Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing Musashi's words, they all understood what Musashi meant when he said these words.

She was probably talking about meeting Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Judging from the previous inventory, meeting Fujimaru Ritsuka was indeed a very good thing.

From this point of view, Musashi in the video is indeed favored.

Compared to Gudako, Fujimaru Ritsuka is simply a saint-like Master!

【Cu Chulainn: How do I feel that next, this servant named Musashi will burn his spiritual energy?!】

【Saber: Isn't it obvious?! Facing such a powerful enemy, how can we defeat it without burning our spiritual base?!】

【Cu Chulainn: I'm afraid, even with the Burning Spiritual Base, I can't defeat this extremely powerful Chaos, right?!】

【Doctor Roman: It is naturally impossible to defeat, but it is possible to break those holes. As long as the connection between Chaos and the Chaldean world is cut off, Chaos will not be able to affect the Chaldean world.】

【Conquer the King; in this case, it is not impossible, although it is still very difficult. 】

Magicians and servants in various worlds, after seeing these barrage.

There was also some silence.

In order to cut off the connection between Chaos and the world of Chaldea, a servant needs to burn his own spiritual base to complete it.

At first glance, it seems very uneconomical.

But, this is Khaos!

In the moon-shaped world, there is an existence that stands at the apex!

It was at this time. in the video.

When Musashi said this, his face was full of smiles.

In her opinion, this is an extremely happy thing


Musashi also put his sword in front of his face at this time.

"At the end of this soliloquy, my blade!"

"My sword, like 24 its blade will appear before you!"

"God Khaos!"

Musashi's face was also full of determination at this time!

She had already strengthened her determination!

"What if you were a huge gap, gap, or void in the universe?"

"It is my destiny to cut through the void!"

Endless energy also gathered from Musashi's body at this time!

"The new and unique bastard father, please give me your best and appreciate it!"

"——Now, I, Musashi, am going to surpass you!"

"Give everything to Isher!!"

It ends with the chanting of the last Noble Phantasm!

"Cut through the void here! Really!"

"I will arrive at the other side of zero!"

When the last voice fell, the whole world fell into incomparable darkness.

The next moment!

A dazzling slashing light directly split the incomparable darkness into two!

Then, the whole world was plunged into darkness. Illuminated by that extremely dazzling slashing light!

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

Looking at this video, the last huge sword light is enough to cut through the void!

They are all shocked Got it!

【Cu Chulainn: Is this what is called, the other side of zero?! Is this a slash that is enough to cut through the void?! 】

As Cu Chulainn's barrage fell, the other servants also nodded.

No one doubted whether Musashi could cut through the void.

No one doubts the power of this blow!

The moment they saw the light of this slashing strike, they already understood that everything Musashi said was the truth.

【Amakusa: Yes, this is it, that slash that is enough to cut through the void! What a powerful swordsman!】

【Emiya Shirou: That's Musashi! Although she is a woman, her determination and consciousness are extremely powerful!】

【Joan of Arc: Yes, what a terrifying fighting spirit! In the face of this fighting spirit, even the oppression of Chaos seemed a little weak. 】

It was also at this time. in the video.

When the slashing light that was enough to illuminate the entire world dissipated.

Musashi's figure was also revealed at this time.

This time, Musashi's face was filled with a satisfied smile


"The final Godbreaker did it!"

"Perfect! The female Musashi is also amazing!"

"It’s simply a hundred percent beyond one hundred percent!"

After saying this, Musashi remembered those friends who came here with him.

So he said to them

"Hey, hey, did you see it?! Everyone!"

"As expected of me! If you want to do it, you can still do it!"

As Musashi's words fell, the entire video also dimmed at this time.

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing this video, the people from the world of Chaos and Chaldea The contact was severed with Musashi.

They were all a little emotional.

【Cu Chulainn: So, the connection between Chaos and the Chaldean world is severed?!】

【Doctor Roman: It should be cut off. Otherwise, the Chaldean world in the video will not recover and will still remain the scene of being invaded by Chaos.】

【Da Vinci; Yes, Romani, the scene in this video does show that the world in the video has returned to normal, which means that Musashi has been completed. at this point】

【Diarmait: Ah, that’s really good! Being able to fight against such a powerful being and also defeat this being's conspiracy is really aspirational! It's a pity, I have already sworn to be loyal to the Lord to the death, otherwise, I really want to go and see it. 】

Other servants, after seeing Diarmait’s words.

They all nodded.

After becoming heroic spirits, in addition to their own wishes, they are also very eager to fight with strong men!

Especially those heroic spirits who were very warlike when they were alive!

Even more eager! at this time. in this video.

The inventory related to Khaos also disappeared at this time.

The big golden characters appeared again


"Oort is a spider-like creature that fell in South America before AD. It is about 40 meters long and has extremely strong offensive capabilities. As an offensive creature, it can be said to have abilities from a different dimension."

