After seeing this question about King of Conqueror.

It is rare that Merlin has not once again whetted the appetite of the servants and magicians in various worlds.

Instead, he directly stated the difference.

【Merlin: King Hassan is the original Assassin and the Hassan who supervises other Hassan. However, he has always refused the title. This may be related to his experience. 】

Magicians and servants in various worlds, after seeing Merlin's barrage.

They all nodded slightly.

If it were just that, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Whether he has the title or not does not affect the strength of this person.

It was at this time. in the video.

The figure of the second beast Tiamat also disappeared.

Later, the large platinum characters appeared again in this video.

【The third beast, Kama/Mara, the beast of"love and desire"! 】

After this large platinum character appeared.

The magicians and followers in each world do not have much fluctuation.

After all, in the corresponding myths and legends, Kama/Mara itself is one and the same with two sides, if he turns into a beast.

Although the magicians and servants in each world were surprised, they were still able to accept it.

It was at this moment that the figure of the third beast also emerged!

This is a pseudo-servant that looks very similar to Matou Sakura.

She is the half-body of the beast who holds the principle of"love"!

The God of Love in Indian mythology appears in this world with Matou Sakura as her dependent body!

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Emiya Shirou looked at the third beast in this video with surprise on his face!

Before"510", Istar looked like Rin Tosaka, and now this third beast is very similar to Sakura Matou!

This made Shirou Emiya confused for a moment.

"Why is the third beast in this video so similar to Sakura-san?!"

Saber on the side also pondered for a moment after hearing Emiya Shirou's words.

Then she said

"Maybe, I just came here in this body."

"Didn’t the first beast come in the body of King Solomon?!"


Emiya Shirou also nodded slightly after hearing Saber's words. It seems that this is the truth.

The same.

On the other side. On

Rider's side, Matou Shinji looked at the third beast in this video.

His face was full of emotions. Unbelievable!

But soon, these unbelievable emotions turned into some kind of morbid emotions!

"why why?!"

"Why does this third beast look so much like that damn guy?!"

And Medusa just glanced at Shinji who was as incompetent and furious as a clown.

Then she ignored him.

She didn't have a good impression of Matou Shinji.

At this time, in the video,

Kama/Mara is just like the legend. There are also two sides of good and evil.

When it is dominated by Mara, she is the third Beast!!

It is at this time.

The duality of Kama/Mara in the video is also in the video It began to manifest.

At the beginning, it was Kama.

After he appeared, he released the Noble Phantasm directly!

"Come, shoot the arrows of lust!"

The moment the true name of the Noble Phantasm was released!

Kama directly released a blue energy beam!

This blue energy beam soared into the sky!

"Whoosh! Whoosh!!!"

The next moment, these energy beams turned into energy arrows, directly hitting the flying dragon in front!

Under the attack of the Noble Phantasm, these flying dragons lost their vitality in just an instant!

However, the Noble Phantasm did not cause this. And it's over!

It's still going!

"I no longer have a body, reduced to a void connecting everything."

Under the extension of the true name of this Noble Phantasm, countless energy particles began to gather crazily. The entire world also turned into a void!

Then, the perspective of the entire video also continued to stretch and stretch at this time, Stretch it again!

Until the body of the third beast that connects everything emerges!

The true name of the last Noble Phantasm really emerges at this time.

"——I am anxious because of love, because of love!"

Magicians and followers in various worlds all looked at the video in amazement at the figure of the third beast that connects heaven and earth.

At the beginning, the first beast did not show such a terrifying posture!

That empty body that connects everything really makes the magicians and followers feel a little uneasy.

【Kenneth: Is this the real Noble Phantasm of the Third Beast?! This is really.....It's too shocking! That figure that connects everything is really....incredible....】

【Matou Kariya; not only that, in this video, only a small part of the third beast's body is revealed, which means that the third beast's body....Bigger than we imagined!!】

【Amakusa: Ah, that's natural. This is the void that connects everything!! Of course it is huge!!】

【Weber: But even so, it’s too much!!】

【Amakusa: That's the third beast! Isn't it normal to be bigger?! 】

But, even so.

Amakusa's remarks are still unable to overwhelm the fear that the magicians and servants in each world have for the huge body of the third beast!

This huge body connected to the void is really.....Beyond the imagination of all existence!

This makes the magicians and followers in various worlds feel like this.

This third beast can easily destroy all humans just by relying on its body!

It was at this time.

In the video, the ranking of the third beast is not over yet.

After the end of the first Noble Phantasm.

The true form of the third beast also emerged at this time!

His real posture is completely different from the previous one!

All around Him there was only deep darkness.

The next moment!

His precious phantom also bloomed at this time

"Longing for everything to turn into dancing petals"!

"Burned up in the abyss of nothingness!"

After the liberation of his true name, countless purple petals appeared all over his body. When these purple petals dissipated, half of the third beast's body appeared in this video. He looked at himself with a smile. The blue sphere in the hands

"Fall in love, love ends!"

This last true name also appeared completely at this time!

Magicians and followers in various worlds.

After seeing this scene, they all looked at each other.

Before, they thought that it was the third person. The true posture of the beast! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now, after seeing the posture behind it, they discovered that what they knew about this third beast before was completely true. wrong!

