Maybe there is a more powerful servant among them than Nero.

However, in front of the Awakened One, these followers, there is no difference between them and Nero!

【Saber: I really didn’t expect that the emperor of Rome would be so miserable. This enlightened being is really...Too strong】

【Red A Yes, I really didn’t expect that an awakened person would be so powerful. An awakened person like this, just standing there, seems to be invincible in the world.】

【Merlin: It’s not as if it’s already invincible in the world. To such an existence, all the followers in the world are just ants. 】

After seeing Merlin’s words, the magicians and servants in each world.

All fell silent.

To be honest, they really couldn't think of how to defeat this awakened being.

It was at this time. in the video.

After Nero saw this awakened man, he immediately stopped caring about anything else!

He immediately picked up his sword and rushed towards the Awakened One again!

And a golden weapon also appeared in front of the Awakened One.

Countless golden energy beams, once again like snakes, rushed towards Nero!

"All living things will perish, and all living beings will suffer reincarnation."

The voice of the Awakened One also sounded at this time.

And at this time, dark red energy rays appeared on Nero's body.

Nero, covered with these dark red energy rays, also quickly dodged these golden energy beam


Then, with a loud roar, the long sword in his hand pierced the Awakened One's head again!

"Bah, bah, bah!!!"

Just like before, Nero's long sword stopped an inch in front of the Awakened One.

Then, it began to consume crazily with the dense energy shield!

Countless energy rays and energy flames kept shooting out. And come out!

However, the enlightened one didn't care about this at all, and still spoke indifferently

"He used his strong will to survive to open up the path to enlightenment, and he already had a god in his heart."


Nero shouted again, and the strength in his hands further increased!

But.....Still of no use.

Her weapons can't break through that protective shield at all!

And the magicians and followers in various worlds.

They all swallowed their saliva.

They never thought that the golden object extending from the huge golden wheel could release so many energy beams!

Moreover, these energy beams will track the enemy and attack on their own, just like they are alive.

And it will not disappear after the attack

【Joan of Arc:....this....That huge golden wheel....Was it also done by an awakened being?!】

【Amakusa: It seems so, but I don’t know why, the awakened one didn’t use this huge golden wheel.】

【Cu Chulainn: Ah, this is true. Before, we never thought that just a small part of this huge golden wheel would have such a powerful attack capability. This is....Really exceeded our expectations】

【Saber: Look at the back. My intuition tells me that the more shocking things are still behind. I always feel that there will be a bigger attack soon. The emperor of the Roman Empire may be here. That's it. 】

After seeing Saber's barrage, the servants in each world also nodded slightly.

To be honest, even if Saber didn't say it, they still had similar feelings.

Because, in this video, Nero has no chance of victory at all.

No, it should be said that there is no possibility of hurting the Awakened One at all.

That dense light was like a chasm separating Nero and the Awakened One. in the video.

The Awakened One looked at Nero who was constantly increasing his strength.

He also stretched out his hand and placed it on Nero's abdomen.



The golden energy light flashed away.

"puff!!!", a large amount of blood was sprayed out directly by Nero, and her abdomen was directly pierced by the golden energy light!

After suffering such a heavy injury, Nero also lost all his strength, and his body fell directly back..

Countless blood was also spilled from Nero's body.

When reflected with the golden light in the sky, it had a strange sense of beauty.

The Awakened One just looked at the falling Nero indifferently.

(cebe) In his eyes, there is no wave in the ancient well

"The path is not unique. Just as people's good and evil are inherently worthless, people's knowledge will not change the way the world should exist."

Those followers.

When they saw the scene where the Awakened One completely made Nero lose his ability to fight with just one move, their pupils shrank suddenly!

They had tried their best to increase the ability of the Awakened One before. imaginary!

But now, they discovered that their understanding of the Awakened One was still too shallow.

【King of Conqueror: Did he kill the little emperor of the Roman Empire with just one blow?! What a terrifying strength】

【Jin Shining: Well, as you said, the conquering king, this awakened being is indeed very powerful! Worthy of the combat power ceiling! However, compared with the previous gem man, this still lacks something.....Something decisive!】

【Doctor Roman; King of Heroes, what you want to say is the ability to manipulate the world, right?! If you can take stock of this video, you will see it soon. It is an extremely powerful ability that belongs to the Awakened One alone and is no weaker than the Gemstone Man!】

【Glittery; is it? I, the king, will wait quietly. 】

Other servants couldn't help but look forward to it after seeing the barrage of Jin Shining and Doctor Roman.

Indeed, as Jin Shining said, the Awakened One has already demonstrated his powerful power!

However, they are even more curious, what is the ability of the Awakened One?!


Inside the tower.

Merlin looked at these barrages from the King of Heroes and Doctor Roman.

For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

His clairvoyance can only see the present.

It’s not like Solomon’s clairvoyance, which can see the past, present and future!

Therefore, he didn't know what the Awakened One's ability was.

I just have a vague concept.

Now, after hearing what Dr. Roman said, I am also looking forward to it!

"The true ability of the enlightened being?!"

"Really....look forward to!"

At this time.

