Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing this barrage said by Liang Li.

They all fell into silence.

To be honest, these magicians who participated in the Holy Grail War did it for their own desires.

They are here to participate in the Holy Grail War.

At the same time, they are all trying to satisfy their own desires and want to master magic!

In other words, as long as a magician pursues magic, it is basically to satisfy his own selfish desires.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t pursue this so-called magic! at this time. in the video.

In the video, the huge jet-black humanoid creature also directly attacked the magician who looked like Rin Tosaka!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The kelp-like dancing arms dragged out a huge ravine on the ground, and rushed straight towards the magician! The magician had already dodged backwards, and then faced the huge ravine directly. The jet-black humanoid giant fired an extremely thick gem energy beam!


Under the attack of this extremely thick gem energy beam, this huge humanoid creature was directly exploded!

However, the next second, this humanoid creature returned to its original state!

And the magician was also holding an energy dagger. Then he rushed towards the huge humanoid monster that had regenerated!

"Bang bang bang!!!"

"call out!!"

The huge humanoid creature looked at the magician who was rushing towards him.

His kelp-like arms instantly stretched out and shot towards the magician!

But the magician dwarfed and immediately glided and hid. He opened the outstretched arm!

Then cut off the arm with one knife!

"Bah, bah, bah!!"

In just the blink of an eye, the magician had already cut off several jet-black arms.

It was also at this time that the magician approached the huge humanoid monster!

He swung the gem dagger in his hand towards it!

"Rumble, rumble!!!!"

The violent energy impact burst out in an instant.

This powerful humanoid giant was about to be swallowed up!

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

Looking at this video, it is not the Gem Queen who is fighting.

They were somewhat disappointed.

But after seeing the powerful power blooming from the gem dagger, they all took back their thoughts.

Just a gem dagger has such powerful energy!

They I can't even imagine how powerful the gem man is!

【Cu Chulainn: Such a powerful force is really amazing!!】

【Kenneth: It’s really amazing! But don’t you think that in this video, the magician fighting the pitch-black humanoid giant looks very much like Tokiomi’s daughter?!】

【Emiya Shirou: It should be Rin, but I don’t know why it appears in this video】

【Tohsaka Rin; Shirou, you are among them, okay! I was not sure at first, but now I am sure that you are among them!】

【Red A, indeed, the male magician who appeared at the beginning was Saber's Caster, but where exactly is this place?!】

【Mapo: It should be the experience in other parallel worlds, or in other words, the situation in the future. In short, it will not be the current situation.】

【Tohsaka Rin: That’s what the master said. 】

In the world of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Tohsaka Tokiomi looked at this video. It was Tohsaka Rin who was fighting this huge jet black monster.

His expression was also a bit complicated.

How to put it, he was surprised that his daughter could meet a being like Gemstone Man in the future.

At the same time, I am also happy that my daughter can obtain such a powerful magic gift.

He was even more worried about his daughter fighting that huge monster.

All in all, I have mixed feelings. at this time. in the video.

The huge monster was completely killed immediately under the impact of this powerful energy!

It turned into countless smoke and dust, wrapping Tohsaka Rin in it!

"call out! `!"

A beam of energy emitting dense light rushed out from the smoke.

Then, Tohsaka Rin also broke through the smoke and jumped out of the air.



It's just that after she came out, two identical giant pitch-black humanoid monsters came out of the darkness. They were eyeing Tohsaka Rin!

Tohsaka Rin naturally discovered this, but now she , is in mid-air.

There is no time to dodge.

But, there is no need to dodge!


The dazzling light bloomed from the gem sword at this time!

Under the guidance of this powerful energy!

Tohsaka Rin's body turned directly in mid-air for two and a half weeks, aiming the gem sword at the two huge The pitch black monster!


A more powerful energy impact rushed out from the gem sword!

In just an instant, the violent energy smashed the two monsters into pieces!

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing Tohsaka Rin, who was already at a disadvantage, just pointed the gem sword at the two monsters over there.

After the scene where the violent energy tore those monsters into pieces in an instant, everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

There is no doubt that every attack of this jewel sword is comparable to the power of some servants' noble phantoms!

Moreover, this is not an attack by the jewel man, but Rin Tosaka holding this jewel sword and launching it in a hurry s attack!

【Diarmait: It is truly a ceiling-like existence. Even this gem sword is so powerful!】

【King of Conquerors: Yes, even a magician holding his gem sword can fight some servants, right?】

【Saber: If you don’t consider the Noble Phantasm, in fact, some Masters can actually fight with Servants.】

【Diarmait: Master and Servant fighting?.....real or fake?! This is somewhat unlikely....】

【If I hadn’t seen Red A before, I wouldn’t think it was possible, but.......】

【Medea: I just blessed Ichiro with 100 million points of enhanced magic. I didn’t break the rules, did I?!】


In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Cu Chulainn looked at this video, and in this video, it was the contents of the barrage chat.

