the strange images disappeared. The gloves in Bagette's hands had turned into gloves with green light.

"But I don't care about any of this."

After her gloves bloomed with green light, Bagette immediately rushed towards Illya!

Countless smoke and dust also surged behind Bagette!

And Illya also waved directly at this time. He picked up the magic wand in his hand!


The pink energy light slashed towards Bagette like a wave!

"call out!!"


Bajette looked at the energy slash that had already rushed in front of her! She immediately raised her leg and chopped the energy slash into pieces with one kick!

【Cu Chulainn: Runes?! I really didn't expect that this little girl named Bagette could use runes so smoothly. It really exceeded my expectations! 】

Other magicians and servants, after seeing Cu Chulainn’s barrage.

They all feel incredible!

They all know about rune magic.

But very little is known about runes!

After all, the magic of each school is different, and the differences are very big.

Basically they are all impossible to be the same!

Therefore, they don’t know anything about runes at all!

【Kenneth: Rune magic also has matching runes?! This is true....Somewhat powerful!】

【Tokiomi Tosaka: After all, this is the magic inherited from the Queen of the Land of Shadows. It is normal to be stronger.】

【Matou Kariya:......The Tohsaka family’s gem magic was inherited from the gem master! The power is no less powerful than this rune magic! Moreover, when there are enough gems, the gem magician becomes an army in his own right!】

【Tokiomi Tosaka: These are just theoretical exaggerations, and no one has ever implemented them, so they cannot be taken seriously. However, the rune magic in this video truly shows its powerful power. 】

The magicians in each world saw Tohsaka Tokiomi’s barrage.

Basically everyone nodded.

Although they all knew that Tosaka Tokiomi was speaking modestly.

But this is indeed the case.

Bagette in this video unsurprisingly proves the power of rune magic. but gem magic....To be honest, they have never seen one person form an army.

This not only requires a massive amount of gems, but also requires an extremely large amount of magic power!

Generally speaking, neither of these two can be easily achieved.

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Tohsaka Rin looked at the barrage sent by his father and nodded along with it.

She also had this idea.

The main reason is that the restrictions on gem magic are a bit too big.

Let’s not talk about magic power. Just these gems are worth a lot of money.

Every time you fight, you are fighting with coins!

As the saying goes, when the cannon goes off, there is ten thousand taels of gold!

There is no problem in using this sentence to describe the gem magician!

Really, gem magic is too expensive!!

It was at this time. in the video.

After Bagette smashed the energy slash.

The whole person also quickly approached that Illya!

The fist also hit Illya's stomach directly!

However, when the bombardment was about to arrive, Illya took a step back in time.

This is how he managed to avoid Bagette's attack and quickly deployed a protective shield!.

As for Bagette, looking at Illya who was avoiding, the runes on her gloves appeared again.

This time, the composition method was directly changed!

"That being the case!"

The next moment! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The gloves with runes have been reassembled, and once again bloomed with powerful energy!

Bagette once again turned towards Yili Yabo go!


"Bang bang bang!!"

The protective shield was shattered by Bagette in an instant!

Then, Bagette punched Illya again!

This time, Illya had no time to dodge, her whole body was filled with Being knocked away!

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

Seeing such a situation, they were scratching their heads for a moment.

This.....Is the combat power of runes a little too powerful?!

Illya and the others are no match for Bagette, right?!

【Emiya Shirou: This Bagette's combat power is really too strong. She shattered the energy shield with one punch, and then knocked Illya away with another punch.】

【Diarmait; yes, this...It's really beyond my expectations. Even I can't guarantee that I can shatter the protective shield released by Caster with one blow.】

【Weber: If you put it this way, doesn't it mean that this Bagette is more powerful than the Servant in some aspects?!】

【King of Conquerors: She is more powerful than ordinary servants, but not necessarily stronger than powerful servants. After all, she is just a magician.】

【Saber: Generally speaking, this is the case, but there may be special circumstances when it is not guaranteed.】

【Cu Chulainn: Saber is right. Runes are quite different from other magics. They do not consume a lot of magic power. In other words, they can sustain long-term battles.】

【Amakusa: So that means that after the rune magic is released, it can exist for a long time if it is not canceled voluntarily?!】

【Cu Chulainn: Ah, that's right. 】

Magicians and servants in various worlds, after seeing Cu Chulainn's words, for a moment, they didn't know what to say.

Rune magic is too supermodel!

It was at this time.

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Illya looked at the magical girl Illya in this video.

I also don’t understand it very much

"What's this?! Why do I look like this in this video?!"

"Well....However, it looks like this...Pretty good looking!"[]

"Don't you think so, Berserker?!"


After hearing what his Master said, Hercules also gave a reply. At this time, in the video, after Bagette knocked Illya away, her eyes also turned away.

She was killed by him before. Xiao Hei, who was knocked away, came back at this time.

Projection weapons still appeared on her hands.

The next second!

Xiao Hei held the projection weapons in both hands and slashed directly towards Bagette.!

"call out!!"



The short sword was carrying a blue energy sword, and it slashed towards Bagette one after another!

And Bagette also turned her body slightly to avoid these slashes and the energy sword lights. Then

, Bagette suddenly pressed forward and punched him with her fist!

However, just when Bagette's fist was about to hit Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei's figure suddenly disappeared.

Then , appeared behind Bagette.

However, before Xiao Hei could slash at Bagette with his two swords, Bagette's fist had already hit Xiao Hei's abdomen!


A dull collision sounded!

Xiao Hei's body was immediately blown away like a cannonball!

Then he rolled several times on the ground to remove this violent force.

As soon as he stopped, Xiao Hei He jumped directly into the air and waved his hand.

Several projection weapons emerged and shot at Bajiette!

Bajiette also jumped up and knocked these weapons away with both hands!

Then, He rushed directly in front of Xiao Hei!

His fist was also slammed down!


A violent explosion burst out instantly!

Xiao Hei was hit to the ground again!

Countless dust was also stirred up at this time!

Magicians and followers in various worlds.

After seeing this In the video, the scene where Xiao Hei was violently beaten by Bagette made people cover their eyes for a moment.

To be honest, they also couldn't understand Xiao Hei's fighting method.

Obviously, Xiao Hei's fighting style The offensive had no great effect on Bagette.

But Xiao Hei still had no intention of changing his mind.

He still used this kind of attack to attack Bagette.

【Cu Chulainn: Well, I don’t quite understand what this little black guy is thinking, and why he attacks like this?!】

【Red A is still okay, at least it still uses the ability of the servant instead of fighting with Bagette all the time, which is still a bit smart.】

【Cu Chulainn: Of course. If they kept fighting, this little black guy would have been smashed to the ground long ago. How could he still be able to hold on for so long!】

【Amakusa: But then again, maybe if we continue to engage in close combat, we might be able to hold on for a while longer?! 】

The servants in various worlds saw the barrage Amakusa said.

I also reviewed it and found that it does seem possible.

It is true that Bagette's combat power is very strong, but she usually attacks with her hands.

The attack range is a bit small. If you are careful in close combat, you might be able to dodge it.

Maybe it can still last longer!

That is at this time. in the video.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Xiao Hei also leaned in front of a big stone, and it seemed that he had temporarily lost his fighting ability.

And at this time, Bagette turned her attention to Illya who fell on the ground..

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