"For"Aristotle (Ultimate One)" who came from the distant Oort Cloud, also known as"Ultimate Single Species""、"Aggressive life form""!......(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Magicians and servants in various worlds, after seeing this Ort.

Also a little helpless.

These four powerful ceilings!

Except for the Awakened Ones, everyone else is here to invade!

Basically, it is not beneficial to the entire world!

This simply makes the magicians and servants in various worlds not know what to say.

【Fujimaru Ritsuka: Why are the existences listed this time basically here to invade?! Even the enlightened being who is not here to invade basically does not have any good intentions.....】

【Merlin: Well, it does look like this now. I can only say that these powerful beings may have been invading each other at the beginning, but the awakened ones are actually quite kind to those who may be enlightened. of......】

【Dr. Roman; but that's only forMaybe they are just enlightened people. As for other existences, they are just sentient beings.】

【Amakusa: That being said, right now, what we should be discussing is Ort, isn't it?! This extremely powerful existence! I am very curious about which world this existence will appear in!】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka; I think, nine times out of ten, it will be the world of Chaldea......】

【Saber: Indeed, I also think that it should be in the world of Chaldea, and only in this world of Chaldea, so many powerful beings would appear......】

And the magicians and servants in each world.

After seeing these barrages, they all sighed secretly.

The world of Chaldea is really.....Unlucky[]

It was at this time. in the video.

A brand new video also appeared at this time.

An inexplicable sound also appeared when the video came on.

Tessatoripoca:"Then the planet will end"

"Of course, Mictlan will also disappear."

With the sound of this voice, the dilapidated environment also appeared in this video at this time.

Then, Oort's figure will appear at this time.

Then, the big golden characters, It was also at this time that it emerged again

"The purpose of Oort coming to the earth is to destroy the earth, and it naturally has the strength to match it."

"The shell on Oort's body is harder than all materials on the earth, which means that it is difficult to destroy the big spider's shell using physical means."

"Beyond that, the Great Spider, like Tiamat, has no concept of death."

Ah this!

Magicians and followers in various worlds all felt a little confused after seeing these large golden characters in this video!

This Oort turned out to be Mesopotamia. Like Tiamat, the creation mother goddess in sub-mythology, there is no concept of death!

This is...It really exceeded the expectations of all the servants and magicians!

【Two ceremonies:.....Is there no concept of death?! Then, my ability will also lose its effect on it. This thing is really more restrained for me.】

【Aoko: Well, is your special ability related to death?! What a powerful and extremely mysterious ability!】

【Kenneth;....Is magic related to death?!.....What a terrifying ability】

【Jin Shining: Although the ability related to death is very powerful, I am even more curious, how to defeat Alter in this video?! You must know that He himself has no concept of death. If so, how to defeat it?!】

【Doctor Roman: Perhaps, it requires a seal to be able to deal with this one, just like Tiamat. 】

These servants and magicians all had the same idea when they saw these barrages.

To be honest, in their opinion, this is the only way to defeat Alter, who has no concept of death!

After all, this was how Tiamat was defeated by the seal before.

If we do it again, it seems that it is not impossible.

400 is also at this time. in the video.

The big golden characters also appeared at this time.

"Ort also has the highest level inherent barrier, Crystal Valley."

"And the inherent barrier level is so high that it can compete with the real world for a long time, and even affect the laws of the real world."

"The"Crystal Valley" where Alter lives in South America is the habitat created by it using its inherent barrier ability."

Magicians and followers in various worlds.

After seeing these golden characters in this video, they didn't know what to say for a moment.

They all thought that this Alter had already It is very powerful, very heaven-defying!

Unexpectedly, there are even more heaven-defying ones!

He actually has an inherent enchantment that can affect the laws of reality!

This simply makes magicians and followers in various worlds start to Unexpected!

However, before the magicians and servants in various worlds could say anything more, a video quietly appeared in this video.

When the video lit up, a golden Orr The special figure also appeared at this time!

The current Oort is extremely different from the blue Oort that appeared before!

Surrounding this Oort.

There is an extremely huge, positive It was a star that was constantly surging and exploding!

A golden light wheel also emerged from behind the golden Oort at this time!

Incomparably powerful power also spread out at this time.!

Magicians and servants in various worlds couldn't help but swallow their saliva after feeling the huge power released by this golden Alter.

The oppressive force of this golden Alter is really too powerful.!

Even the oppressive power of the previous Chaos is still stronger!

Of course, it is also possible that it is because Chaos is connected to the outside through the hole of the void.

But no matter what, the power of this golden Ort is There is no doubt about it!

【Amakusa: Hiss! How could this golden Oort have such powerful oppressive power! Really....Beyond my imagination!】

【Merlin: Not only is it beyond your imagination, even I did not expect that Alter still has such a powerful form! In this form, it feels like destroying a planet is just a matter of hands!!】

【Doctor Roman: Indeed, it is extremely simple to destroy a planet just by relying on the huge star behind him, not to mention completely ignoring the golden Oort of this star! I really don’t know how He became like this! 】.

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