Immediately some of them didn’t know how to do it!

No, what does this mean?!

It shouldn’t be!

Even if Caster blessed her Master with enhanced magic, she wouldn't be able to fight Saber, right?!

And at this time.

The scene in the video has also changed.

That's a field of white flowers.

The gem man holds his cane and looks ahead quietly!

The girl in front also turned to look at Gemstone Man.

Above the sky, there is a full moon, shining quietly below!

Those white petals are flying in the moonlight. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The entire video also freezes at this moment!

And the magicians and servants in each world.

Look at the last scene in this video.

Also a little confused.

They really couldn't understand this last scene!

What does it mean?!

Not only did the gem man appear, but a girl also appeared.

And this girl still didn't show her face.

No matter how you look at it, they are all somewhat incomprehensible!

Just when the magicians and servants in each world felt confused.

It was also at this time that the video on the parchment turned into energy particles and merged into the parchment.

The entire parchment scroll was also closed at this time.

Then, they disappeared from every world.

But even this parchment disappeared.

Magicians and followers in various worlds still don't understand what this is all about.

Why does this scene appear at the end?

What is the use of this?

What does it still mean?

Apart from the magicians in that world, I can’t understand what the magicians in other worlds think.

But even the magicians in that world are not sure.

Who is the girl in this video?

Is she a real princess or.....other....

After all, those who look similar...Not nothing.

What's more, in this video, there is only one figure from behind.

As time goes by.

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

They also gave up the idea of ​​thinking about the last scene of Gemstone Weng’s inventory video.

How can they understand the thoughts of this ceiling figure, the Jewel Man?

And how easy it is to understand the purpose of this inventory video?!

If you don't understand it, then suppress it for now, and maybe you can understand it later.

It was at this time.

Parchment scrolls also appeared in various worlds.

Those magicians and servants, look at this parchment!

They all paid attention to it

【Tokiomi Tosaka: In the last inventory video, we took stock of powerful beings like the Jewel Man. What will we take stock of this time?!】

【Cu Chulainn: Judging from the previous situation, this time there should be a heavyweight!】

【Saber: That should be the case. I also feel that this inventory battle will also be very grand! Moreover, it will still have a great impact on mankind!】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka: A battle that has a great impact on mankind? Could it be that it was a battle with a beast?! 】

Other servants and magicians also had the same idea.

A battle that can have a great impact on humanity.

There is only a battle with the beast.

After all, beasts are here to destroy humans, and only by fighting Beast can we meet this influence!

This is the time.

The parchment scroll slowly unfolded, and the large golden characters also emerged!

【Taking stock of the top ten famous battle scenes in the moon world!】

【TO4 Championship Seven Riders VS Alien God! 】!!!

Servants and magicians in various worlds.

They are all very shocked!

They only thought that this inventory was an inventory of the battle between Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others and the beast.

I never expected that it would be a battle between a crowned servant and an alien god!

【Saber: A battle between a crowned servant and an alien god?! this........It's somewhat beyond my expectation】

【Cu Chulainn: Yes, Saber, not only is it beyond your expectations, most of the servants and magicians would not have thought of this! This is really shocking!】

【The King of Conquerors is indeed like this. Who would have thought that this would be a battle between a crowned servant and an alien god!! I don’t know, who are these servants of this title?】

【Doctor Roman; Merlin should be the crowned Caster, Wang Hasa should be the crowned Assassin, and Orion should be the crowned Archer. As for the other crowned Cong (obtained Zhao), I don’t know much about it.】

【Glittery gold; hum! If I were Saber, it would still be a title even if I didn't guarantee it, but it's Archer and Caster. The titles of these two job agencies have already been decided! snort! 】

Magicians and servants in other worlds saw the golden barrage.

They all smiled.

And indeed it is.

When the King of Heroes is summoned, any job description is good, and they all have the potential to become a first-ranked servant.

But the best thing to do is become Archer and Caster.

Archer, this Orion has already taken possession of it, this one is basically unshakable.

Orion was the first archer, and he was also the superman who made the moon god fall in love with him in a human body!

After his death, he ascended to heaven and became a star. He was crowned Archer.It is essentially unshakable!

As for the crowned Caster, that was originally Solomon’s position!

In front of this Magic King, although the Hero King's magic attainments are also very high, they are somewhat unsatisfactory.

As for after the Magic King Solomon became a human, Merlin occupied the Caster crown one step ahead of the Hero King.

Basically, the King of Heroes, currently serving as Archer, is unlikely to regain the title of Caster.

However, after the Conqueror King mentioned this.

Magicians and followers in various worlds also became curious.

These are seven crowned servants who fight against the alien god.

Who are they? still!

It is also under the expectations of magicians and servants in various worlds.

The large golden characters on the parchment also turned into golden energy particles at this time and merged into the parchment!

Then, a pitch-black video appeared in the parchment..

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