To be honest, magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing Jack the Ripper in this video being forced into this state by Flatt.

They all showed smiles

【Kotomine Kirei: I didn’t expect that there would be a magician like this. This really exceeded my expectations. However, I can guess a few things by imagining the conversation between him and his master.】

【Kenneth: That's right. In this aspect, this kid is exactly the same as Webb!】


【Tokiomi Tosaka: Weber is still young now, so it’s normal for him to be rebellious. If you look at him in the future, won’t he become very good! 】

Magicians in various worlds after seeing the barrage in this video.

Immediately everyone was a little confused about what to say.

To be honest, they did not expect Tosaka Tokiomi and Kenneth to say such things.

But, this is indeed the truth.

It was at this time. in the video.

After hearing what Jack the Ripper said, Flatt immediately touched the back of his head.

"I get said like this very often!"

"Thank you!"

After hearing Flatt's words, even Jack the Ripper felt very speechless.

"I'm not complimenting you....."

"No, forget it. Let's not discuss this topic."

It's just that Flatt had other ideas.

"However, I like it very much"

"A mysterious weirdo like you whose true identity no one knows."

As for Jack the Ripper, he was obviously too hard to react by this guy.


It's just that Flatt doesn't care about this at all!

He only cares about whether this is cool or not!"

"Because it’s cool!"

"I'm glad you seem to be a good guy now."


At this moment, a flock of doves flew up!

Jack the Ripper's small voice also sounded at this moment!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Master, if you use my ability"

"can invade anywhere"

"After directly defeating the enemy's Master, what are your plans next?"

It's just that, facing the temptation like this,

Flatt didn't hesitate at all!


Lying down on the grass

"Anyway, the weather is so nice, come and bask in the sun!"

"Very comfortable!"

Jack the Ripper simply can't keep up with Flatt's brain circuit.

In his understanding, the Holy Grail War is an extremely cruel existence.

But here, this Master seems to have no such idea at all.

"What....?" the other side. in a dim environment

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Crazy laughter also sounded at this time!

The magician who was killed by Assassin before stood up again at this time!

"Oh, I'm really surprised that the Holy Grail has attracted such a huge problem!"

"Unexpectedly, the remnants of human nature that are so touching still remain in my heart."

As he spoke, the figure of Assassin could not help but appear in his mind.

This made him murmur.


"Is it pitiful Chu Chu?"

"Or is it honest, kind and beautiful?"

"Charming, beautiful, and exquisite?"

"Scenery is beautiful and lovely...."

"It's too bad. I obviously have so much time. I really should learn more about how to recite poems and write poems correctly. I can't find the words to describe her belief."

"However, so many amazing treasures"

"She was actually able to activate it multiple times without hesitation."

As he said that, the magician also tore off his clothes, revealing the hole that had been released.


As he rotated the dark red bead on his chest, a brand new bead also bloomed with crimson light at this time. The crimson magic lines also began to appear on his body at this time. ???? Not dead yet?! Not only is he not dead, but he has also opened up a new form?! Magicians and followers in various worlds are all looking at this video in surprise.

Then from the pile of dead people The one who stood up inside was the magician who was killed by Assassin at the beginning. Their faces were full of confusion.

【Cu Chulainn: This...This guy is no longer a human being. He can still survive after his heart is crushed.】

【Sasaki Kojiro: Of course this guy is not a human being. Didn’t you see that his body is covered with magic lines?!】

【Cu Chulainn:? ? ? Of course I saw this, but...I don’t know why the magician in this video looks like this....】

【King of Conquerors: I don’t know if I don’t know. Is this thing very important to us followers?! If it's not important, you don't need to worry about it. If it doesn't work, wouldn't it be better to just crush the body into pieces?!】

【Cu Chulainn: It seems, and indeed it is like this.....Really, after spending more time at this time, my way of thinking has changed......】

However, no magician or servants cared about this.

Their attention was focused on this video.

They want to know the magician who"came back from the dead" in this video.

What to do?!

It was at this time. in the video.

Along with that crimson bead bloomed a crimson light.

The magician's body also began to change.

His body began to mutate

"If she were to use the magic power of an ordinary magician, she would have used it up long ago."

As the physical body fluctuates, this body also changes its appearance.

From a middle-aged man to a young man

"It seems that it is too early to think that this world is boring."

Perhaps the only thing that remains unchanged is the two pairs of interlaced canine teeth.

"How could this beautiful assassin and her beliefs let these fade into obscurity?"

"Who can allow such a wasteful thing, let me make her famous!"

At this time, the command spell appeared on his body!

It was also at this time that his shadow turned into a bright red shadow.

"Let the soul, strength, and thoughts"

"Defiled, blasphemed, ridiculed, brought to submission and degradation!!"

Under this man's crazy voice, countless bright red blood slowly filled the ground at this time.

"There is no greater joy in the world than this!!"

"It will be fun!!"

"It’s so illusory!"

