Orlando didn't react at all to the girl's taunt.

In other words, it is still difficult to make him have mood swings now.

"That's right!"

After hearing Orlando's words, the girl immediately laughed out loud!

"Amazing! Amazing! However, this is a little different from patriotism, right?"

"Because if you really like this country, you won’t say that this kind of thing is justice!"

Orlando's reply was still bland.

"Maybe, but I'm pretty confident that this action is the result of a deep belief in what to believe."

"Although, our justice may not be called justice at all to the Holy Grail."

The girl didn't pay too much attention after hearing what Orlando said.

For the Holy Grail, nothing is just.

"no problem, no problem"

"Ruler, who is responsible for mediating, will not participate in this Holy Grail War."

Orlando was clearly shocked by the news.


After saying this, the girl immediately became excited.

"The Holy Grail War in Snow Town is about to transform from fake to real!"

"And then go off track!"

"In this way, Ruler will be completely unable to intervene."

"As long as someone summons another rider,"

"We can do whatever we want!!!"

"Enjoy the Holy Grail War!!"

"This is something extraordinary!"

"You can ravage that holy virgin again to your heart's content, and even turn her into cinders without even being used as pig feed!"

"so amazing!! marvelous!!"

"Then Ruler is here!"

After Orlando replied, he also looked at the crazy girl indifferently.

Not only Orlando, but also the magicians and servants in various worlds looked at the crazy girl in silence.

For a moment In the meantime, I don’t know what to say.

There is something abnormal about this girl’s spirit!

【Ku02 Chulin; Is there something wrong with this woman’s brain?! Why do I feel like she is so excited?!】

【Joan of Arc: Maybe, it’s not that I’m mentally ill, but I just want to torture me.....Although I don't know this guy, the malice in her is beyond the sky!】

【Amakusa: Hiss, but having said that, Ruler, it seems you are not the only one. Joan of Arc, maybe I am not talking about you.】

【Joan of Arc; I am indeed not the only Ruler, but....The woman in this video is probably talking about me, this is my feeling】


It was at this time. in the video.

After the girl finished her sexual intercourse, she also looked at Orlando next to her.

"In this way, don’t you think it is a great thing?"

And Orlando, after hearing this, reacted

"If necessary, I will do as you say"

"But this behavior is really not worthy of praise."

This girl is not very satisfied with Orlando's words.

"Very stiff, my head is as hard as a stone"

"Aren't you tired of being the righteous party?"

"It's easier to act like a bad guy!"

"No matter what you do, just say"I am a bad person""

"It’s easy to pretend to be crazy!"

"Because no matter what you do, as long as you use your madness as a shield, everything will be settled!"

"Ah, this method is more just and just the same!"

This girl seemed to be unaware, tingling Orlando's nerves.

But Orlando did not have any reaction as she thought, and remained silent.

The girl did not pay attention, but started other things. idea

"By the way, that fake Caster, he wants a beautiful woman, right?"

"So you want me to be his partner?"

With that said, the girl also lifted up her skirt.


Fake Caster?!

What does this mean?!

Could it be that in the Holy Grail War in Snow Town, there are still two real and fake job agencies of the same kind? Servant?!

【Conqueror: What does this mean?! Could it be that in this Holy Grail War, there are real and fake job agencies?! In this case, it would be too ridiculous!】

【Kenneth: It’s not impossible. After all, this is a fake Holy Grail War that imitates Fuyuki City’s Holy Grail War. It’s normal to change some things midway.】

【Mapo: Oh, it’s such a pity. I can’t go to a place like this. It’s such a pity.......】

【Tohsaka Rin:...Master, what bad things are you thinking about again? How do I feel that if you pass by, something bigger will happen?......】

【Mapo: I am just an ordinary priest, what can I do?! It's just a pity that I missed a Holy Grail War. 】

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Tohsaka Rin looked at the barrage posted by Mapo in this video.

His face was full of disbelief.

As a disciple of Mapo, she knows Mapo’s temperament very well!

It was obvious that his master wanted to go to those places to have fun!

Although Tohsaka Rin didn't know why his master, a priest, had such bad taste. but......When he thought about the virtues of the entire church, Tohsaka Rin felt that a master like this was pretty good.

It’s much better than those guys who say one thing on the surface but another behind the scenes!

It was at this time. in the video.

After hearing what the girl said, Orlando immediately said to the girl

"Don't mind your own business! Get back now!"

After hearing what Orlando said, this girl was not playing tricks this time.


"I will wait obediently until it is my turn to appear!"


With the sound of opening and closing the door, the girl's figure also disappeared.

But Orlando kept looking out the window without any reaction.

After a long time, he slowly spoke.

"Just think of yourself as the mastermind behind the scenes."



At this moment, a blue thunder fell from the sky!

It flashed and exploded in the entire night sky!

The entire night sky was illuminated by this blue lightning!


"Hoo ho ho!!"

At this time.

In the forest.

In the heavy rain, a figure was running wildly.

But soon, the figure stopped and fell to the ground.

A man came over with a pistol.

The pistol was on , which is also exuding curls of white smoke.