In the video, as the Awakened One's words fell, in the sky, next to the huge golden wheel, the golden column also split into two, turning into a sharp spear full of destructive power.

Pointing downwards fall down

"call out!!"

These golden spears immediately pierced Nero's body without any hesitation!


Then, this golden spear took Nero's body directly and kept falling down!

At this moment!

On the real ground!

A group of castle buildings also appeared in this video.

A girl whose lower body had disappeared and a huge hole appeared in her abdomen also appeared in this video.

She leaned against the wall and looked into the sky. The hope contained in it turned into a void at this time. The voice of the speaker also sounded at this time

"The blood-stained king of war, enter nirvana here."

At this moment, the huge golden spear, also carrying Nero, fell from the sky! The dazzling golden light also illuminated the entire video at this moment!

The girl, at the moment she saw Nero, , her eyes also began to slowly close. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, before the girl's eyes could completely close, the whole world fell into darkness.

But, this Darkness is just the darkness before the brightest light emerges

"This is your final salvation!"

"call out!!!"


The next second!

A huge energy wave, like a nuclear bomb explosion, also erupted from the golden spear at this moment!

Everything in the world, in front of this huge energy wave, was like powder, and was directly pushed sideways.!

"No need to show off your power to me!"

At this moment, the entire world was covered by strong energy light waves and dust all over the sky!

"No matter how much power you have, I will not be afraid"

"I just continued to meditate and waited for the opportunity to come."

Servants and magicians in each world[]

After seeing that just one energy golden gun caused such a powerful energy attack.

They all lost their voices on the spot.

They really didn't expect that a servant's energy attack, which was not a Noble Phantasm, would be so powerful!

This is simply.....They couldn't believe it at all!

Even in the follow-up period, the Awakened One did not show extremely powerful abilities!

Just relying on such a powerful attack!

He is worthy of the status of the Awakened One with the ceiling of powerful combat power! at this time. in the video.

The dust also dissipated at this time.

A huge pothole also appeared in this video.

And in the very center of this huge pit, lay Nero.

At this time, she had not turned into energy particles and dissipated.

Instead, the golden gun turned into golden energy particles at this time, floating upwards.

At this moment.

High in the sky.

The figure of the Awakened One emerged once again.

As the entire video rose, an extremely huge golden wheel slowly floated in mid-air!

This extremely huge golden wheel directly envelopes the entire world!

Magicians and followers in various worlds, after seeing this extremely huge golden wheel.

Then it suddenly dawned on me.

This huge golden wheel that covers the entire world is probably the noble phantom of this awakened being!

That is the special ability of the awakened one!

【Jin Shining; Magic King, is this, you said, the powerful special ability of the Awakened One?! A golden wheel enveloping the world?!】

【Doctor Roman: Ah, this is the Noble Phantasm of the Enlightened One, the Holy King of the Heavenly Wheel! And this golden wheel that envelopes the world is just the small wheel of the Holy King of the Heavenly Wheel, the small treasure of the Awakened One. He still has a more powerful big wheel! And a more powerful Noble Phantasm!】

【Merlin: More powerful.....Big wheel?!】

【Doctor Roman: Yes, a more powerful wheel! It is not shown in this video, but according to legend, the great wheel of the Awakened One can dominate the entire world of spiritual beings, and can even control....Holy Grail War!】

【Kenneth:!!! Control, Holy Grail War!! How can this be!!】

【Why is red A impossible?! The Gemstones can change the world line at will, why can't the Enlightened One control the Holy Grail War?!】

【Sparkling gold; besides that, Magic King, you haven’t mentioned the great treasure of the Awakened One yet!】

【Dr. Roman:...The Great Noble Phantasm for the Enlightened One....To be honest, I have never seen it, but I have heard of it, that great Noble Phantasm is called"Reincarnation"! Moreover, this great Noble Phantasm can allow enemies to obtain final relief from endless pain......】

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing this barrage from Dr. Roman.

They all fell into silence.

They cannot understand what ultimate liberation is.

It is also impossible to understand whether this final liberation is physical liberation.

Or....From the beginning is the source, completely erased, and liberated?!

But no matter which one it is, it can prove that this awakened person is extremely powerful!

And, possessing super abilities beyond the imagination of these servants!

And it was at this time.

In this video, the inventory of enlightened beings ends here.

Later, brand new white and gold characters also appeared in this video.

"Star warrior!"

Magicians and followers in various worlds.

After seeing this white-gold characters.

Servants and magicians who have just recovered from the shock of the Awakened One.

Looking at this video, what appears The big white and gold characters of , doubts once again appeared in my mind

"Star warrior?!"

"What's this?!"

【Cu Chulainn: Who is this one?! I had never heard of it before!】

【Saber: Me too, I had never heard of this thing before!】

【Merlin:....I seem to know something, but not much...This thing seems to be an aggressive thing! Not a good thing!】

【Doctor Roman: Well, Merlin, you are right. Youxing's vanguard is a part of Youxing, and it is an existence specially designed to invade and capture other worlds! And all along, the moon and the earth have been the targets of aggression! It can harvest and plunder everything, not even souls can escape its plunder and harvest. In other words, that soul is what it harvests】

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