"It will be extremely beautiful, let that beautiful servant kneel down"

"Shatter her faith as her strength is drained"

"What kind of look will it make me see."

After saying this, this man became even more crazy.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Behind him, the already dead body also stood up at this moment.

Behind the young man who followed him.

Just after the bright red blood soaked the entire ground.

In various worlds The magicians all frowned at this time.

The man in this video does not look like a human being. Instead, he looks like a dark fantasy species - a vampire!

With such a method, And the ability to resurrect corpses in this way is very consistent with the description of this fantasy species.

Regardless of how the world in this video could have such a fantasy species.

Even if it is a fantasy species, it should not be crushed in the heart. Afterwards, still alive

【Kenneth; this...Why does it look so much like a fantasy vampire?! But, it doesn't quite look like it. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Tohsaka Rin: No, not necessarily. It could also be that the magician in this video transformed himself into what he looked like?!】

【Red A is not impossible, but how to do it? But even so, how could he still be alive after his heart was crushed, and moreover, he still changed his face, which is something ordinary magicians can't do!】

【Mapo:....This is indeed a problem....But what is going on? 】

Magicians and followers in various worlds have not negotiated a charter.

Call it magic transformation, but there is no magic like this!

But as for fantasy species, no fantasy species can survive after their heart is crushed!

By the way, get a new heart! at this time. in the video.

The lanterns are on.

The entire snow town is illuminated by these lights.

The top floor of a certain roof.

The CEO also spoke at this time

"Has the King of Heroes been summoned?"[]


A female voice sounded.

"It was reported that earlier, he had been under the command of Tini Chirk."

After hearing this information, the man directly gave the order

"What happened to the Cangqiu couple who proposed to join forces to join the war?"

And that female voice is reporting directly

"Before and after the promotion, I heard that the couple could not be contacted."

"The status of other Masters is also unknown."

"Although it has been confirmed that many magicians have entered the city, it is still unclear who has the command spell."

This man was very dissatisfied with this, but there was nothing he could do about it.

As long as the magician was not stupid, he would not reveal his command spell on his own.


"Unexpectedly, the city's surveillance system was completely useless."

But, what that female voice said was not all bad news.

"However, there is a magician in Central Park in the middle of the day"

"The command spell of fair appreciation"

"The servant seemed to have cast an illusion on him, and then he went to sunbathe!"

"But after that, the person sent to monitor was easily thrown away!"

"He seems to be a pretty capable magician."

"The origin is being confirmed now."

At this time, Flatt was writing furiously.

He glanced at the time from time to time and murmured to himself.

It was as if he was talking to someone.

But there was no one around him.

In that building , the man’s words sounded again

"Those who have received the propaganda should be very cautious now!"

"Those people from the government also caused me unnecessary trouble."

"Forget it, the King of Heroes will be the biggest obstacle no matter what!"

"Just get rid of him."

Having said this, the man has already made up his mind.

"call them over"

"Jingle Bell!!"

At this time, the phone rang!

"Jingle Bell!!"

The sudden ringing of the phone interrupted the man's thoughts at this time.

This made him sigh.

"Jingle Bell!"

After the phone rang again, he picked up the phone.

The scene also changed at this time.

【Weber: Huh?! Is this a scene change?! I still want to know who made the call to this man. I also want to know what his identity is and why he can check the entire city’s surveillance system.!】

【Tohsaka Rin; not only that, he also has a good relationship with the official, which is simply... a bit incredible!!】

【Kenneth: Yes, we magicians, generally speaking, draw a clear line from the authorities. They are really troublesome, and they can be stupid!!】

【Tokiomi Tosaka: That's not stupidity, it's just greed! The Lord of the Clock Tower! They are so greedy that they want to rule the entire magic world!】

【Kenneth: You're right, those whimsical guys are so disgusting! I don't want to see those guys again! 】

Magicians and servants in various worlds, after seeing the barrage of Kenneth and Tokiomi Tohsaka.

They all nodded in agreement.

Indeed, many official people have this idea.

Most of them did this. they are always arrogantBecause, I can control everything!

Be able to enjoy everything!

What a bunch of greedy scum!

It was at this time. in the video.

After the scene changed, a girl appeared in this video


"Thank you!!"

"dad. Mother!!"

She was holding a gift in her hand, and at this moment, her father put his big hand on her head. He said in a rather"loving" way.

"You're welcome, Xiaochun"

"Because you worked really hard!"

Her mother also came over at this time.

"That's right, after all, you are our most important treasure!"

After hearing this, Xiao Chun became obviously happy!

Then, he ran quickly to a place!

Then, he passed by a room full of darkness.

Then, he said to a creature in front of him

"Thank you, you helped call dad and the others, right?"

"Time and time!!"

While Xiao Chun was saying this, the lights around him kept flashing.

Finally, the whole room became dark.

Only the place where Xiao Chun came from was left with wisps of light.

Will Xiao Chun is shining in one of them...

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