"You actually caused trouble for me!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Why did the Command Seal appear on you?"

As he said that, the man also pressed his pistol on the wound!

"Why do you think I made you?!"


As he said that, the man who broke the defense directly hit the objects on the ground with his pistol.

"Why do you think I pushed your magic circuit to the limit?"

"What is it for?"

"You are the catalyst!!"


He kicked it again, and blood sprayed out from the wound!

"It's an honor to be the catalyst for summoning God, so why wouldn't you accept it?"

"Bang bang bang!!!"

The man who broke the defense said while frantically kicking the animal that had lost its ability to resist.

"There is no need to repay kindness with hatred!!"

"live on..."[]

But, at this moment, a misty voice sounded.

However, this man didn't care and was still expressing his emotions crazily.

"Forget it, I have a spare one, you just need to give me the Command Seal back!"

"Then, just die!"

Stay alive...live on....."

The misty voice sounded again.

Countless images flashed crazily throughout the video at this time!

In a daze, a huge tree also flashed past!


The howl of the wolf also sounded without any scruples at this time!

"Click, click, click!!!"

"Bah! Bah! Bah!!"

After the wolf howled, the blue lightning formed into a huge tree at this time!

The light representing the summons also lit up at this time!

The man also lit up at this summons. The moment he got up, he hurriedly stepped back.

Then, he looked at the summoned boy in panic.

When the boy came out, the summoned light also dissipated at this time!!!!


Shining Shining saw After the summoned servant, his pupils suddenly widened!!

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise!

【Jin Shining: I didn’t expect that this Holy Grail War would actually summon my best friend! Ha ha ha ha!!! I really didn’t expect that!! It seems that this hypocritical Holy Grail War is not without success!!!! Hahaha!!】

【King of Conquerors: Shining’s best friend?! Could it be....That legendary humanoid weapon—Enkidu?!】

【Cu Chulainn: It must be!! Only he could make the King of Heroes lose his temper like this!】

【Joan of Arc: But I remember that this person seems to be created by God, right?! In other words, he can also be regarded as a different kind of follower of the gods?!】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka: No wonder this time is called the most magnificent Holy Grail War in history! This can indeed be regarded as the most magnificent Holy Grail War in history!】

【Amakusa: That....If I'm not mistaken, this Enkidu's Master seems to be a....Animal Bar.....】

【Glittery gold;? ? ?!!!!】

【Conquering King;? ? ? ?】

【Cu Chulainn: Sometimes, animal Masters are much better than human Masters. At the very least, they won’t interfere in your battle.】


It was at this time. in the video.

After Enkidu was summoned, he looked directly at the animal

"You are....The Master who summoned me?"

Just when Enkidu was saying this, the falling raindrops were also frozen in the air at this moment.

After Enkidu finished speaking, these raindrops all fell together!

After finishing speaking, Enkidu also took steps towards the man.

Then, he directly ignored the man, walked to the animal, and slowly squatted down.

"Thank you, the contract is established."

Then, he picked up his animal Master

"Impossible 210!!!!!"

That man directly broke through the defense!

The catalyst he cultivated not only had the command spell, but also summoned the servants!!

This directly allowed him to break through the defense!

"How can it be!!!"

Without any hesitation, the man who broke through the defense immediately raised his gun and pointed it at Enkidu!

"How could such a thing happen!"

"beast actually....The synthetic beast turns out to be the Master!!!!"

"Do not make jokes!"

However, Enkidu didn't pay any attention to this man's defensive words.

He picked up the synthetic beast from the ground, and then looked at the man behind him.

"Please put down your pistol. Master has no intention of killing you."

"I can understand its language. What kind of treatment Master has suffered from you is not difficult to imagine based on the current situation."

"But Master has no intention of killing you. You should understand this meaning."

After saying that, Enkidu ignored the man completely and turned around to leave.

And the man obviously couldn't accept it.

"Wait. Wait a minute! You want to get the Holy Grail too!"

"Instead of accepting this bitch as your Master, why not follow me?...."

However, he did not finish his words. In the middle of his words, Enkidu turned back and looked at him indifferently.

With just one glance, the pistol in his hand fell directly.

The breath of death strangled his throat in an instant!

Under this terrifying death threat, he turned around and ran away without any hesitation!

However, he was not reconciled!

After reacting, he also stopped.

"how comeGive up so easily, just release the remaining synthetic beasts"

"Such a trivial matter as scratching the head of a stupid dog..."

However, Fadius interrupted him at this time

"This would be very disturbing."

The moment he turned around, the dagger slit his throat.

"You causing trouble so blatantly will only cause more trouble to us!"

And the magicians and servants in various worlds also looked at the scene in this video indifferently.

They had no emotions about the man's death.

He was just an arrogant fool.

This If you plant something, it will be a good thing if you die!

If you don't die, it will only ruin the reputation of the magician!

【Glittery gold; hum! That guy Enkidu is still too kind! If it were me! There is no way this miscellaneous cultivator who dared to offend me would be allowed to die so quickly!】

【King of Conquerors; ah, this guy is really a clown! Being killed like this was really an advantage for him! 】.

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