【Cu Chulainn: Is this the true form of the third beast?! This is really...It’s a little too scary! 】

Other magicians and servants also nodded slightly after seeing Cu Chulainn's barrage.

Indeed, the true form of this third beast.

It directly refreshed their understanding of this third beast.

【King of Conqueror; yes, the third beast in this video is really beyond my understanding of beasts. This is true.....beyond my expectation】

【Jin Shining: I never thought that there is such a beast! Even I, the King, find it a bit tricky when facing such a Noble Phantasm.......】

【Diarmait: Even the King of Heroes would find it difficult when facing this third beast?!】

【Glitter:....This is natural. Although I am powerful, these beasts are not ordinary guys. 】

At this time. in the video. , the previous video about the third beast also disappeared at this time.[]

Then, the large platinum characters appeared again in this video at this time.

【The fourth beast, Kiara of Sesshōin, is the"happy" beast! 】

? ? ? ?!!!!


The demonic Bodhisattva from before was also a beast?!

Magicians and followers in various worlds, after seeing the large platinum characters in this video.

It’s all a bit unbelievable!

【Cu Chulainn: No, this one, Miss Kiara, is a beast?! Wouldn't that mean...In Chaldea, the beast was summoned! ?】

【Medusa: It's unbelievable! Chaldea's Master Fujimaru Ritsuka actually summoned this beast!!! This is really....incredible】

【Diarmait: However, I was thinking about other things. When I was taking stock of the Demonic Bodhisattva, in the end, it seemed that Fujimaru Ritsuka was brought into the palm of my hand by that Demonic Bodhisattva....What will happen in the end?.....】

【Cu Chulainn:.....No matter how you think about it, it can’t be a good thing.....This is a beast.....If it falls into His hands, it will only be a tragedy........】

【King of Conquerors: Indeed, being sucked dry is the best outcome........But as Fujimaru Ritsuka is the master of this beast, it should be better......It's not like I won't even be able to breathe, right?.....】

In the world of Chaldea0......

After Fujimaru Ritsuka saw the white and gold characters in this video.

Immediately I felt a little tingling all over my body.

This is really tingling!

That's a beast!!

In the future, he actually summoned the beast!

This is simply.....incredible!

And not only that, in the inventory video, he was finally left in the world in the palm of his hand. this.....Just thinking about it made Fujimaru Ritsuka feel uncomfortable all over.

I always feel like I'm trapped inside.

If that's really the case.

Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't accept it at all!

He could accept that he fell on the road to save humanity, but he absolutely could not accept that he fell at the hands of his followers. this is really....It’s too frustrating!

It was at this time. in the video.

After the large platinum characters disappeared.

The figure of Sesshōin Kiara appears in this video.

Like the third beast, at the beginning, what Sesshōin Kiara appeared was not the true form of the fourth beast.

This is the half body of the beast that holds the principle of"Happiness".

She also has an extremely large body.

In front of her body, the blue planet was as big as a small glass bead.

She is also the enemy of the Enlightened One, a stunning beauty dressed in a nun's costume.

This is also the same form as Sesshōin Kiara's at the beginning of the inventory video.

At the beginning, this was the posture of Sesshōin Kiara!

Until later, when Fujimaru Ritsuka's words to Nao Man became unbearable.

That’s when he returned to his true form!

At this moment, in this video.

The fourth beast also showed its own Noble Phantasm!

"Enlightenment and liberation are at my fingertips."

The true name of the Noble Phantasm appeared.

Then, several white bone hands appeared around Kiara, the Sesshōin.

They protected Kiara, the Sesshōin.

Then, a space crack appeared, and Expanded!

All the enemies standing in front of Sesshōin Kiara were absorbed into it!

Not only that, in the cracks in the space, there were also weird creatures faintly emerging.

Countless white creatures His hands also rushed out from the space crack and grabbed the enemies!

The next moment!

Sesshōin Kiara's entire body also appeared in this video.

Moreover, the space crack also appeared in this video. On the abdomen of Sesshōin Kiara.

With this, Sesshōin Kiara closed the cracks in his abdomen.

All enemies entered the stomach of Sesshōin Kiara.

"The happy heavenly fetus is hidden in mandala."

The true name of the Noble Phantasm was also fully revealed at this time.

Then, a galaxy with Sesshōin Kiara as the center appeared in this video.

Magicians and followers in various worlds.Looking at the scene in this video, they all took a breath.

Immediately, they all felt an indescribable feeling.

This was really beyond their knowledge!

They originally thought that the third beast's The scene already made them feel extremely frightened!

They never expected that this fourth beast would be even more terrifying!

This fourth beast not only created a galaxy centered on itself!

But it was also an awakened being. Enemies!

Although magicians and followers in various worlds don’t know much about the Awakened One!

However, before, whether it was the crowned Caster Merlin or the human being transformed by the Magic King Solomon - Roman Doctors are all very taboo about the Awakened Ones.

They don’t even dare to say more.

This already reflects the terror of the Awakened Ones!

And the fourth beast, who is the enemy of the Awakened Ones, can still live so well.

It’s already You can understand the horror of this demonic Bodhisattva!

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